Swans and Popcorn

in swans •  7 years ago 

Today I spent my afternoon hanging around... with ... swans. Yup, you heard it well. They are such a great company, I gotta tell you. When I just arrived, they were floating in their beauty, looking calm. And I got the idea of feeding them, people usually do that, right? They must have been hungry.

I got some popcorn, went down the rocky stairs to be as close as I could, but not to fall into the river. Ha, my sneakers were wet, but nevermind...I know I'm a bit crazy... And then...

Wow, they looked right at me. And they're big, real big. With big mouths. I look at them, they look at my popcorn. Should I just throw it or..thinking: „C'mon, they're just birds, they don't bite“.. and the next thought was: „I know how geese bite, those are daaangerous animals“ ... „Well, swans are not geese, they are not like that, they are well-mannered, unlike those angry geese at my grandmother's village that run after me whenever I vist; they can't be that bad. And they like to swim. No way they would get out of the water just to chew my finger. I guess they are not that hungry.“

„Ok. I Hope they are not.“

At first I took a piece of popcorn and threw it in the air. „Jump, jump, lil' one, get it“. My contribution to zoology, remember my words. Swans don't jump. I have a dog, so you can understand my enthusiasm.

So, I stretched my arm real close and dropped the popcorn.

The last time I counted, I still had ten fingers. Although I am not sure how much of the feathers had left on the swan next to the one who grabbed the food. I guess he was the gang's leader. Nobody gets his stuff, unless it is some real pretty chick.

Joking, I wasn't afraid. Not joking for the „ jump“ thing, though.

I took some photos (Zemun quay, Belgrade). If I were a skilled photographer, you would see those big mouths opening. I leave that to the professionals.. I wonder if they still have their fingers.

  • Click on the photos to enlarge them.

Have a nice day! And don't forget to feed the swans!

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And don't forget to feed the ugly duckling :)

haha kao da si znao, vidis da nisam zaboravio :D pravda za ruzno pace!! :D

I like swans too, and geese are mean annoying birds. I was last year on a lake during late spring and there were a few swans on a lake. And I had the only couple of bread pieces. When I got near the lake and throw that in water first 3 of them came and then in a minute there were 10 swans and 6 ducks :D

hahaha isto tako se desilo i kad su ove fotke napravljene. Zato je taj glavni ujedao sve ostale oko sebe :D

Awwww, they look adorable... But looks can be deceiving! Some of those beasts tried to attack me once and steal the keys from my bag :D :D :D

hahaha napreda neka vrsta, vec se loze i na kljuceve od kola i stana ..labudovi 21. veka :D

I got swans near my city. They are living in a small river that goes through small town and they're so cool. They look nice and friendly but somehow I find them strong and I'm not comfortable 100% when I'm near them xD I don't know, they just look strong to me xD

mislis kljunovi su im ogromni? :D nije ni meni bas bilo svejedno ali sam uspeo da odrzim dovoljnu razdaljinu, ali ipak da pridjem poprilicno blizu ..ovi su vise bili skoncentrisani na ostale labudove da ih gricnu da im ne bi pojeli hranu

ma vrat im je predebel, pari mi se da bi me istukli sa vraton hahaha neznam, čudno :D

haha moguce ..to mi jos nije palo na pamet kao opcija :D