Open confession:

in sweetsssj •  7 years ago  (edited)

ears back I learnt the shut cut of shutting down the system using the keyboard. Guess who taught me. I call him a born Engineer (Nathaniel Osung) who happens to be my little cousin. He was just 6 and I was 18.
See the age difference? yet I didn't allow d age difference deprive me of learning from him.
Dis was the conversion:
Natty boy: (shuts down d system without touching d mouse) (very fast))
Me: wow Natty how did u do dat? teach me nah....plzzz
Natty boy: (Smiles) Aunty Grace I won't teach u
Me: plz nah... Do it again
Natty boy: OK see o...
And that was it!
Kill pride today! No one knows it all! You may be shocked that your child, junior colleagues, junior staffs, etc knows it better in one aspect or the other!!!


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