Thank you Fine Warrior Victor Balbin for this Incredible, Telling link! What footage!
Yet another Reminder that if we don't know our History, we are destined to Repeat it!
Well Worth the Watch, you don't want to miss this!
Wow! Way back in 1976 where Mike Wallace states, "The Flu season is upon us.
Which type will we worry about this year?
And what kind of shots will we be told to take?"
He continues,
"Remember the Swine Flu scare of 1976?
Government told us it could turn out to be a killer that could spread across the nation.
And Washington decided that every man, woman and child in the nation should get a shot to prevent a nation wide outbreak, a #pandemic.
Well 46 million of us obediently took the shot and now 4,000 Americans are claiming damages from Uncle Sam amounting to $3.5 billion because of what happened when they took that shot.
By far the greatest number of the claims, 2/3 of them are from neurological damage or even death. Allegedly triggered by the Flu Shot.
Then Wallace shows footage and the push of FUD back from 1976.
Why does this look like a Rinse and Repeat of the cycle we have recently watched go down right after Bill Gates held Event 201 on October 18, 2019 on the very same day the 7th World Military Games were held in Wuhan China? Interesting?
Remember I told you satan is Not very creative. He uses the same methods and script mainly becomes those who are duped/hoodwinked Want It! They Want to feed into the Fear. They Choose to feed into the Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt, which goes Directly against what God said when He stated in His Word over and over. . .#FearNoMore. Remember, God IS the Word. He said so in John 1:1
John 1:1
King James Version
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
J=10, O=15, H=8, N=14 Total is 47 which encodes another 11 so this is the kind of 11:11 or Great Awakening you can take to God's Bank of eternal treasure. You know, the kind that doesn't turn to rust and moths!
Back to Wallace speaking,
"Thus the US governments publicity machine was cranked into action to urge all America to protect itself against the Swine Flu menace!
Then Wallace shows a commercial that says,
"Influenza is serious business.
During major flu epidemics millions are sick and thousands die.
Well this year you can get protection."
He continues in the government run commercial,
"Vaccines are safe, easy to take and they can protect you against flu.
So Roll Up Your Sleeve!"
That was their catch phrase and notice in the footage because you should Always verify what everyone that includes me says with your own ears and eyes, #TrustNoOne
Wallace continues his story,
"One of those who did roll up her sleeve was Judy Roberts.
She was perfectly healthy, an active woman.
When in November of 1976 she took her shot.
Two weeks later she said, she began to feel a numbness starting up her legs.
Roberts stated, "I joked about it that time, I said I'd be numb to the knees by Friday if this keeps up. By the following week I was totally paralyzed!"
Wallace states, "So completely paralyzed that they had to operate on her in order for her to breath.
Thank you again Victor, from this footage,
The Swine Flu Fraud of 1976 (60 Minutes with Mike Wallace)
Notes from Jon Log
This is what people should be zoning in on. If you think you have the goods on Trump, Prove it, then ask yourself did you hear about what Great Friends Charles was with Jimmy Savile.
Yet, since Epstein’s arrest in July, many of these older articles on Epstein and Maxwell, as well as those focusing on the Epstein-Prince Andrew relationship, have disappeared from the archives of several prominent U.K. media outlets that reported on these relationships years ago.
These lines are Quite Interesting considering his relationship to Donald Barr who was said to be part of the forerunner to the CI_ just as Sally Quinn's father, Buffalo Bill was! She was the one who purchased Grey Gardens formerly owned by JaCQUEline Kennedy's aunt and cousin. Also Quinn claimed she and her mother put hexes on people and she was the wife of the Newspaper Man. . .Ben Bradley. She mixed and mingled with elites from DC, old money getting the goods on people. Hmmm, sort of sounds like the line of work Ghislaine and Epstein were involved in to some extent. #Honeypot theme much?
Ties in with what I was pointing at here,
Who else finds it interesting that. . .
Donald Barr [William Barr, former AG's dad] who hired Epstein was part of the forerunner to the CI_?
If you start researching you will find. . .
- in the Times obit, it was reported that while at Columbia, he studied mathematics and anthropology at Columbia, and after graduating in 1941, joined the Army and served with the Office of Strategic Services in Washington and Europe.
- After the war, he returned to Columbia to teach, earned his masters degree and then completed coursework for a Ph.D. He segued from English to math and the sciences, social and physical and wrote elementary and middle school science and math textbooks.
- He taught at Columbia’s School of Engineering and led a program to recruit “promising elementary and secondary science students, including girls, and enlist them for advanced training at the school to help them rise to the college level.”
- Barr developed the University’s Science Honors Program which would be modeled by the National Science Foundation for similar programs.
Do you remember when he hired one. . .#JeffreyEpstein? - Barr hired the 21-year-old Epstein to teach mathematics and science courses at the Upper East Side school and he began work there in the fall of 1974 without a college degree. A report in the Times had an alumni say that Barr was less interested in credentials than in know-how.
- Did you know. . .Barr Wrote 2 Science Fiction Books; One About Interplanetary Slavery & Sexual Domination.
There's a Virus all right, but it's Not What People think! - Have you heard of the #EpsteinBarrVirus?
How about the #AliceInWonderlandSyndrome?
Here is the link with the rest of the info,
Read all of the separate article mentioned here, but didn't see where Trump was on the yacht with the girls as it mentioned of Prince Andrew. Interesting!
While several articles in the early 2000s describe Epstein as both “property developer” and “financier,” even earlier articles about Epstein refer to him exclusively as a “property developer.” For instance, the 1992 article in the Mail on Sunday cited above referred to Epstein as “a shadowy, almost maverick New York property developer” and noted that, even then, Epstein appeared “to have an inexhaustible supply of money and yet no one seems able to answer the question of precisely what the source.”
Not seeing where this implicates Trump. I know that as a business owner, just because others in my same business may be doing shady business, does not make me guilty by association.
If this is the evidence for allegations and defamation of character. . .it's weak at best.
2nd Mint Press Article
Jon accidentally gave me the same link twice. Will try to get the 2nd one from him.
I have done reports and Facebook Frames threads on much of what you have talked about, so have seen a lot of this. Been punished and taken down not only her on FB for talking about the Bill Gates, Epstein Connection, Clinton crimes, etc. and tried to show you my evidence on the Epstein Barr Virus. I was suspending numerous times on Twitter for reporting such truth and finally Permanently suspended Years ago.
My Pence traitor article with verification still makes the rounds, every once in a while someone sends it to me then realizes I write under that pen name. So I have indeed seen a Bunch of it. I never pretend to know it all as none of us ever do, but those of us who have been reporting on this veritable web of crime and deceit [as you are likely aware, satan spins a literal Web!] have certainly been exposed to a great deal and threatened.
YT harassed me when I had my channel, I put up with physical threats and people not just keeping it to YouTube comments but hunting me down under my small business to send me photos as they threatened me for exposing Schiff and a children's global org he was connected to. They send me photos of my kids, named them, sent me a photo of my bedroom showing me they knew my precise address. Both of my daughter's schools had bomb threats. I realize you might say they were "coincidence" or perhaps you realize #ThereAreNoCoincidences.
They wouldn't allow parents to get their children out of a school when there was a shooting in my town at a school and they moved kids from one school to my daughter's school Same Day, then my daughter's school had a bomb threat. I had already taken the school on in their unfair treatment including a pedophile teacher my daughter had who was indicted. I tell you all of this because possibly you have been put through the ringer yourself. Or what High Command calls put through the fire to see How You Will Come out! Now I got rid of my demons. . .they will attach themselves if there was a gateway opened and many don't realize the Numerous ways these portals can be opened.
Usually if you are the Called, satan is going to make sure you are tried by his standards also and when tell you, you are his. God literally gave me a wake up call and satan as to who I was when blue ball of lightening literally came down a few feet from me. You know those dreams where everything is happening in slow motion and as you run. . . you are screaming but have this feeling you are not going to escape or make it to safety in time? THAT times 10. As I turned shards from the bark of a tree at least a hundred years old flew past me and speared themselves into the wood siding. I was hit hard by something across my face and realized it was a piece of wood that hit me. Only later did it register how amazing it was that I got hit from a flat piece when I had gazed at all of the wood stuck like spears into the siding of the house. We lived on land once considered Indian owned lands, then an old farmstead where the main house once stood. As I ran to the door, I didn't know how my girls would even hear me as I could no longer hear Anything as wood and thunder continued all around. Got in the door and the girls were trying to say, the entire house had flashed with a bright white light, but had to read their lips, couldn't hear a word. Thought I was permanently deaf, but my hearing came back after about an hour.
1 Peter 1:7
“That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:”
Did I mention I'm a metal worker?
What happens when gold is put through the fire? When all the impurities are gone, you have 24-karat gold — the most valuable grade! A long time ago when Jesus spoke of the value he places on His true Sons and Daughters, He said, "Don't be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
That's what happened to me. I No Longer Feared what they could do to me in this realm.
I wasn't stupid. I slept with protection. We are our Best First Line of Defense.
When the headmasters at my daughter's school saw me coming that day in the wake of that school being on Lockdown. . .metal detectors outside, officers posted with them hands on weapons, yellow tape, parents standing outside of yellow tape filling out forms trying to get access to their kids, I let them know I wanted my daughter Immediately. Lo and behold out came a headmaster and tracked down the classroom where my daughter was hunkered down with classmates after being exposed to multiple ALICE drills, classroom door closed locked people terrified.
Link to thread involving Wexner mansion given to Epstein
Facebook Frames Disney Connection to #Epstein, #GhislaineMaxwell
Based on Q drops July 18, 2020, an anon forum and connections#therearenocoincidences
Many connections in here. What is the #BigPicture? If you're wondering how much of these players and actors connect just flip through these Fully Sourced Frame photos with a great deal of evidence and sources to back this up. Not just hearsay, this is about the actual facts, events and places.
What is their currency? What evidence is out there?
This is fully sourced throughout.
#Snowden and #JohnCusack? What do they have in common?
What was the movie #TheFrozenGround about and who is #RobertHansen
Is there a tie in to the #ZodiacKiller and a former connection to #DIANNEFEINSTEIN?
Posted on my FB July 18.2020