After the victory in Aleppo last year and the stalemate with rebels/jihadists near Damascus, Assad's forces have gained a solid upper hand in the war. Russia has been a critical support line for Syria, and in these past few weeks the Syrian government has gained control of more than 2500 square miles of lost land, and they don't seem to be stopping anytime soon.
ISIS is in the process of losing it's capitol to the US-backed Kurds, and Mosul has almost been completed reconquered by Iraqi forces. The Syrian rebels, many of whom are radical jihadists, have found themselves digging in and holding on to every inch of land they can. (Source: The anti-Assad militants will no doubt have tricks up their sleeves, but their original strategy has collapsed and their hopes of victory are vanishing.
It sickens me to think that we are using our missiles to shoot down Syrian planes and use our mortars to bomb their soldiers. Though events like these have been limited, we are fighting the wrong guys in the wrong war. ( I hope that enough Americans will realize the futility of these engagements. The mass media is a serial liar and wants the people to think we have to get rid of an evil tyrant. That's the oldest excuse in the book. Terrorist funding by the Wahhabi oil money and their deceptive Israelis is a totally immoral act. (Source: This is not our fight as Americans. Even an oppressive socialists dictatorship is better than a nation ruled by Sharia Law. We have been thrust into a never ending war that benefits Israel and Saudi Arabia, while America gets screwed.
No matter what your political ideology is, go to the ballots every time you can, and vote for representatives who are anti-war. Our Central Banking elites and the political class have been allied with the Saudis and Israelis for decades, and they have failed us as a nation. They have sold their own people out for greed. They should recognize that their time to step down is now.