Syrian War Update: June 25, 2017

in syria-war •  8 years ago 

The current battle lines took a significant change. The Kurds struck a major hit on the terrorists, effectively just a few miles away from encircling their de-facto capitol. Also, the Syrian government admits to firing mortar rounds into the Israeli-occupied Golan heights, and no casualties were reported. Israel responded with several missile strikes of their own, a Syrian Brigadier General (Kamal Mahmoud) was killed, and the rebels/jihadists were quick to take some land the Syrian Army had to retreat from.

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Looks like the Isis proxy war didn't work, so they're doing it themselves

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Yeah sure. I'm just gonna keep posting content I think is good/interesting. Over time, I'll see what a lot of people like and what they don't like and hopefully that makes a big following/good payout.

keanu conspiracy blank.jpg

What if conflicts in Syria are orchestrated to get us into WW3?

That would really suck and I think we should all avert war. Imagine if super advanced aliens or divine creatures visited us...They would consider us to be retarded apes killing each other in tribal conflict.

Great point @voice-of-apollo. It's been proven that the idea of staging a false flag alien attack, on their own people, is in the cards of the globalists. The vast majority of the public is eager to receive proof of alien life, and the elitists will "give" it to them.