The Balkanization of Syria, Iran Being Seduced & Putin Working with Netanyahu

in syria •  8 years ago 

Why is it that people go after Saudi Arabia night and day, when Israeli Military Intelligence is the total creators of "ISIS" - they fund it - control directly the leadership - fill it full of drugs (Meth & Coke) to make them into raving lunatics and all the while Russia is directly supporting Israel and refusing to out Netanyahu and Israel as the sole cause of problems in the Middle East.

We get rid of political Zionism and its energy - Jewish Power - and we get rid of Israel and ALL the problems in the Middle East cease.

People continue to worship Putin which is ridiculous considering the MASSIVE co-operation between Netanyahu and Putin.

Will they create Trump the peacemaker soon? Or will they collapse the US?

Interesting times.

Iran is also in bed with India and India is completely in bed with Israel. Iran is also working with India to destabilise Pakistan, they don't want that CPEC(China-Pakistan Economic Corridor).

Israel and Iran have something in common; they both oppose real Islamic Caliphate.

Last yeah Sheikh Imran Hosein gave a lecture, he actually said that there are many strange things happening in Iran and Iran is being seduced, the US is making deals with them under the table.

"The West will make an effort to seduce Iran into launching an attack on Saudi Arabia with a promise of Makkah and Madina under Shia rule." - Sheikh Imran Hosein.

"Antichrist/Dajjal will be followed by 70.000 Jews from Isfahan wearing Persian shawls. And so immediately I come to the conclusion that these will be Jews who will have Muslim names because they are coming from Isfahan and they are dressed up as Iranian Persians, not as Jews. So this will be a hidden force emerging out of Iran that will be supporting Dajjal/Antichrist. They will be externally appearing to be Muslims but internally supporters of Dajjal/Antichrist." - Sheikh Imran Hosein.

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