RE: Syria Chemical Weapons Attack: An Open Source Investigation

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Syria Chemical Weapons Attack: An Open Source Investigation

in syria •  6 years ago  (edited)

Silver lining?? I know there doesn’t seem to be much of one and don’t get me wrong, I don’t think this makes it “worth it” to flirt with the idea of a nuclear holocaust but maybe this will finally put this “4-D chess” theory to bed that people have been using to excuse every seemingly idiotic thing that Trump does as being some sort of masterful calculative attack on the deep state and the “swamp”. As if the deep state are dumb enough to be tricked by a move Trump made where he seemingly was going along with their plans but everyone on the Trump Train has got it figured out within 2 seconds that’s it some kind of check mate to the deep state.....Of course if it’s not so obvious to the Trump train then you’ve got Qanon leaking intel, okay well maybe not really leaking intel maybe just asking extremely broad questions that touch upon various “truther” hot topics that are quasi relevant to what is actually occurring, all the while assuring Trumps base that he hasn’t turned to the dark side and convincing them to quietly accept whatever seemingly terrible idea that Trump is proposing or ignore him hiring neocon warhawks like John Bolton because in the end it will serve the greater good. Of course the NSA can’t figure out who’s leaking this intel, nor any of the other alphabet agencies and their billions and billions of combined resources.....I’m sorry everyone but this narrative is not holding water. I heard that Q claimed that Trump was not the one who tweeted the “Animal Assad” tweet and that deep state hackers hacked his twitter and made it appear as if he said that to push us closer to WW3. I watched a short video that one of the many “Anonymous” YouTube channels put out about QAnon hoping to see some critical thinking going on but I was not so lucky. It was more of the same “Trust our president, we love you Trump!” fanfare and fantasy that I’ve seen far to often these days. I posted a comment asking why Trump is leading us to WW3 with Russia because of an obvious false flag and the channel responded “No Choice. NK is watching”. I can only assume that means North Korea and all I can say to that is this: Come on now guys, really? This is all a big show to try and scare North Korea who are the most overblown media non threat stirred up by the MIC this year? Doesn’t pass the smell test, get over your cogniative dissonance, I know it sucks you got lied to. Your talking to someone who voted for Obama so I do understand it’s a process. (Please don’t judge I was young and dumb and thought he seemed significantly less evil than John McCain, I was not wrong but not really right either I now know they are pretty much equal and that the “lesser evil” vote is a most foolish and dangerous waste of time). It’s time to admit you’ve been decieved and to get angry about it. Nobody is saying you are dumb or naive, even the smartest most open minded people who distrust the system get fooled by it occasionally. They put a lot of time and money into fooling us and it’s not easy staying ahead of their tactics. Hopefully the truth community can reunite after this and agree as a whole that statism and hero worship are not the answer and are in fact exceedingly dangerous to us all. Trust no authority higher than your own discernment and critical thinking. Listen to what others say if it resonates with you but always do your own research and make your own conclusions. It’s a lot of work and it’s easy to fall into the trap of wanting someone to aggregate and digest the information into a package that’s easier to swallow. There’s nothing wrong with doing that as long as you don’t take what anyone says as gospel. My rule is that I generally should always disagree with at least one thing that someone says because the odds of someone believing the exact same things I do and being a perfect match are pretty much zero. Same goes for any free thinker. Corbett Report seems to be the closest I get to agreeing with pretty much everything said but it’s still not 100%. James Corbett is brilliant and does great work but I do not want to put him on a pedestal and worship him as some Demi-god of truth in a world of lies. He’s just a human that happens to be very intelligent and ahead of most of the world on seeing through the establishment lies and deceptions and he does a great job of exposing these untruths as he sees them. There are many other people who are doing the same thing and doing what they think is right and exposing the truth as they see it. I’m hoping to do the same in my own small way I suppose. I’m a musician first and foremost or at least that’s what ive chosen to commit to for the past 14-15 years but I’ve always had a passion for spreading truth and a disdain for injustice and authoritarianism. The trick is trying to right a song about an issue that’s your passionate about without it sounding to specific and corny or pretentious. That’ why I’m considering getting into independent journalism I suppose. I enjoy writing about this stuff and trying to make it all rhyme and fit into a 2-5 minute song where I’m going to have to repeat myself in the chorus if I want anyone to remember the damn thing is just not an efficient way to get my opinion and important information out. Its a medium for sure and can be effective but it’s quite limiting if you want the song not to suck. Wow sorry I’ve gotten way off topic with this comment so I apologize! Just a recap QAnon=hogwash I’m calling shananigans on this shit once and for all. Hopefully this incident will end without us having a nuclear war and with the Trump train waking up a bit and grounding themselves in reality as opposed to the QAnon, info wars version of reality that might seem more warm and fuzzy and require less work but is at best a LARP and at worst a massively effective psy op.

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