(2002) Zionist Neocon Tony Blair Considers Knighthood For Bashar Al Assad

in syria •  6 years ago  (edited)


Before the Central Bankers behind Russia & Soviet Israel realized that the overt relations between their client states and the West would no longer be geostrategically viable for the purposes of population control, their cronies had openly intimate relations.An excellent example of that would be the "love affair" between Zionist Necon Tony Blair and Freemason Bashar Al Assad where Blair loved Assad's readiness to participate in the CIA torture rendition program in Iraq (where innocent Iraqi residents were sent to Syria to be torured)to the point where Blair wanted to get Assad knighted.

It was only after the Rothschild Zionist Banksters realized that political theater was one of their only remaining tools they had to use to hoodwink populations of different countries to kill each other.They sought to create political theater at every inch of the global media landscape with the help of political scientists such as Vladislav Surkov and George Soros.

As former KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn once wrote in his book "New Lies For Old" which states "The feigned disunity of the communist world promotes real disunity in the noncommunist world".Golitsyn did not mince his words when he expressed how feigned disunity between Soviet client states was used to trick those in the non-communist realm and this is precisely what seems to be happening in the modern day media landscape where certain nations appear as enemies while covertly having intimate relations with each other. Tony Blair's once intimate relationship with Assad should not be seen in the context of U.K & Syria being covert allies as Blair's allegiance is not to the people of the U.K nor its government but to a foreign entity namely the apartheid State of Israel.

Now U.S & Israel has massacred whole families in the Syrian city of Raqqa while Russia & Israel murder innocent children in Idlib under the pretext of "fighting ISIS" or "bombing terrorists".
U.S,Russia & Israel are not fighting terrorists in Syria.
They classify any Syrian Arab who oppose their Globalist agenda as a terrorist.
They all serve the same master.
They all have the same goal: Greater Israel


Tony Blair Considers Assad For Knighthood:



Syrian Regime Co-Operated With CIA Torture Program



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