Limited Attention Span

in systemic •  7 years ago 

With the impact of television advertising on our global society our collective attention span has become very short. We get the essence of the message, mentally disengage, form an instant opinion, and move on to new content. Have I lost you yet?9ED555B0-C0A7-4582-B682-89D2D5F8FFFC.jpeg

By not providing you with a specific flavor (message) in the first few words, you are likely to move on. This post is about effective changes. How intense does social pain need to be to keep hold of our collective attention?

Serious problems exist, yet we are easily distracted by the latest headline. The severity of problems get lost in our mental shuffle. The speed of global communication presents us with a never ending supply of distractions. Soon mental indigestion occurs.

Again... how intense must the pain be?

Nothing significant will change until the world experiences a systemic economic failure. Only then will society unite to demand immediate action.

The world is like a rotten apple whose outer skin is intact. We can still handle it, but it seems very squishy,

Here is today’s beauty.


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its not just tv that is affecting our attention span but also social media , we consume shorter and shorter contents and our minds adjust to it, we struggle with long content and we are always been interrupted by adds all over. love the apple by the way

Aloha @doctorjohn! My phone is acting up.

Oh, I have a very short one but I do love me some apples!!

I'm looking forward to that....... kind of.......

I love apple , thanks for sharing .