Why Are Democrats so Afraid of the Free Press And Of Truth?

in t •  2 years ago 

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Why are the liberals so afraid of Fox News? Are they afraid they might learn the truth? You certainly don't from watching cnn or left-wing media.

according to a study viewers of left-wing media are actually less informed than people who watch no news at all and according to Rachel maddow's own statements in court you literally cannot trust what she tells you

there is no shortage of former left-wing media employees coming forward to admit that their network is pushing fake news and lying on behalf of Joe biden.

which makes it all the more baffling why liberal voters and Biden supporters are so terrified of Fox News telling them the truth. is it that they are so used to the lies they don't like the truth? or is it that they know deep down that they are lying and they put party before country in an effort to manipulate the American people?.

the left wing war on the Free press is not new.. they have been going against any outlet (and there are thousands of them) that criticizes any Democrat on any level.. to the Democrats there is no room for truth and honesty.. you either lie for the party or you get excommunicated..

it certainly seems like Democrats simply prefer the lies. and then on some level they know it's lies but they supported anyway simply because they know they have to lie to survive

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