The good news is that it sounds like Genship Exiles won't be delayed unless it's my fault, because the freelancer's just given me a status update and the cover's coming along on schedule.
For those who aren't familiar with it, Genship Exiles is going to be our first pay-walled game, in the sense that it'll be $5 on DriveThruRPG. This will hopefully help recoup the costs of the massive amount of work going into it, and also serve as an experiment in seeing whether it does better than our other games in terms of gaining a following.
Eventually we hope to add a free player's guide and incorporate the rules into the Hammercalled Rules Reference 2.0, but those will be post-release features.
With that said, I've not really had a whole lot else to add. It's been something of a busy week, but we've got a three-day weekend to look forward to, followed by Thanksgiving the week after. I don't really do holidays, but they do give me a breather from the day job, so look forward to some real progress soon.