I've been keeping up work on Segira, particularly on that map that I showed off a while ago. It's still in fairly early stages, and I'm really not sold on all the design choices.
With that said, it's definitely further along.
I'm thinking I might do two versions of the map; one with a geographical overview alongside a later version of this, the political overview of the region. One reason for this is that the current hybrid is confusing (I may also just have to redo the way the geographical features are represented, but that might be above my current skill level.
I'm also really concerned that once I start adding in much more in the way of features (cities, military bases, etc.) it'll get too busy. I'm going over various ways to do this, but I'm not terribly satisfied with any of them. Whether that's just me not liking my designs by default and having to really polish them to get them acceptable, or
I think we're also getting a good feel for where the setting is supposed to be. Although I'm basing Segira on the Cold War, it is an amalgamation of several different countries and as a result shouldn't really be immediately identifiable. However, I think that with the borders we can see on the map it definitely looks like it belongs in the Eurasia region. I say at some point it's on the Mediterranean, so an astute observer would perhaps want to put it somewhere in the area of Turkey, though, again, I'm not trying to really put it in a "real" place.
With that said, I think it's still a lot better than the old one, and I'm certainly increasing my map-making skills as I work on this.
Also, any previous things I said about Segira's release date should be ignored. I'm back to the indecision phase of development. I can fairly confidently say that the final version of the book will include a brief setting overview, character creation rules, character advancement rules, adapted Hammercalled system, sample characters, and a sample adventure.
What that will look like, on the other hand, is still fairly in the air. I'm really strongly thinking about redoing the whole Segira setting portion, which is currently laid out in a very strictly factual format.