Segira Update

in tabletop-rpg •  6 years ago 

I know that there have been a lot of updates surrounding Segira, but I want to talk about where my current status is and what exactly is going on with the project.

I have family in town, so most of today was spent with them working on stuff. However, with the three-day weekend I should be able to finish up almost everything by the end of Monday, which is our tentative "beta" release in the sense that I'm still going to be doing the final polish but the simple LibreOffice version will definitely be released by that point.

I've gotten a lot more work done on the map, to the point that it's looking more and more like a finished map. I'm still second-guessing a lot of it, but at least we're half-way or better on the map. I still have to add buildings, but I've blocked out road layouts for both the old town and the modern city. I also improved the farmlands and added a radio station to the south of the city, and the whole thing looks a lot less empty now.

I've also started working on Act 2 and Act 3, but that's for tomorrow because it's getting late here and I'm not going to get it finished to the point that there's a cogent anything to show.

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