The Loreshaper Games Release Schedule

in tabletop-rpg •  6 years ago 

I've been really bad about communicating what Loreshaper Games actually has in the pipeline, so I just really quickly want to go over a brief itemized form of everything I'm likely to be finishing up in the foreseeable future. Distant future projects, like the Legacy of Eight, are not going to feature here, because they're so far down the road as to just be a sketch right now.

Released Products as of July 2018

velotha's flock

Right now velotha's flock needs a final cover and editing pass to move into its finished state. "Ordered" on DriveThruRPG 84 times.

Hammercalled: Quick-Start

Released, mostly cool, needs some interior work (unlikely to happen in the foreseeable future, because of various reasons). Has already been "ordered" on DriveThruRPG 120 times!

Hammercalled: Rules Reference

This is not out on DriveThruRPG. Whether or not I will put it over there eventually has been a matter of much soul-searching, but hasn't been decided yet. It's the core rules for the Hammercalled Roleplaying Game system, however, and it's playable. Unlike the other released products, it has major outstanding tasks.

Outstanding Task 1: Vehicles

Vehicle rules are currently mostly untested. I've done a major overhaul on them as of late June/early July, and the few tests I've had indicate that they go well, but need some solidification. Trying to avoid rules spaghetti forming.

Outstanding Task 2: Segira 1985

Segira is a year and a half past its original scheduled release date, and I'm a little ticked about that. on the other hand, it'll get there when it gets there. More details in the following section.

In-Development Products as of July 2018

Velotha's Flock Advanced Player's Guide

This should be out this week. I'm just waiting on some example characters to be made and then it's show time. I've outsourced that to a freelancer, but if it's not done by the end of the week I'll do it myself. I've been so busy on Hammercalled that I haven't had time, but now it's going to be there.

Now, the official DriveThruRPG release will probably be a while. I want to have good, consistent covers for both the core rulebook and the player's guide before I release them, since I think that's part of the reason Aftermath has outperformed velotha's flock in the ~2 weeks it's been out.

The Paradise Incident

I hope to have The Paradise Incident done by late August. It's too early to really discuss at this point. I've got an idea for the setting and some really interesting gameplay mechanics. It's going to be about as experimental as velotha's flock, but this time by merit of its mechanics rather than being written in free verse.

If I never see free verse poetry again...

Unsung Gods

Unsung Gods is a fantasy setting for the Hammercalled Roleplaying Game. It's probably not going to come out in the foreseeable future, because I have precisely zero assets to go with it, but it's still in progress as opposed to...

Future Products

Core Hammercalled Rulebook

Once I'm happy that the Rules Reference is relatively static, it will be time to start on the core rulebook for the game Hammercalled was always originally intended to be. I'm thinking of covering about two dozen worlds, about a dozen species, and six core factions of the Hammer to give a fair amount of variety for the players to choose from, then provide a nice little slice of the galaxy to explore.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it, the current products in progress and to be done by Loreshaper Games. Feel free to give us your thoughts below!

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