No Evidence for Joe Biden's Claim that Fox "Admitted To Lying"

in tag •  2 years ago 


a new meme story circulating in far left papers claims fox admitted in text messages to "lying"

if your time is short

  • fox was sued by far left wing activists over their reporting on the 2020 election manipulation

  • as part of that case some text messages between foxhosts were released to the public

  • far left Democrat disinformation outlets and conspiracy sites are falsely claiming that those 10 included admissions from Fox executives to lying"

a new claim is circulating among far left media outlets claiming that Fox news admitted in text messages to being fake news.

This comes during a lawsuit by far left-wing activists against Fox News for its reporting of the 2020 election irregularities and collusion between Joe Biden and Major social media networks

During the case certain text messages between Fox executives and hosts were released to the public. Far left disinformation and conspiracy sites immediately pounced and seized on the opportunity to claim that they revealed Fox executives and hosts such as Tucker Carlson admitting to not really believing in election fraud

This however is misleading and not the truth. Tucker Carlson specifically in his text messages criticized

The text messages reveal Tucker Carlson criticizing Sydney Powell and her claims to have hard evidence of election fraud. This however is not the same as Tucker Carlson admitting that he did not believe in election manipulation. Tucker Carlson during his show at the time was openly critical of Sydney Powell and her false claims. He did not hide this in public

However Tucker Carlson also regularly reported on the election irregularities of the 2020 election

In short far left Democrat conspiracy sites like the New York times and CNN are claiming that his criticism of Sidney Powell is the same as admitting to lying about election fraud. It is not

Tucker was attacked by tons of
trump supporters because they were
Furious that he doubted Sydney Powell at the time

Carlson said it was "time for Sydney Powell to show us her evidence"

Tucker Carlson pissed off tons of trump
supporters by daring to doubt
Sydney Powell

it wasn't a secret that Tucker
Carlson thought that certain claims and
questions about election fraud were

Far left conspiracy websites are trying to
frame this as if -because they privately
and publicly bashed certain election
fraud claims- that they must not believe
any of them and that all of the
questions that people have are
completely illegitimate

The 183 page court
document that they filed showing what
the Dominion Executives were saying in
private and the request for a summary
judgment filed by Fox news's attorney
-which is basically a request that the
judge just throw the case out because
it's total garbage- wass almost 200 Page document they contain a bunch of evidence that they got from discovery which is how Dominion got the text messages between Sean hannity and Tucker Carlson

Dominion however also turned over their own text messages wich revealed that
Dominion's own employees expressed
serious concerns about the security of
its machines

Mark beckstrand -a Dominion
sales manager- confirmed that other
parties quote "have gotten a hold of
Dominion's equipment illicitly in the
past" and identified specific
instances in Georgia and North Carolina
and testified that a Dominion machine
was quote ""hacked in Michigan
Bank" strand confirmed that these
security flaws were reported about in
the news in just weeks before the 2020
presidential election

Dominion's director of product strategy and
security Eric Coomer acknowledged in
private that quote "our bleep is just
riddled with bugs" indeed Coomer had been
castigating Dominion's failures for
years in 2009 Coomer noted that quote
"our products suck" he lamented that quote
almost all of Dominion's technological
failings were due to our complete effed
up installation and in another instance
he identified a critical bug leading to
incorrect results

just before the 2020
presidential election HBO aired a
documentary called kill chain the Cyber war on America's elections

the documentary casts serious doubts and
concerns about the security of
electronic voting machines its

the reason that this was put out was partially because many people were concerned about the potential hacking of the als because they were expecting Donald Trump to win in 2020 and then if he did they were going to point to all of these concerns as evidence that you
Russia must have done it and did it to
help Donald Trump

here's a bunch of
Democrats raising those same concerns

these voting machines can be hacked
quite easily you could easily hack into
them it makes it seem like all these ban
her from social media we can't be having
a member of Congress spread these
conspiracy theories undermining our

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