Telemedicine prop

in tag •  4 months ago 

Imagine if a man used to orange colored carrot And imagine if they made a shovel for him with the color orange Representing farming and carrots with a shovel

Imagine if the media
Has preset colors that it uses to identify certain things

Imagine if some of it is highly controversial and perverse

Like the color, green and yellow to represent vomit 🤢 🤮

Imagine if they could portray an image
Based on preconditions, Social conditioning and color and sound coding
To imply something On the media and have others considered to be truth without evidence

Imagine if they could it sounds that implied things, For example, your neighbor walks down the street chokes or coughs and laughs And they make you think the sound implies that they’re laughing at you by stimulating your body

Imagine if the person laughing is just having a laughing response

Imagine if a second group completely independent, gets paid to harass your family while someone walks by laughing

Imagine if there’s millions of groups and hundreds of thousands of them have nothing to do with the ones that made contact with you

Imagine if some of them just get paid to do tasks

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This morning, I was smoking just outside my residence. A woman walked past with something in her hand, shaking, frightened, and terrified. She was assuming I was the cause of her distress. Decided to give me a warning about smoking too close to my residence. I think electrodes could have been stimulating her body with frightening responses, and she just assumed that I was a threat because it happened around the time she passed by me. It’s very common to have people assume that you’re a danger to them when they feel shocked… She attempted to verbally reprimand me for smoking too close to the building. To my understanding groups like Police have similar thing happening to them. To my understanding, she could report me to the police in the police could come to my residence. Is my understanding the police could have electrodes on their uniform and could be stimulated with electronic shocks making them think I am in fact, dangerous upon arrival. The police could attempt to fire my body and kill me for smoking too close to my building.

Understanding the voices, They play a role in navigating these circumstances could be deep faked. For example, when she calls the police, the police could respond to her cordially, but she might not know that they are Mexican drug cartel, Barons Decide to have them dispatch to my house anyways. Because she felt uncomfortable while walking past as I was smoking.