The best sewing machine

in tailoring •  7 years ago 

Sewing Machines - Buying Tips, Ranking and Reviews for 2018

Among the best sewing machines that we are pleased to report there are two in particular, one span over all others: one is the Pfaff Select 4.2 , very equipped, equipped with IDT system of integrated transport of the fabric and also used by professionals; the other is the Singer 1409 , from the famous brand and designed more for amateurs and for those who need a simple and practical device to use.

How to choose the best sewing machine

It is not essential to aim at becoming a tailor expert to need a sewing machine. Small repairs, such as shortening the hem of the trousers or resuming a scucitura, can be done at home simply without having to resort to the help of a professional.

This guide will give you the essential elements to keep in mind when it comes to choosing the right machine for your needs.

Buying Guide

That's what it costs

Of the sewing machine it can be said that the price paid corresponds to the actual performances. There are many models on the market and each has different characteristics, all more or less expected in the price range of sale.

There are cheaper models, but more susceptible to wear and therefore less durable. On the other hand, semi-professional models boast more reliable components, which are robust mechanics and do not suffer from the wear and tear of intensive use.

Those who compare the prices will have noticed that a good sewing machine that guarantees good performance has a cost that is around 200/300 euros.

Mechanics or electronics?

Sewing machines can be more or less sophisticated. Depending on the technology they use they are able to offer different advantages to those who intend to make their machines work at full capacity.

The mechanical models, equipped with essential functions and a knob with which to set the different points, are certainly reliable and performing. While electronic ones have the advantage of having numerous preset programs, such as stitching the buttonhole, they usually offer different aesthetic solutions.

The number of points that can be made with the machine are strictly related to the type of use that you intend to do. Those with a weakness for modern fabrics, such as the soft maglines, will have to verify the presence of the overlock stitch, or at least the possibility of setting different elastic stitches according to the variety of fabric to work with.

The accessories
It is not just a matter of pulling a straight line through the fabric you want to sew, the presence of the best accessories is the component that makes a model splash at the top of the charts.

Our review in search of the essential features that a sewing machine must have ends with a reference to the type of accessories that must be sought to make sure you have bought the best on the market to meet your needs.

The automatic or semi-automatic eyeliner should not be missing, it is one of the most complicated steps for those who do not dominate the art of tailoring. The models of the best brand stand out because they allow you to adjust the straight stitch, which is essential for the rivets, and to sew in zigzag, also being able to change the stitch size.

The best sewing machines of 2018

The refrain we know it well: who does it by itself does for three, as well as having the satisfaction of being able to say "I did this!". Knowing how to sew and become stylists of your own look is today the new luxury.

We leave you the pleasure to decide which is the best sewing machine of 2018, we have chosen five of the most interesting models available on the market to propose a series of buying tips and to facilitate the comparison between the most interesting offers.

Recommended products

**Pfaff Select 4.2 **

with its presence, to create an efficient artisan tailoring workshop.

We are briefly talking about one of the best professional sewing machines sold online.

It is equipped with an IDT system of integrated transport of the fabric that slides it from both under and over the foot, which is essential to prevent the fabric from jamming ruining the precision of the stitch, even the most minute.

The selection of over 40 points, normal as decorative, takes place at the touch of a button, easily identifying the ones most often used thanks to the "Quick Selection Points" function, which speeds up the selection process to get to work in a flash .

A priceless detail is the ability that the machine has to give the right pressure and strength to the needle even when it works at low speed, which helps to keep the seam trend under control and to avoid unsightly smudges or inaccuracies that affect the quality of work in the details.

The height of the foot is comfortably adjustable, so you can easily overlap several layers of fabric even when they are very thick, such as wool to make coats or jeans.
A wide range of accessories completes the offer justifying the important but widely repaid expenses.

Being a professional product of great quality, it is inevitable that it is full of important qualities that will attract everyone's attention. It remains to be seen if the required expense is within the budget you have destined for this new accessory. The choice is yours!


Professional : In our guide we also wanted to think of professionals, with a product that does not show up in real tailor's workshops. 40 points, a lot of accessories and a lot of control over the quality of their work.

Elevation of the foot : Thanks to the extra height of the foot, even very thick or layered fabrics can be sewn without problems or limitations.

Quick Selection Points : With Pfaff Select, simply press a button to quickly select the right stitch for each of our sewing projects, including decorative stitches.


Price and complexity: Being a product designed for professional use, the approach to the tool is not easy for those with little experience. Moreover, the price is out of reach for simple enthusiasts.

Singer 1409

Let's start our guide with one of the classic sewing machines to approach this art without spending a fortune. Let's see in detail the characteristics of this model in particular, probably one of the best Singer sewing machines, historical brand that has been designing the handmade style since 1851, simple while having all the main functions available to start the best.

There are 15 points that can be achieved with this machine, which also offers the possibility to adjust the length of the stitch, from more to less close to customize the result also according to the type of fabric used.

Rather basic in functions but with the ability to combine the right accessory to increase its versatility. By changing the presser foot, for example, it is possible to sew buttons in a few moments, or to simplify the fixing of the zip, which is not an easy task. A foot and a four-stroke control are used to create buttonholes for the buttons to perfection, ideal to ensure a good finished product and not to risk that the fabric is frayed at this point particularly stressed.

Separately, and depending on the type of work or fabric used, it is possible to buy the feet and the needles that allow you to work the most delicate fabrics like the sturdier ones.

Our guide to choose the best sewing machine not only indicates where to buy the recommended products (see link below), but also summarizes in a practical list all the merits and defects of each product. Here are those of the Singer sewing machine.


Quality / price : This is certainly not a professional sewing machine, but at a very low price, beginners and amateurs can compete with a wide variety of activities and understand if they have the stuff for tailoring.

15 points: The Singer automatic sewing machine allows you to perform 15 sewing operations, making it very useful and versatile at all skill levels.

Expandable : If a large number of pins are already available at the time of purchase, it is possible to buy some others later to give further value and versatility to the product.


Spoletta : Some users have complained about the position chosen for the spool, which in fact is in an awkward and laborious point for each time you have to change it.

Brother FS 40

The artisans are ready to leap into the universe of highly technological devices while dedicating themselves fully to the creation of unique products, handcrafted with extreme care and attention to detail.

The machine that we are going to see now offers itself as a valid help to change the sartorial work register, so we can see how to choose a good Brother sewing machine and what this particular model offers in particular.

Fully automated and equipped with an LCD screen from which to select an interesting variety of programs with a simple touch, combining the type of stitch and the most suitable length for the fabric and the project in progress. There are 40 stitches that can be created, combining the maximum width of 7 mm to the maximum length of 5 mm that can reach the point.

Those who work by straining their vision know: the right close-up lighting makes the difference, so the LED on the arm that simulates the light of day does not go unnoticed, so as not to lose any detail even in the most meticulous works. Five ways to make buttonholes even in one time, the ideal way to get a job well done quickly.

The opinions of many users have focused on the excellent quality / price ratio of the newly reviewed sewing machine. We have also identified many other qualities and a flaw, which we want to report immediately.


LCD display: The Brother sewing machine is equipped with an LCD display that allows you to choose and select with one touch the desired program among the many available and make other useful adjustments that allow you to always get the desired result.

LED lighting : If you are a lover of sewing but can never work when the sun is high in the sky do not worry. Thanks to its integrated LED lighting system, you will always have the right light for working.

Points: With 40 points available (hems, elastic bands, cross stitches ...) you will have many arrows to your bow during the sewing operations.


Lacks: The most demanding users have noticed some shortcomings, such as the absence of a bag for transport and that of a needle threader, always very welcome in products of this type.

Singer Tradition 2263

Let's continue with another Singer model with very interesting features, let's see them in detail.

It is a sewing machine ideal for those who have just started but intends to use it immediately at full capacity, or for those who want to switch to a more complete and versatile model.

It offers the possibility to choose between 23 points, there are 5 elastic points, essential for working the maglines, so fashionable but also so difficult to handle if you are not well equipped. With the 11 decorative stitches it is possible to personalize and make the seams protagonists in the creation of unique garments, perhaps of simple execution but with that extra touch that speaks of us and our style. The stitch can be adjusted according to the desired length or width that it must have, responding well to the specific characteristics of each type of fabric, from the thinnest to the thickest.

The attention to detail is what pushes to pay attention to the composition of this machine, compact and soft lines, is equipped with a free arm that allows you to easily get to the most complicated points, such as the hem of the pants, or between irregularity of the collars of the shirts.

The Singer Tradition is certainly not the cheapest product on the market, but can boast an excellent quality / price ratio and a certain ease of use. Let's see the rest of the pros and cons below.


Intuitive : The Singer Tradition sewing machine is one of the most suitable solutions for beginners, since its use is very intuitive and you learn quickly to master it. You will be able to launch yourself in no time in your first projects!

Sewing programs: The machine provides for those who use it as many as 23 sewing programs, very useful for those who are starting to sew.

Points : All available points - always very easy to select - can be adjusted both in length and in width.


To be completed : The Singer Tradition offers the buyer various accessories, but is far from offering a complete package that meets every need related to sewing.

Matrimatic Bronze

Concludes our ranking looking for the model best suited to you and offered on the market not exactly the cheapest, but the good relationship between the outlay requested and the features offered.

If the machine is designed for those who already have sewing experience, it will certainly not make a bad impression. Ideal for do-it-yourself and to give vent to creativity without limits, is able to sew light and heavy fabrics, including jeans or even leather. The true beauty of the model is, precisely, that of having a metal structure, that is particularly robust, to which a 75W motor is associated, not bad.

Many points, from classic to decorative, including those specific to sew contemporary fabrics such as jersey or other types of jersey. But the imagination finds a good support, given the possibility of also making many types of buttonholes or embroidery, to customize the work as much as possible.

Also the last product of our list has its own series of merits and defects that it is better to know well when choosing. If it had been sold at lower prices, it would probably have led our rankings!


Engine: Matrimatic Bronze is a sturdy and powerful sewing machine, with a 75-watt electric motor that is always up to date, even when working with thick and heavy fabrics.

Points : As for the amount of points made available, the Matrimatic Bronze has very few rivals! There are more than a hundred, including buttonholes, elastics, quilt and overlock.


Equipped with feet: The feet supplied, unfortunately, are not many so we will soon find ourselves looking for others, with a further expenditure in terms of time and money.

Competition : The Matrimatic Bronze has an excellent quality / price ratio, but also the misfortune to place itself slightly above the price range of a series of high quality products, some of which we have shown in this guide.

How to use a sewing machine

Having a sewing machine at home can help us make minor repairs or modifications, without having to resort to professional seamstresses (sometimes claiming a considerable expense). A fold to the trousers, the hem to the curtain, a scuffing that must be arranged, are things we can take care of ourselves.

After doing a little 'practice, who knows, maybe you can go even further and learn how to make clothing with their own hands. Let's see quickly how to choose a sewing machine and some useful indications to start using it correctly.

Some advice for buying a sewing machine

There are many people who keep their grandma's historic sewing machine, made of iron and wood, at home, and some of them are still working. The secret is the quality of materials and mechanics. This little introduction we need to understand that buying an economic model means to face a greater risk of wear and lack of durability. Semi-professional machines, on the other hand, have a more reliable mechanic, which is better resistant to stress. Orientatively, the cost of these models is around 200/300 euros.

On the market you will find the mechanical models, with essential functions and a knob to choose points. In general they are reliable and performing, but those who prefer to simplify their lives can choose an electronic model, which has a range of programs and points of varying degrees, depending on the model.

Do not neglect the presence or not of some accessories, such as the semi-automatic or automatic eyepiece, especially important for those in the early years.

We know the parts of the sewing machine

Each model of sewing machine can be different from the other, but there are some common parts, which we need to know in order to face guides and tutorials more serenely.

For example, the bobbin is a small spool inserted into a mechanism that is under the needle (called a "crochet"), its job is to provide the thread to get the lower part of the stitches. However, this coil is presented without wire and must therefore be "recharged". And here comes the game of filarello, or a metal structure on which you place the spool of thread.

Another common element is the needle, generally with a round toe (for fabrics) or cut (for the skin). The needles can be of different sizes and their choice must be accurate, otherwise they could break and even damage the machine.

Learning about the machine is the first step for a good maintenance

Not everyone likes to read the instruction manuals, but these small files help us to understand what the sewing machine can do and what are the operations that could damage it. You may also find concepts for cleaning and oiling.

For example, it may be helpful to raise the needle plate and remove any hair residues using a brush. Even the tension discs should be cleaned, a trick would be to use dental floss.

On the market you can find specific oils for this appliance, which should not damage the coated parts of particular paints, such as gilding. Also take care not to strain the motor belt too much, as it could burn.

These products are among the most recommended, but are currently not available

Matrimatic Jubilee 4

We conclude our overview of reviews proposing our opinion on which sewing machine for beginners to buy, thinking that just a beginner needs a reliable machine, which does not break because of a clumsy use discouraging those who approach the art of tailoring for the first time.

Light and easy to transport, this machine has an internal metal structure, so the gears are not all plastic, which should not be underestimated as it reduces the effect of wear and tear over time.

There are many points that can be achieved, especially the overlock, that is to say that allows you to sew different kind of fabrics, such as terry or jersey, which change for grain or texture of the fabric and require specific work.

Simple to use, intuitive in the controls and practical thanks to the easy insertion of the wire and the presence of the mobile arm to sew even the most difficult details. It includes a good number of accessories, such as the sewing foot for the buttonholes, zips or zig zag stitches, which are essential for carrying out work in a workmanlike manner, including items that are not as simple as jackets or bags.

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