Take me to court

in takemetocourt •  last year 

I wanted the whole world to get a first hand view of human trafficking and not having no safe place to go. I have documented this thoroughly during my 10+ years here in Canada.

No matter how brilliant and talented you are. There are always people out there, that will continuously try to bring you down and keep you down whilst profiting from you misfortune. Stealing your work and research and presenting it as their own, because they don't want to see you thrive .
Young ladies there is no such thing as a free lunch. Always remember you are valuable, the world is your oyster and you can be anything you want to be. Whatever you choose make sure it's what you want, no one else. Yes, others may come along offering help. Be cautious who you accept assistance from, their is always an ulterior motive.

The stealing of ID documents, being forced into relationships and entry level jobs that you are more qualified for but you need a job to survive.

Being threaten, stalked, bullied and harassed. Nobody cares because you are not their problem.

You have to love yourself and want better for yourself otherwise, no one else will.

You define, who you are. Stay true to your ideals and always want the best for yourself.

These individuals tried to play me but they played themselves. I have been traveling and moving so many times, I don't even know why I have to move anymore.

I do know that I want to press charges. For whatever reason, they don't want me to go to court. I always have to go down and file cases that never gets called.

I pretend to be stupid, but mostly I am just shocked and trying to figure it out. This means I have to restart and restart to figure out why people behave this way towards me. A few years ago, I started recording all my phone calls, because someone has been live steaming all my conversations on the internet. I don't know how are why. But I wanted to be always sure what was said to me on the phone and what my response was. Usually after getting off the phone, I would write an email to sum up what took place.

This is how I deal with my interactions with people. I have been lied to and gaslighted so much. Nowadays even when I know someone is playing me, I kind of go along with it trying to figure out why and what their motives are.

I now concluded. It is been done for sport and to hurt 🤕, ridiculed and bullied me. These people want to place me into their stereotypes of people of colour and expect me to live in substandard conditions and be please with it.

Whilst, these individuals promote better jobs and assistance for their race. They actively stalk my phone for any outgoing and incoming calls and messages contact individuals telling them " to kick me" and "tell me to leave". Where the fuck do you want me to go?
Show me.

The more, I try to avoid and outrun these people they show up and insult, threaten and abuse me. "Oh it's all in your head you are imaging it, are you taking pills." Yes, I am taking bills to deals with the constant migraines and stomach pains from the stress and anxiety
Which inturn affects my kidneys. My only defence is that I use my pen and that is how I fight.

I don't run from them anymore, I confront them and I make it public. I want the whole world to see.

I have reached a point now, where it has been decided that I am a walking dead person . Therefore, I am going to say what I have to say and named everyone and anyone that crosses me and mistreats me.
I want these individuals to know that I said it.

You know why, because when you have nothing to lose. It don't matter.

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