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  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

!popcorn and @fulltimegeek being a fucking hypocrite as usual

The following screenshot is from August of 2017, which is how long I've know that @berniesanders would be a person of interest... Quite an achievement!

And he PUSSYed out of every invitation to talk. The offer still stands.

Bernie Sanders Steem.png

Come on, put me on auto downvote please !!!!

You're not worth it. Nobody gives a rats fuck at what you say anyways.

Pathetic attempt at trolling.


  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

The more you comment, the easier it is to kill off your account.

I invite you to continue.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Not that anyone cares what you post anyways, but, I can certainly make sure it's never seen.

Unless of course you want to use bid bots...

Isn't this fun? I'm having fun.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

I assure you, I won't have to use any voting power if you continue to spam the network.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

As I've told you before, my blog gets more views and engagement than that shit site you run.

Everyone loves my shit. Your shit stinks.

Look at how easy it is to get under your skin and waste your're just as pathetic as @fulltimegeek. I'm starting to get bored though, you guys are too easy.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Also, some !popcorn for you. It seems like you need it.

You're not a community leader, don't confuse yourself with those who aren't worthless pieces of shit.

I encourage you to go ahead and make a video, just make sure you include all of the positive things I've done here as well.

You have no power. You're a fucking poor nobody who got some delegation for sucking @ned's cock, that's all there is to it.

Thank you for your concern about my life, I'm quite happy and have plenty of money to "waste".

If I'm such a "worm", why are you wasting so much time here? Fucking pathetic child.


Only been on steemit for a couple months, but this has to be the saltiest thread I've seen yet. Not sure what started this, but wow!

Happy Monday Y'all!

what pathetic greetings dear friend ..

They are very angry on your post. So, They flag you.

Thanks for sharing your valuable post..

This will be interesting !popcorn

you understand why bitcoin had to be created ?

because central banks devalue money i.e destroy economic progress of individuals by creating more based on that they control the majority of the world reserve supply(the power to control economic decisions)
being gold until they wanted to print endless amounts now the reserve is central banks promises to not print too much so that savings aren't wiped out immediately only over time

historically money printing based on nothing always ends with a worthless currency and the majority left destitute

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment


  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment