HardRock Casino in Tampa

in tampa •  5 years ago 

My photo
On the last day we spent in Florida we headed back towards the airport and stopped for a last night of food, gambling and drinks at the HardRock Casino in Tampa.

image.png this photo from the website.

It wasn't a lot of fun with half the machines turned off and staff patrolling for mask violations. Many of the restaurants were closed as well.

We had a good time, but glad we didn't make a special trip.

The casino was beautiful and well kept up unlike some casinos.


The shops were open with social distancing and masks.


We've been home for 6 days and I am ready for vacation again!


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A place with a lot of style!

It has to be weird to be in a casino that's partly turned off... part of what makes them interesting (at least to me) is the noise and all the people.

So what were the airports, plane travel and such like? Did it require a lot of extra time?