The process of making the raw stone

in tanah •  7 years ago 

Raw brick at the start with the production process of lower ground two day two night and cover with white plastic, so there are permentasi so that the land of ripe,
If in doing that rock us production is nice and tidy.
The neatness of raw brick was deeply affected by the price,
After that the ground in sports by tractor with ground cooked 2 hours in a truck, after

Batu bata mentah
Di awali dengan proses produksi rendahkan tanah dua hari dua malam dan tutup dengan plastik putih,agar ada permentasi agar tanah matang,
Jika di lakukan itu batu yang kita produksi bagus dan rapi.
Kerapian batu bata mentah sangat terpengaruh dengan harga,
Sesudah itu tanah di olah oleh traktor dengan mencapai tanah matang 2 jam dalam satu truk.
Susadah processing and then drying the walls on the side and in the tidy up and straightens to avoid loss

<\a>If already on the walls and dried and then aturkan with neat, so that the calculation is not hard-time sales
In one swath with the number 250 seeds
And a height of 15 layers,

Apabila sudah di dinding dan kering lalu aturkan dengan rapi,agar penghitungan tidak susah waktu penjualan
Dalam satu petak dengan jumlahnya 250 biji
Dan ketinggian 15 lapis,

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