10 Truths And 1 Lie; Are you ready? 😘

in tanfactsonelie •  7 years ago  (edited)

 Hello Steem people 😀!!! 

Yesterday @ruth-girl nominated me to take part in a 10-truths-1-lie challenge and I accepted with a big smile on my face!!!! 

I really like challenges that have to do with guessing;So let's see how good you can "read" me!

From the 11 facts I will be giving you bellow, 1 of those will have nothing to do with me lol! 😂 

Show me who can spot the False statement 😘!! 

  1.  I started Ballet Dancing when I was 5 years old! 
  2.  Have been doing 100m speed, in my teens.
  3. Also have been writing for the school newspaper at high school.
  4. At the age of 16, I won a national school contest in Chemistry.
  5. I create "niche" perfumes!
  6. I am an amide clubbing lover!
  7. I have been on the top of mount Kilimanjaro.
  8. Have also walked on the Great Wall of China.
  9. I am a professional racing car driver.
  10. I love paragliding!
  11. Have been around the world, twice 😉!

I will reveal the truth in 3 days from today! But in the meantime, if someone finds the false statement; I will use the football  term of "Sudden Death" LOL

By saying football, for my friends in Canada and the US, I mean Soccer !!

So are you ready? Let the show begin!!!

So my nominees for this nifty theme -in alphabetical order- will be.....drums please  😅 !!!




And please allow me to nominate 3 men as well....can I ? Oh thank you  😘 😘 😘  





Until next time,stay tuned and keep smiling my beautiful people 💗 💗 💗 💗 💗 💗 💗 💗

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haha, kalimera! 💙
Thank God I actually read your posts, otherwise I would know I was nominated... (you misspelled my name :P)
I actually need to give some thought to your truths + lie but I will come back in a few minutes (hopefully) with my reply 💙

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Oh my I did!!!
I am so sorry Κατερινάκι μου 💗
I think it's the side effect I have from the fever!!! I have been boiling since yesterday with 38.6!!

I am looking orward for your answer, bare in mind I have high hopes for you!!!

So sorry to hear that Alinaki .. perastika sou... oli mou i kali energeia konta sou

😘 😘 😘

Wow, most of these facts are incredibly impressive, indicating you have been living an extraordinary life Alina :) My original guess would be the Mount Kilimanjaro but it looks like you visited many places as a flight attendant so my guess is nr. 9 - you are not a professional racing car driver :)

Thank you @phortun, soon enough you're going to find out if you are right or wrong !!!😉

I will dare saying you've never set a foot on the Wall of China, so #8 would be the lie?!?

This is a pretty impressive list, exciting really. Thanks for the challenge, have a wonderful day, keep your smile and namaste :)

@eric-boucher, thank you for your comment!!!
Less than two days left now, your guess is being noted!!

Namaste 😀

i think the last one was lie "have been around world twice 😉😉

Have put down your answer @moharkan 😀

Καλημέρα!!! Είσαι φοβερή!!!!! Σπάνιο για γυναικά να της αρέσουν τα αγωνιστικά αυτοκίνητα και να είναι και οδηγός!! :))

Καλημέρα Νίκο, ναι η αλήθεια είναι ότι είναι σπάνιο 😀!!!

I can't give an answer as I know the lie (Duh!), but I think you should enrich your 11th fact and tell the world what your job was as a student. Now that's impressive AF if you ask me sis 😍

Thanks for the monination btw 😗

@alinak15 what was your student job? flight attendant?
really impressive your achievements

BINGO @alexandraioana26 VERY IMPRESSED!!!!!

But this will be in another post!!!!!

Emirates company or local? Can't wait for it @alinak15!!!! I also want to pursue a career in the aviation

Gulf Air @alexandraioana26

It was Magical years!!!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

hehehehe Do you think I should have to put that too?

Well maybe I will make a post soon saying how I managed to study without getting a penny from our parents :)!

I create "niche" perfumes! this one is false dear:p

Just wait and see @akashhassan :)!!!

oka m waiting!

Good morning and περαστικά!!

I'm glad you accepted this challenge. I must say you gave us a hard time with those facts. I need to think... Think... Think...
Nah! I don't have a clue, I'll say #9 for no reason because I could imagine you doing all the above, although 1+2 or 7+8 are a bit tricky as well :)

Hahahaha Ok I see you question me a lot Empress!

Just wait and see @ruth-girl! The truth will be unveiled soon!!

Σε ευχαριστώ πολλά φιλιά 😘 😘 😘

I would call number 6 a lie?
I think everything else for the brief time I know you could potentially be valid and truth.

My vote didn't register before. so I returned to fix this.

@skapaneas thank you for taking part in this fun challenge.
I thought about nominating you; but brother @tkappa wanted to do it himself!! 😉

Soon you will see if you are right!
Kisses to you 😘 😘 😘

I will go for

6. I am an amide clubbing lover!

You seem to be an extraordinary human being, so I believe everything you say :)

Katerinaki mou I cannot say just yet.

Just wait and see 😀!!!
Many kisses all the way to you!!! 😘 😘 😘

I choose number 7. My distrust is not the reason for my choice. It's just my dream.

Ok, I write it down @nsbachurin 😉

This looks like a fun challenge! I would say number 11=lie

Also put down your answer @alexandraioana26!

Thank you 😀

Wow what a beautiful and talented woman. Ok only one of these is not true. I am going to say #2 only because it is a wild guess. By the way you have had some awesome accomplishments and still so young. All the best to you.

Thank you @davidallejones for taking part in the revealing of the false statement!!! 😀

I have your answer down!!!

  1. I started Ballet Dancing when I was 5 years old!
  2. Have been doing 100m speed, in my teens.
  3. Also have been writing for the school newspaper at high school.
  4. At the age of 16, I won a national school contest in Chemistry.
  5. I create "niche" perfumes!
  6. I am an amide clubbing lover!
  7. I have been on the top of mount Kilimanjaro.
  8. Have also walked on the Great Wall of China.
  9. I am a professional racing car driver.
  10. I love paragliding!
  11. Have been around the world, twice 😉!

Ok first I have some questions for clarity.

What is “100m ’speed’”? When I hear speed I think of a movie, a drug and the flash’s super power.

What is “amide clubbing”? I hope it’s not like seal clubbing... 😱

You love paragliding or you love to paraglide?
What does “around the world mean”?
If you don’t want to answer these last ones to keep them ambiguous I get it. :)


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes of course I will clear up everything for you @hrissm
So let's begin:

100m speed meaning: 100-metre dash

Amide clubbing lover meaning: Crazy about clubbing

My statement icludes both meanings of: I love Paragliding and To paraglide!

And "around the world" meaning: Travelled around the world

Sorry if I got you confused!!!

You know you are nominated now, right? 😀

Thanks for the clarification! Yes! I saw the nomination :) but now it’s time to try and pick the falsity. I’m not a big fan of guessing though...

Whoa, thanks for the challenge @alinak15!!!
As for which one is a lie...that's a tough one. I want to say #9 but if someone paid you (like an uber ride) into Athens, well then viola...lol, you would definitely be a professional race car driver haaa
#7 you don't say how you got there...I don't think you would like the extreme cold BUT maybe, maybe you flew over it???
Hmmmm, it's a toss up, but I'm going to say you probably wouldn't like the extreme cold of #7. Yup, #7 is my choice for your lie.
Big hug for challenging me!!

@steem-samiam, said it before and I'll say it again!!!

Love the way you think!!!!
Less than two days to go now 😉

Many many kisses to you 😚😚😚😚😚😚😚

Πραγματικά με εντυπωσίασες με τις δραστηριότητες της ζωής σου!!! Εμεινα άφωνη!!

Σε ευχαριστώ πολύ @evimeria μου!!!!😀
Νά σαι καλά,πολλά φιλιά!!!😚😚😚

What? I read it all twice.. thats your life?! :D
I was thinking you are model or something like this, but when I have to choose no. 9 is not true;)

@liltammy you will know soon!!
Kisses all the way to Mexico 😚😚😚😚😚😚

I will not reply trying to find the false. But My reply is for the video...

Photography... Sorry but!!! :)


Ξέρεις γιατί μου αρέσεις? Γιατί σχολίασες το βίντεο!!!!
Δεν ήταν υπέροχο? ? ? 😀
Kisses to you @otsouvalas!!!

That's tough. It's hard to read people based on their writing especially because they can spend so much time crafting it to mirror the other statements. That way, they all appear to be similar so they all look to be true. However, if you record a video of yourself stating each of these things, then the lie would be easier to spot based on a number of emotional tells. Of course, a baseline would have to be established.

Notice how the statements alternate the language use with a few different relative statements. The use of the words "I Am", the use of "have", and the use of an additive word such as "also".

  1. I started Ballet Dancing when I was 5 years old!
  2. Have been doing 100m speed, in my teens.
  3. Also have been writing for the school newspaper at high school.
  4. At the age of 16, I won a national school contest in Chemistry.
  5. I create "niche" perfumes!
  6. I am an amide clubbing lover!
  7. I have been on the top of mount Kilimanjaro.
  8. Have also walked on the Great Wall of China.
  9. I am a professional racing car driver.
  10. I love paragliding!
  11. Have been around the world, twice 😉!

You did a nice job of making sure each statement was relative to the others. Thus, determining the false statement is, at best, a guess. Could it be number 7 Kilimanjaro?

We'll all find out in 2.5 days!

Thanks for the challenge!
Spencer Coffman

P.S. I have written books on detecting deception and body language. I also release a weekly podcast called The Deception Tips Podcast.

In less than two days the truth will be revealed @spencercoffman !!!😉

Yes, I'll try to remember to check back. Reach out to me if you don't see my comment on your post! 😜


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You are next girl, kisses all the way to Thailand 😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚

γεια σου @alinak15 νομιζω οτι το 9 ειναι λιγο απιθανο!!!που βεβαια θα προτιμουσα να πεσω εξω γιατι λατευω την οδηγηση εστω και σαν ερασιτεχνης!!!!

Αγγελική μου, θα σε πάω μιά βόλτα τότε όταν έρθεις 😚😚😚😚😚

Number 6? :D

Thank you @gabrielatravels been noted!!! 😀😚

9 is a lie

Noted 🙂!!!

My vote goes to "I am a professional racing car driver."

Thank you @herverisson, I wrote it in my book of notes!!!☺


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Σε φακέλωσα και σένα @inferisgr!!!😉

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

your post is very good

What is this post about mister kyjeli?

Nice photo

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment