Beauty is it's glory

in tarantula •  8 years ago  (edited)

I'd like to share with the world of steemit my gorgeous girl, Venom. she is an Acanthoscurria geniculata commonly know as a giant Brazilian white knee tarantula. I've been proud to have been her guardian (or she mine!) for around 3 years now. She has grown from the size of a 10 pence piece to the stunner she is today. To me she is not a collectible as most breeders see them but a pet. My baby girl who I talk to, care for and love very much.

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That's amazing!

Thanks for coming <3

You're welcome thanks for showing me the ropes xx

No... shh! Don't mention ropes! They think I'm nice here!

And for goodness sake, never, ever, EVER mention the whips!

Awwww why not!! Am sure they'll still respect you... if not can get the swords out!

Possibly... :)

you mean the whipped cream? :D

Yes... ok, we can say that... :)

Wow what a big spider. Does she scare dogs and burglars away?

Mostly people but am sure I could ask her 'nicely'

if i ever seen that in real life id freak out and run.
if that ever touched my body i would freak out, strip my cloths off while running.