On the eighth day of April last year. I was heading towards the city of Agadir. On my way, I encountered a girl of about 20 years , who was shown to be from another country. When we exchanged conversations, it turned out that she was from the United States and chose Morocco to spend her holiday. She asked me to accompany her on her vacation and guide her to places where tourists often go. I decided to bring it which is the city of Tafraout, because of its many historical treasures, which are represented by several reeds, a group of administrations that were in the colonial period, as well as religious monuments, in the old mosques that were called "Al Masid." We started our tour the following day, In a visit to some of these historical exploits and on the following day we moved from the side of history along with the geographical nature of the Tafraut and its surroundings, was the beginning of the path in a village called "Amaln" known for its nature, then headed towards the oasis of "Ait Mansour" As well as the nature invaded by millions of palm trees, as well as the abundance of valleys full of fish, we spent the two days in nature to join the cultural side, a festival organized every April 15 of each year called "Almond Festival," which we also enjoyed all the paragraphs of art ... and sports (where there are patrols in football and the Marathon, which is not limited to the homeland, but there are a variety of countries participating in it ...) There are also exhibitions in the form of cooperatives contribute to the display and sale of products that It is full of Tafraout and its surroundings Festival We visited the last place of the city because of the lack of time we climbed to the top of the mountain, which is called "Napoleon" and located in the village of "Agerd odad " and we took some pictures. There were other areas in this city we would like to make us on our tour program, but time was not The tourist "Gloria" left the area and said her next vacation would be to Tafraout again
Tafraout the Moroccan village
6 years ago by bobtarga (25)