When you feel that you are a target for people who have stable jobs, and use their technology and monies against you and will stop at nothing to keep making sure that you are unstable and living in an unstable environment where you can't get out of. People need to really start keeping track of the things that are happening to them. Because there are real technologies they are utilizing against us as individuals and as family members or friends, and against us to be able to get to our dreams and be heard. But, never give up hope. Your voice is something worth sharing and something worth a lot more then what you think it's worth. It's worth a whole lot more then that right now. And, some people will actually get it and realize that we are in a spiritual warfare against the same people that are supposed to be protecting us, and protecting us in the choices that we make. But, throughout our lives all we have learned is how they aren't protecting us nor serving to protect our interests. So much so, that they are serving to harm us, cause us harassment that we can't keep up with, and serve us with living conditions that could otherwise cause disease – even crabs or other kinds of bugs – cancer – and even death. Now, that's final enough isn't it? Death?
Basically, they’ve decided that we aren’t able to be controlled with guns and taxes and things like that. So, now they are trying to control us through Electromagnetic fields and use the energies that are being poured into our atmospheres to control us. From your cellphones to the cellphone towers, the are using and manipulating everything for fascism where they don’t have to do any real work in order to stop criminals or stop regular people either – so, instead of having to do any real investigative work, all they have to do is watch you and track you and be able to know your every move before doing it and then siphon your brain waves through utilizing the same technologies they are using to cook you basically in a world filled with microwaves of energy that is being controlled to harm you and hurt the population. And along with the science that goes so far as breaking down the iodine that our body makes and replace it with barium – people's own bodies have become these sick psycho-surgeons dream because they are literally transforming our bodies into these little drug labs. But, the drugs that they are giving us aren't good at all, and are not going to bring you health or help you bring your health back. In fact, all they are going to do is help you to harm yourself further. Please pay attention! - I wonder if anyone remembers a time where they actually got to feel like a human being, and not some mind controlled or manipulated person as to where their goals and aspirations in life all vanish because of the things that these technologies are working on destroying. They are working on destroying a person from being just a human being and trying to live off the grid is now illegal. If, I have to use your energy or it’s my life… that’s a sad stipulation to give a person. Yet, that is what we do here in America, and all God’s children, just sit down, shut-up, obey, and do all those things they are asking of us to do – to turn people into real zombies who can’t think for themselves and people who will always believe in the state and in people and in themselves over believe that there is a God.
God is real and people who ignore God, ignore Gods’ ways and the world is just sad because then we can have hate and fake love and everything in between and the world starts to really feel like a huge fraud and a huge fake. Nothing’s real and this whole earth is now a playground for the faceless and the two faced. But, if you want to live life inside right, and have some bread up under the hood for the world – the world doesn’t need you – because the world doesn’t want a bunch of people who have the spirit of God that lives in them, no – the world just wants to kill you and wonders why half of us are still alive. It’s pathetic how this world acts so comforting and the second the good guys turn their backs and go home to their families – the other supposedly good guys work to harm you and make sure that you don’t get your voice heard. Because these people have a lot to fear with you getting your voices heard, because these people would lose, and they would end up losing a lot. Their lives, their businesses and relationships would fail them – and this is what people are fearing. So they’re using that money to bribe others to get in the heart of America and kill it – disenfranchise peoples lives and who cares – as long as you don’t do anything clean of heart. You’ll be alright. Because – that is what they want you to be – is a murderer – a psychopath or a killer. They want their criminals acting in regards that will continuously keep people believing that they need a government to protect them. When it’s not true. What people need is a real education and a truer realization that they aren’t going to be protecting you – but harming you. They aren’t going to be serving to protect your interests, but the interests of the people they serve – the bankers, the monies, and their schemes and sequesters that are only helping people to be less human as ever, and even less about the family or moral structures of their lives. I’d love to live in a real decent world filled with decent people – and for the most part I feel I do. I feel people out here just want a real break and they aren’t able to get one. It’s sad how we work all month for nothing to really show for it in the end because there just isn’t a true American Dream being instilled in America. It’s all as fascist as you can get.
I want to scream at my brothers and sisters in this world for how they are willing to let a country be run or how they let their loved ones be run over by the states sequestered behaviors, and how they are willing to let so many peoples lives become so hurt by the mistakes that are handled when dealing with peoples cases that are brought up when you’re a targeted individual – you don’t have a way out, because these people – whoever they are – know exactly what they are doing to try manipulate you. And, all they need you to end up with them and behind some closed doors where they can intentionally betray their oaths in a cruel sort of way where they can start to act like the damn criminals themselves. And, you're just supposed to take it willingly.
This here is exactly what I’ve been faced with and no one has the nerve to stick this out with me, and fight the devil dogs that are making life become so much like a fucking open air prison system that people become unaware of the things as they are happening to them or they play it off as if there is nothing they can do about it. They scan your brains and play it back to you in real time. Sometimes you might even feel like yourself, and that these brain waves that are being played back to you are actually your our own brain patterns, but sometimes – I feel so confused, like I cannot get out of one train of though into another without totally fucking up the whole story along the way and going off in tangents about other topics other then what I’m trying to get across.
It’s confusing, because it’s as if everything is alright – until you start having thoughts - downcast thoughts and other thoughts that just aren’t even human anymore – it’s scary because what they are trying to do is make sure that you aren’t aware of these things so that if they can control you and get you to flip out and hurt someone – (manipulate you) and you’re just aware of the fact that you actually did flip the fuck out, but you aren’t aware of the circumstances that have been being set up against you to play back against you – then you are unwittingly thinking you’re doing bad things – and that you’re unwittingly even thinking that you're a bad person – and that you might even feel as though you deserve to kill yourself because you feel so low at times and you cannot get out of this open air prison – so you’re literally in hell by the ways that this world is fucking up everything that is natural about you – everything you loving – everything pure of heart – and most of all they are trying to kill your body so that you don’t have a dream to work on anymore – you don’t have a voice – and you don’t inspire anybody to be anything great. So – many people go along in their lives and become as hurtful as they can be, and as mean and spineless as they can be – and what they aren’t aware of is just how easily that they are being brainwashed into becoming these haters that they are. The definition of A hater – is to hate on someone with no reason to hate you except to hate, period.
Electronic mind control and electronic harassment is not a joke and shouldn’t be taken by our police or ANYONE as something that should be on someone else to take care of lightly– when it’s a crime and it’s taking away your freedoms – you should be able to be recognized by the state you live in for who you are, that there are evils going on, and if those evils are happening by those same people – who can you trust? Where can you turn and who can you turn to – to get to the person that’s going to help you, and not help further the damage that’s been done already. I’m sick of people not willing to stand up with each other and fight because one day, it’s going to be one of them or one of our own, and we are all vulnerable adults if we let ourselves think we are vulnerable. But, for the most part – America is vulnerable right now because America let America be vulnerable. People don’t know anything that is going on – and especially when people are coming out feeling as though their whole lives have been a play-through of just what someone else wants for them and not what they wanted for themselves. There isn’t any reason to dream -in other words- because no matter how hard you dream or where you go to get the money to fight for that dream – there is always going to be someone smarter then you, bigger then you and in places like being police officers and judges who can place you into a fictional character, and this is the point. It’s diminishing your truest character – or who you’d be if it wasn’t for all the things that are stopping you to become that natural you. Just who would you be?
I’d be someone else and I know I’d be someone better because naturally we all care about each other. If it wasn’t for the worlds all so clever hung up to make shit sound good, just to be two faced and fake – well, that is not a world that should feel natural to anyone, because you’re not even being trained to think like a human being – as if any of our hearts bleed any differently. I can’t say that they do.
People here are just so tired of living a life that they feel they can’t get a break from. And, just when that break feels like it comes – it’s not as good as you thought it should be and it doesn’t even help when it’s all about that money. And money is as tricked as the slave-ship you call your citizenry you came in on. You can’t get out from under and you can’t get ahead no matter how hard you’re trying because there are real people that are in favor of all that is criminal and all that is deceit - they will be as cold as ice and telling you it to your face – that you aren’t going to be able to fight this and work to defame your character and sabotage your abilities. So my question then is when are we going to fight this, and be on the same page? What would it take to get this world off that gasoline?
People are having a hard time standing up because of the oppression that is placed into peoples lives by a government that isn’t being genuine in their thought processes of how they want to affect your life – when all they want to do is control you, and keep pushing you down – until you give up the fight. And, that fight is as spiritual and it is a real fight. People are being pushed down by other people with more power then ever who don’t deserve it, and the people who are kicked down deserve more of that power in their own lives and it’s sick and frightening to see happen to a world and then start to witness it inside of your own. Watching everyone’s heads go down even though they’re all running around trying to make this new world and this BIG idea all feel like home. It’s not home. It’s as far from the home we would all build if we could build the kind of world that we wanted. The kind that we wanted for our families and for our futures! The kind that we wanted for our families and for our friends. The kind that doesn't sabotage everything and everyone. You know that kind!?
Mass mind control and individual mind control techniques are currently being used to target individuals from around the world who can think rationally about how their world is treating their own people – and how it’s scoring peoples lives so badly that it's already turned real peoples lives into whatever you’d call what we are currently living today. This open air prison system? This ever bought and sold reality that plagiarizes humanity for their truest inner worth and ability. We lack ability because ability is fragile and they take it away from people in a heart-beat, because this worlds governance doesn't have a heart.
Electromagnetic signals that are happening to people coming from outside sources out of their bodies and are affecting their moods for the following reasons; they are basically cooking people at a slow vibration, and because your brain works on electricity and hormones, these microwaves can affect your mood, modify your behavior, it can negatively affect your health, cause head aches, palpitations of the heart to make people believe as though they are going to die – and trick your mind into believing it so that some people actually do die. Remember this as a fact though – what the mind can conceive it can achieve, and if you are fighting for anything and believe you can get it you can – and just because it doesn’t always happen this way doesn’t mean that it doesn’t work either – because you’re channeling your own energy inside of yourself outside, instead of letting this sick environment control your mind – your mood and begin modifying your behaviors or belief structures and moral groundings.
Just because other people don’t believe in what you’re telling them doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. I can see how it’s sick and sad it is to talk about things like these but ultimately people want to be able to talk about how they are being abused and to the point of death and be heard for the abuses that continue to carry on throughout their lives. People want to not be censored from the internet and have their work be in violation of the platforms – and people deserve to and want to get paid for their efforts in making the site what it is and taking part in it. It’s as though they want to place people with different mind sets with each other in the same vicinity as each other on purpose so that people are at odds with each other, and with the circumstances like these that follow.
Just because they don’t believe you, for how things are being played out, doesn’t mean that your gut feeling aren’t true. If you’re connecting things and catching people breaking laws and aren’t being recognized for the things you are doing, then you’re being taken advantage of at the state level of things and you are really going to get pissed off to think that with all this meta data they can be controlling you, giving you a lead foot around certain situations and then using those technologies in places against you. And, for the most part they are happening unwittingly and it becomes unbearable when you figure these things out because you feel you’ve got a real story, and something that needs to be shared and no one is going to want to be on your side because of the circumstances that you are facing. No one is going to want to protect you, and no one is going to want to be on your side because there are people who are basically paid off to lie and create havoc in your life and if people are paid well enough – there are enough people in the world who will do some fucked up shit for that FIAT. It’s amazing!
The whole worlds a joke when these things are going on and people are completely unaware of it. But, it’s design is to get you to do things that you wouldn’t otherwise do, and to manipulate you through microwaves to get you manipulated into what they want to have of you – where they think you ought to go where you ought to be, and even hold full games and Hollywood screen plays specifically to mentally abuse us – as with some of their freak show movies meant to manipulate the average generation of kids into thinking that these movies are their actual reality, when it isn’t and sometimes could even be much worse when you look at it. Much, much worse. They're implementing new psychological behaviors such as autism and bi-polar disorder and many other disorders that are created out of fiction for money.
They have frequencies that they are working on in order that it is so subtle that it feels naturally happening or reoccurring for you. They target your to modify your moods and behaviors until you’re made to feel so broken as though you have no one who you can talk to. You can call the police and tell them a story but they don’t have time to hear it and/or they aren’t going to believe you, and will walk away leaving you inside of the same fear you asked them to help you out of. And, which some cases like these – I believe they can even be the same people who are able to subvert a reality – which makes it hard to go to police for help and thus leaving people in a damaging world and in further damaging situations that are scary, and even scarier could cause even death – that is unrecognized.
As long as you are willing to be subject to the state – you are now willing to participate to a government and governments that will allow for torture and these kinds of mass manipulation of behaviors and the techniques they are using a phenomenal like scanning peoples full brain activities and using their own brain waves to manipulate them. EMF radiation from the new smart meters that are being installed and are currently installed where I live. Smartphones, and computers create a little radiation from which they are using you as an antenna, and are able to scan your brain waves and see what kind of mood that you are in. The technologies that are being implemented into peoples lives aren’t with any regard to us at all. And when they are using these energies to distort our lives and hack into our personal lives, and people don’t care about their privacy. It’s an issue that is beyond absurd, and it get’s even deeper as to where you live when you could have “frienemies” that are fake friends who are your real enemies. People who will stab you in the back over anything, and just try to be as cordial with you as possible but don’t really care anything about you. It’s hard to feel as though people in the world have actually become that two faced – but, the fact of the matter is that by fear they can do a lot of things. And, through manipulated fear – when you’re stalked, harassed, and people within the vicinity somewhere who are also trying to sabotage you from getting your medications, trying to stop you from getting your own money by stealing it out of your accounts, trying to hack into your bank account information, stealing your identity, stealing and hacking your world - it’s very hard to limit, but not limit it to just people outside of the territory who are causing you to have to go through all these things. There are some real key players here, and those key players can go ahead and keep that bribery money. I don’t care what it took to try to take me and my family down – I’m not going to allow myself to be subject to abuses that are happening from people who are criminals – who are even in my mind raised and brought up by their states, and educated in the ways of a criminal so that they can make money from both sides of hate. Their own, and yours. As long as they got you hating, they don’t care where it leads because they got you hating.
They are implementing resources from mind manipulation techniques to basically leave a person feeling hopeless. And, this hopelessness leads to restlessness because they don’t want you to be able to prepare a fight back against them. They don’t even want you to be aware that it is even happening but they are using your brain as their drug lab and when these agents come together that are in our atmosphere – you have micro-machines growing inside of us on a nano-scale, and they are to implement the same things that they can do through micro-chipping you, or getting people to become chipped. The whole goal is to get people chipped and willing to submit to the state and to the government. Then, they manipulate you and the processes of fear to get you sold into the idea that you need them to protect you – even though – they won’t protect you.
It’s thugs working with other thugs who are now elites, all the way down to your regular everyday jobs, and all the way down to the gangs themselves. It’s channeling your regular energy and setting it toward another goal. Manipulating you!
If you think that governments from around the world wouldn’t try to use your own brain as a tool to use voice over God type protocols. Think again! These people want to mind manipulate you into some kind of person you aren’t. And, as long as they can trick you into going on and doing those things – it keeps giving them more reason to create more laws, and in the end – these more laws create more crime. In which case, some of the time those crimes are little to do with the care of you or your progress in your health. They don’t want you to get healthy. Just continue to get sicker and sicker in your environments no one cares anything about.
Dr. Jose Delgado (of Yale MK-ULTRA Neuroscientist Congressional Record No. 262E, Vol 118, 197) said this in 1974, “We need a program of psycho-surgery and political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated.
They want to play God kids. They don’t care whether or not you get ahead in life or get that American Dream. You see, they don’t need you to be well informed or smart so that you can help people. They don’t want any of that. So, these state run school systems just give people a whole mess of garbage information, and it’s all meant for depopulating the country, and not allowing people to thrive.
On September 10th 2001, Secretary of Defense (at the time) Donald Rumsfeld announced 2.3 Trillion dollars were unaccounted for in pentagon spending… The next day, Our world trade centers went down. This is all to keep people in the dark and I believe there was people working on creating a platform where people could probably talk about these things, and stop them. Now, that there are so many dead… there are a lot of conversations that are left unsaid.
And, after 9-11, no one brought up that 2.3 Trillion Dollars ever again. So, still don’t think that America has been hi-jacked and that you have nothing to worry about? Think again! There are people that are purposefully perverting your way of life, and it’s all to steal your livelihoods away from you so that you can’t have a normal life. It’s all to cage you up into the fiction that there is anything green on the other side of the fence. There isn’t! It’s all a scam to get you to be bought into things and sold for labor and more wages that you’ll never really get to see, because at the end of the work week; month, and year – people are finding out that they have lesser and lesser then where they started somehow.
If you think about your brain for a minute; your brain has no firewall and no spyware safety net, and it’s basically open source that can be used just as an antenna is used or any other thing that works off of electricity. Our brains are hardwired electrically which make it easy to manipulate brain patterns and brain waves through using these electrical currencies, and if that isn’t enough to get you killed or get you to have a heart attack, then they start using techniques to destroy you in other ways. Hacking you for an example can cause people multiple problems that aren’t being even recognized as police work. If you don’t have the where-with-all to fight a civil case and you can die in the mess you’re living in because of some of the things other people are doing to you. You better know that under the original constitution – that would be known as police work. But, today – it’s not because half of the time I think our struggles are coming from the law. Coming from the people who think that the law is set up to protect you, when it’s not. It’s set up to protect the interest of the bankers and if you aren’t willing to submit your life over to this random craziness in the world – then you’re looked at as a person of interest and those people are targeted individuals and most of them don’t get out of the sequestered life – where there are real people that are set out to destroy you, your family and your reputation. And, as long as people believe them – they’ve done their job. And, for the most part people are all bought into it – because they are keeping criminals off the streets – right?
Wrong! They aren’t keeping anything off the streets, and for the most part they are creating for ways to turn you into a disenfranchised thug so that you can get into the wrong crowd and start doing some bad shit of your own.
Having courage is having the resistance to fear. We are all brothers and sisters on this planet. To master that fear is to make the fear disappear. We aren’t supposed to let our fears conquer us – Only make us stronger.
The development of mind control technology is being implemented today. Most energy sources will target a person to allow one not to be able to control one’s own physiological body, control their own emotions, and thus produce you to sleep. They can transmit suggestions, interfere with both long and short-term memory functions of the brain, produce memories that don’t exist and take away some of your real memories. Then they can set up traps for people, where all they have to do is show up alone, and they are in front of people who will otherwise disturb them emotionally or scar them in some way where they can’t get back up from. And, as long as it does take away from your true abilities, I believe you should have every right to sue your government for lack of justice to say the least.
I’ve personally been feeling as though I’m experiencing some of the worst black ops secret mind control programming out there as to how I’m being treated when I’m coming forward about these issues and trying to bring an end to the injustices. I won’t feel liberated until I get some representation and get some appropriation for the things that have been happening to me.
Here is a list of things that they want to control or manipulate through using magnetic energies to target you through brain waves and target people. They want to control your concepts – anything to get you to steer you away from your first dreams as becoming an adult. They want to implant conscious energy to mess up any belief structures that people have. They want to implant their ideologies on the world. Memory Manipulation, to stop you from remembering or using certain memories to attack them back. They have manipulated ways to control a persons speech through both covert and overt methods. They can control how awake or tired you are – to affect your abilities and where you are able to go in life. They want you to fail so they'll get you to lack energy, and getting you to sleep more when you need the energy of getting out and getting some exercise, they want to stop you in your thought processes of getting in shape, or getting out just for yourself. They can control how high or how drunk someone is, and get them to take any given substance that they wish. They can manipulate synthetic highs and control your body language and facial expressions. They can manipulate you to be sad, or they could control the ways that you feel externally to also make you sad or angry. Technological possession of a person, they can control your body as well as the mind. The artificial intelligence that they are creating is completely demonic and overt. They want to channel your mind technologically to implement an artificial intelligence into your mind. And, they don’t want you to think for yourself so that you can see the truth. They can further damage you through technological mind tricks and technological illusions. They can even create people to believe they are being possessed by demons. Technology today can create any illusory symptom of any real ailment or illness. They can manipulate people to feel things on their skin or trigger emotions that make a person feel unstable and act unstable. They can synthetically create people to have an out of body experience as opposed to that of a drug or a chemically induced out of body experience – as to which to make people feel as though they are going crazy. Synthetic feelings both good and bad and can even control where a person will focus their energy. They want to stop people from using their energy for things like these and get people to just give up and let the world win them over. They want people to simply lie down for the government so they can roll over you. They can enhance sensations; control your negative emotions and get those negative emotions to serve over your normal emotions to attack you in any certain situation. They can inflict people to have emotions that lie to them – getting one to believe that they are dying – in which case; I can see how someone could end up dead from those feelings being created into your bodies. As long as you believe it; you’re basically screwed. And, even if you live through it – it still took away your entire day, week or month and put an end to the work that you otherwise could have got done. They don’t want anyone working on anything of their own doing and just buying all of their bull shit. They can control you through using synthetic voices, using a program called voice over God, or SATAN; a program that is used to implement assassins and create people to be in hell with their humanity. As long as you're not trying to go to heaven. They want control of discernment, negation of analytical thoughts and synthetics of analytical thought. They want to control ones own logic and how one sees that logic. They use subliminal programming to use subconscious control of the mind. They can synthetically control your sex drive or arousal. They can manipulate sexual urges to control a persons hormones and make them do things that they wouldn’t otherwise do. They can create synthetic intolerance to any food or make you crave any food. They can control your motivation through their hacks, and control your ability to feel as though you don’t have what it takes to cope. And according to many resources, they say that they can remotely control anybody these days and that they are using these technologies on Americans and on people right here and right now – not to mention all the things they are doing covertly anyways to attack you through the use of meta data and other data leaks – and as we all know – no one has any money anymore (they stole it all), so people are sometimes willing to take things to dangerous measures to make ends meet. They want to manipulate that process and break ones own barriers down so that they too become the criminal and give these cops a reason to beat you up, or to take more of your life and abilities away from you.
People can be manipulated with forced to speech technology, and if you’re unaware of these things you’re not going to be able to control what you’re able to say. More over, if the technology is being used on you, I hear that you absolutely cannot control your own mouth or words. You’re not aware of it, and if your brain has been mapped out; they are able to not only use your own brain chemistry in a way that will confuse you, but also can use brain patterns to attack you at the level of repeating events in your head, so that you feel you cannot get away from it.
You might imagine how advanced the weaponry has gotten, and you should look up how they are using advanced technologies on average citizens and targeting people. We aren’t citizens, we are a threat to the global elite. They know it. We know it. Everyone who is being attacked and who are aware of the attacks, are also aware that they have ways to protect themselves from advanced technologies. These people are playing God with how they want to implement mind control technologies and even voice to skull trying to take away from God. Just some of us are more vulnerable to their tactics then others are. But, no one seems to be willing to fight these advancements, but just accept that the world has been implementing them into the normal way of life for a long time. And, as long as no one is fighting these evils, these evils are starting to really take over and starting to really kill a lot of people or get a lot of people in alternative worlds and altered moods. People are not living their lives anymore – so much as we are living in a life that is not of our own doing but the doing of these other people.
Synthetics include; dreams, hearing, voices, tastes, smells, optics, highs and lows, emotions, pain signals and any variety of sensations over the skin. Synthetic dreams intend to not only create fictional dreams but to also steal your dreams away from you. There are groups who have the capability of performing black ops over the people of the earth. No one gets away from the New World Order, and as you should know – the Devil – is here to stay. Same with all this hate and greed. It’s just a silly game people are playing really as if their isn't going to be God on the other side ready to judge these people for their actions that have been taken against us and all people.
I’ve learned that what I’ve been experiencing is some of the most advanced mind control technologies used on humanity today. It seems that I’ve been a part of this experimentation since I was born and ever since then I’ve been connecting the dots and catching cases. I can’t get these cases heard though because no one has any guts at all to represent someone with these kinds of things happening and the conditions we're being left to live with. When my brain patterns have been mapped out – they are playing them back to me at times where I’m getting confused with my work – unable to work and deal with real life situations that I’ve been having to deal with for years. And, especially in these passed few years, and just this last year. The kinds of feelings that I’ve had to endure are beyond what anyone I believe should ever have to go through – and it’s so bad – that it’s like having a lot of your dreams of being able to help the world be broken by people that just want life to be miserable for everybody here. And, for the most part – life has been made miserable. No one wants to talk about anything real anymore these days – like where did liberty go? And, why did justice go out the window?
When your brain is mapped out, the Shadow Government or Secret Governments map out your mind. It’s mapping out your psychological profile and personality, your likes and dislikes, beliefs and your memories as you remember them. They do a genetic profile of you and map out what is called soul mapping, making an image of your heart and soul. The things that matter most to you they need to know about – so that they can stop you from getting to those things in life.
They can map out images from your own eyes and see through your focus… and can also manipulate your focus onto other things that you wouldn’t otherwise be trying to look at. After they do this, you are already living a fictional life, because you are no longer able to be the self you were or the self that you could have been before the hack was taken place. Before the hack – you had things you were working on – and after the hack – you aren’t going to be able to think straight let alone decipher as to why you’re feeling confused in the first place. The best thing to be is just to be aware of what can exist so that you can be well prepared against these attacks on your humanity, which in my mind are taking place all the time. They are mapping out your entire internet usage, your brain waves, your items you buy, the places you choose to go, thought surveillance, internet and communications surveillance and they use these things to sell you stuff and to keep getting you to be bought and sold by their idea’s. Even though your idea’s are worth way more then their idea’s are – they are using your idea’s to sabotage you, and to make sure that you aren’t able to protect yourself from an attack. And, if need be – they will come and kill you because they don't want you dealing with police or people that are pissed off and want to raise awareness above their mainstream media. The bank police and the shadow government police. The black ops – or known as the illuminati – black helicopters to come do a ten minute job. I believe this is what happened to a lot of people that are working on things like I am. They don't want people to get the truth about what they are doing so bad that they are willing to sacrifice as many lives as necessary to complete their motivation and keep people detained by their own thoughts – or what will seem and play out like your own thoughts but aren't. These are manipulations of the mind, and some people believe them and end up doing some really bad things. When a person is being broken by the world around them and they feel as though they have no one real to trust – they are going to lash out – it's just how they are going to do it that is the question. Most people will not write it all out or try to fight it without just listening to the idea's that are instilled in the logic that is our world as asleep as it can be – and highly involved in slavery.
Mind control Matrices include; taking over a persons thought processes, and mapping out factors such as belief patterns and external environmental factors are used to keep you locked up and certain mind controlled operations that are highly sophisticated and efficient ways to trap people in a hidden sequester, where you aren’t able to find appropriate representation from anybody. No police, no healthcare, no lawyer, no judge that isn’t in the shadow cops back pocket, and people’s lives are torn apart.
More mind control technologies that are implemented - the more that they are able to target you to not be able to vocalize your dreams or even get your writings out there for the option to be read. You can have the thought process, but you won’t be able to ascertain the dream itself. You can set the goal, but you won’t be able to get to those goals that you've set for yourself. Not as easily as someone that is not being manipulated in their thoughts, or targeted by their mass surveillance systems. But, the truth is that they are mapping out everyone’s mind through the use of their new technologies and they are using them to attack you and your abilities to get anything better of your world. I can't stop to think that the 99% are in favor of the 1%.
They have the ability to create any kind of itch they want to on the body. They can mimic feelings on the skin, and also use this technology on people while actually placing bugs into their environments. When the pollution starts and people start to feel more itchy then usual – it to me is a sign that war is proliferated. Because of history it proves that people have died in these itchy conditions before they are ever recognized as biological and technologically advanced war tools – people are using these tools currently to practice on society, and my guess would be that they’re having a lot of fun fucking over entire world. They love what they’re doing – so they keep on doing it. Little do they know, it’s going to end up coming back to get them in the end. God’s paying close attention to the details here in this fucked up world!
Targeted individuals; and we’re a part of a mass human experimentation, and it’s happening to us without our full consent or knowledge about them or how they are using these technologies on us today. Our lives have been compromised. We are living in an era and through the era where the United States Government has perfected their full suite of tools used on average everyday America citizens, and are using electromagnetic energies to target people in mass – wittingly and unwittingly.
So, now that they’ve protected the tools used for manipulating people, they aren’t so much interested in the tools now as they are interested in using them and making these fictional lives over people’s real lives, and without them even aware that this stuff is going on – which is the best form of attack, because you are being turned into a victim that is willing to protect your attackers when you're unaware of the things that are going on– when for the most part, your attackers have been well known people as the same people that are supposed to protect you. They aren’t! They are harassing you with these microwaves and electromagnetic energies that they’ve implemented and now are most likely using them on you and your loved ones – to some degree. They want to see what they are able to do and get away with in the environments without causing too many people to ever be fully aware of them. They don’t need a lot of well informed people – they need highly consumable idiots willing to be bought into their currency and into their fake system that tells them they have to do things this or that way to be successful – or to become the criminals where they lock you up for reasons without so much as trying to help people at all – they are the criminals for the most part and the people are the victims of oppression. When – they can’t tell me that they could take a look at the real me and be able to really want to hurt me when hurting me – they are really just hurting themselves. They’re hurting their own worlds so badly, that they must not even care anymore. It’s about ripping people away from their own pride and joy. And, if that means your whole family it’s going to eventually rip apart without them ever getting representation for the ways we are being manipulated into this fiction of freedom where you basically have to pay for their mistakes. It's absurd! It sucks and it’s going to tare this whole world down if people aren’t willing to start talking with one another about their world in a way where all people can feel safe and free from tyrants and war.
They have to use their technologies on a wide variety of people, so there is a lot of people who are targeted individuals whether they are aware of it or not. Black projects and operations continue to carry out, and are trying to find out more about genetics and the souls of people. And if you feel important enough in sharing this kind of information – you are actually willing to place yourself on hold because these people will suppress your behaviors, modify you and manipulate your life using any tactic necessary, and even use torture to get you into a place where you cannot find the right people who could help you. The shadow governments plan on earth is to suppress us through mind control. Surround them in ways to shadow them, and attack them. They are targeting people in ways to make people care less and less about each other and about the time that one gets to spend with his or her loved ones. This is an attack on a people both mentally; spiritually, and physically. Inherently many people who want to educate people on such matters; activists, spiritual leaders, musicians, inventors, film makers, directors, scientists, artists and more are targeted to suppress their vision, and their final production. More often it's for reasons that what these people would come out with could start a movement, a revolutionary movement that these bankers don't need. You, well informed!? HA!
Tactics include; mind control matrices and other forms of mind control and manipulation, they want to assassinate your character, reputation, they want to isolate you and cause you to lack sleep, energy and leave you sleep deprived and unable to deal and to cope with your losses. They will attack you through taumatic based mind control manipulation techniques, and torture of all types are included here. Microwave’s or hearing voices – Voice over God technologies, or Voice to skull technologies, getting people diagnosed and placed on schizophrenic medications – in which case they are not schizophrenics, or have become one over time because no one will listen to their story and too many people feel a lack of that representation coming from their authorities – in which case their determination to get it dies as well. Too much to say, and most people will leave you alone along the way. Left on your own for the abuses to continue. They will gang-stalk you and gang harass you, they will hire crisis actors or be crisis actors themselves and will even create suicide programming, to get people to hopefully kill themselves or hurt someone else. They will use remote neural monitoring to target you and monitor your behaviors and moods so they can use your own brain waves against you.
More tactics used on targeted individuals are fear based mind control programming – basically fear mongering. Synthetic fear based programming, or trauma experience programming. They can be used to manipulate the targeted individual into certain actions or getting them out of others – like asking for help or getting representation, and targets can be manipulated through covert actions such as creating your environments to become sick – placing agents within your home – bug you – or otherwise create a way to keep you sick and fighting for your life rather then fighting the things and the places that are making you become so ill that you can't stand, or overtly by synthetically making you sick – by utilizing your brain waves and using them to attack you.
Another thing is that when they replay emotional crisis back to you in your mind, it’s ability is to create more pain and trauma then when the actual experience occurred. It’s easy to naturally have that happen if you have that kind of caring heart, but they can also be manipulated as well – whereas you think that something is actually happening to you – or it was happening to you but causing you to lose control over your own mood and mind. You can catch those emotions while they are happening and you can change your thought process by using your mind and knowing that these thoughts are unnatural and not of your own character. They are being implemented onto you through the patterns of our world and technologies unnatural ways of suppressing people, or the unnatural way to suppress someone and their use of their own equipment, their own dream, their own home, or their own anything. If you can change someone's ability to use their equipment you can change people. Imagine if your favorite artist all of a sudden couldn't play or couldn't sing because of something actually stopping them. That is a lot like mind control and being a victim of mind control.
Almost all individual targets are targets of character assassination. All targeted individuals are in a battle for their own credibility. The fear is about exposing people for their crimes against humanity, and actually - exposing them – even if it’s not something that you would be into – exposing them is still crossing the line and when you’re a targeted individual – anything that you’ve ever done will be exposed and even things that you aren't people will fabricate. And, not to fear – even if you’ve done something wrong, because chances are – that you are a victim of this character assassination crime that is happening to people on mass and to a lot of individuals on an individual basis only to make sure that it stays hidden. The sequestered information is to make sure that you don’t get your voice heard, before it’s too late for them. They wouldn’t want to have some poor kid put them out in the streets, so they’re not going to have it. This is why you are under so much pressure and can’t remember things and are continuously having a harder and harder time in life – and not an easier time. It’s just not a normal progression of age, but an unnatural progression of wearing down on a person and wearing them out so bad that they can’t cope to go on anymore. And, for the most part, these alienating feelings within a person are being left on that person by people who are close to them as it’s something they are doing to themselves, and it’s not. It’s things happening to them just as easily as you can see what losing all your information must feel like – and when you’re losing it over and over, and can’t even create a paper trail on a computer – not to mention the other stresses you are under – it makes it harder and harder to fight, and even harder and harder to want to keep living inside of that safe cozy fake life – where no one believes you, and no one will stand up with you and help you be and get protection and representation that you solely need – not to mention a lot of other people around you who are afraid to speak up – or afraid to say the things that matter most. It's as if no one came with a set of balls.
Targeted individuals are people that will come out and make targeted individual campaigns, and teach people about their cases and re-occurrences of these cases to keep happening. Over and over, no one is willing to represent them because they could be afraid – or they could even be a part of the money that is being hidden from you – to make sure that you don’t get that legal representation.
The CIA has been operating on United States since the 1970’s and are still working on disenfranchising the youth of today…
A lot of gang-stalking is more recognized as a whole lot of people in a sequester against the individual – but more often then not, a lot of people within these sequestered atmospheres are people who don’t even know that they are helping to target an individual – or keep a person in a fictional world with a fiction of government – or that they too could be a targeted individual as well. But, again – most police aren’t even aware of how they are being used to continuously hurt you, or incriminate you in a way that isn’t even legal or truthful. Stalking – no matter who it came from at least used to be illegal in this country, and if it’s a sequester of cops and other people making sure that you cannot get out from under – I thought that was also recognized as scary tyranny too, but today – it’s recognized as normal cop business. Taring peoples lives apart is just what they do. Scaring people to death in the fear that they will never get out from under, I guess, that’s their job. Making sure a whole lot of people who need appropriation for the abuses – don't get any!
Gang-stalking and street theater is done to assassinate your character and sabotage any reputable thing that you could have done or would have been doing. It’s done to get targets to attack stalkers and get arrested or to get people to attack someone with the authority who will otherwise place you in the care of the state. It’s also being done at times to get people on anti-psychotics or other form of psychotropic medications. It’s also done to traumatize the victim, or to torture it’s victim, and anyone that would otherwise help the victim to keep hurting that victim by telling them they need to be on medications or to tell them they're fucked up and basically, to shoe them away from even getting close at all.
Street theater is basically having someone’s life be barged with coincidences that are looked at as just another thing when really they are covert attacks on your life and/or your family. It’s to barge your life experiences with covert technology influencing and practically taking part of all the people surrounding you; animals, insects and other environmental factors are also added to manipulate the target in any way that they wish. They will place so many things into your environment before actually killing you themselves because they want you to take your own life. The goal is to get you to do the Devils work – for them! But, I'm sure they have enough safe haven to be able to kill anyone that it wants to – and for any reason it thinks is necessary.
Street theater is not just technologies implemented, but a large portion of it is based on technological illusions or mind manipulation tactics, where people don’t even know how they are being used by their world – and nonetheless, they are being used 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on it's own citizens. They wouldn't want a bunch of people on a mission to change the world or anything. They wouldn't care if you all were on the same page. It doesn't suit them! No, they want people at war with each other and losing their families and lives.
They are manipulating people with weaponry that is targeting people to visualize suicide, death and things of that nature – getting people into a locked state of depression; fear, and to create a suicidal based mind-control manipulations to get you to hurt yourself or to just continue living in the fear and uncertainty of your world gone to shit – and all while creating them to feel as if they are your own thoughts when they aren’t. These are dark programs strategically to target people to hurt themselves and hurt other people. The mental structuring of this programming is one of the biggest and most crucial mental concentration camps of the 21st century. The reality is beyond reasonable and targets are actually killing themselves when they are unaware of these things and/or can’t grasp the concept of spiritual warfare or that it it happening today.
Next we have trauma based mind control. This is done to fracture a personality or to interrogate targets which create more targets and more people with more mental breakdowns to either ask for help or just be interrogated. It’s done to punish enemies of the government for both political and financial reasons. They don’t need a lot of well informed people about to make a big break in life, but brainwashed ones willing to suffer and die and be humble in a world with all this hate. They need you to be a consumer of the government and not just a client or a slave. They do it to traumatize, torture, and even suicide targets, and they actually kill people in horrific ways I’m sure and they would do anything as so long as they can get away with it.
It pays the world no service to cower in fear of this kind of targeting or stopping your education process, and your activism all because of fear mongering and fear of being a targeted individual. The government is already using mass surveillance and completely breaking laws that they’ve sworn an oath to uphold. I hope people can see through their lies of deception and corruption and courageous enough to not react out of fear in these situations because of the information presented here. The world needs more rebels like yourself to fight. And, you my friend are a fighter! You are a person of God.
Most people know about the program MK ultra, but there are a lot of other covert projects to look up; so- I’ll just name a few of these; Blue-Bird, Artichoke, Project Chatter, QK HILLTOP, Third Chance, Chiklet, Stargate, MK Delta, Sleeping Beauty, DERBY HAT, OFTEN, MKNAOMI and there are others as well. I'm thinking there are more names to come out along with whatever kind of fucked up representation I am getting. I am getting none! None – but a people that anyone else would jump down the throat of. I can't imagine what has happened with me happen to a person like Jesse Ventura.
Brain Electrode implants have been used for mind control operations, even using children for their victims of their mind control. Look up MKULTRA Project Sub 61, 94, 129 and 142.
Here you will find a few from my studies; Remote Influencing Technology Patents Include; Method and Device for Producing a Desired Brain State; Patent #:US6488617 B1 Multi-functional Radio frequency Directed Energy System; Patent #: US7629918 B2 Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring And Alerting Brain Waves; Patent #: US3951134 A Brain Wave Including System; Patent #: US5954629 A Method of and Apparatus for Including Desires States of Consciousness; Patent #: US5356368 A Nervous System Manipulation by Electromagnetic Fields from Monitors; Patent #: US6506148 B2 Method and Apparatus for Including and Establishing a Changed State of Consciousness; Patent #: US5151080 A Method and Apparatus for Changing Brain Wave Frequencies; Patent #: US5036858 A System and Method for Controlling the Nervous System of a Living organism; Patent #: US38337331 A (RF Energy) Hearing Systems Patent #: US3629521 A
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