Advice on messages received from the enemy (Part 1/3))

in targetedindividuals •  3 years ago 

I moderate the Facebook group for targeted individuals #Canada this is a comment I made in reply to opposed in another less specific #targetedindividuals Facebook group.

If you're from Canada please join us.

[]Hidden Group Participant[]
[ Posting was of v2k or perps message that something called 'the machine' guessing this is the so-called control center they say runs everything in this hell, they're telling him that it's in a tropical island so if you want to find it it's in a tropical island and this is a this is a common control tactic with anybody believing a single word they say that it it's an imaginary thing and they want you to go do it or go away from it and it's a real problem because if you think there's an apple there and it's a gun you get the picture I suggest there's several of them and there are known well known well not so well known Robert Duncan published a book on Amazon supposedly and it does refer to a lot of technology in there that's real he claims he's allowed to talk about and has worked on and has interviewed many targeted individuals in the United States he doesn't seem to care about them anywhere else in the world even Canada although they came to speak to scientists here I was unable to go due to the exorbitant cost for a targeted individual under 40 bucks and I did hitchhike there but decided not to go into BC because it was too expensive but he came here and spoke so he published a book and one of the things in it is a system that happened to be called Satan so it's a acronym Satan for a software that runs and it's out of control so this is like a decentralized thing it doesn't have a single point of failure although it might very well it's just nobody's trying to turn it off but typically anything that always runs and doesn't shut down has to be decentralized at least on an operational level a functional level well a non-functional requirement of software actually but we would say in for you to understand when it's operating if the power say went out or an earthquake happens multiple power failure any single Data Center may have so many Almost 100% uptime but it's 99.999999 is extremely good and rare at that so the chances are Satan is running similar to the machine in this case if it's a real thing the v2k that's mentioning the machine made it up and they're Anonymous no matter who they say they are they're Anonymous unless you can ID the person and then you're going to have to clarify the communication devices working correctly it also have to clarify that you're probably deep fake and synthesize anyways so it's really unreliable to even someone's voice an audio call is really unreliable to identify somebody so you you're running on on fumes when you listen to them it's literally in my mind the safest thing to do is consider what they're trying to get you to do and do the opposite of it if it annoys them do it again and again as much as possible don't ever go past that such as I was told they'd stop harassing me once for 6 years ago as long as I put my hand in the air and face the security camera in the McDonald's I was eating at and said I joined the cult and every single day for months and months and months and months they did this and I wish I was still back there however that's the they scrapped that whole thing because it was impossible but I did eventually go past it just to see like what the f*** and no of course the harassment doesn't stop it continues on especially with thanks thank you but it's still tall your friend but it's still going on all the time it's still constant constant that evening it didn't even pause for a day did not pause for a f****** day they can't keep their mouths shut it's like they're forced to be here anyways this my response to the person with that in mind I I try to warn them against going to the tropical island to find the machine or to shut it down or whatever he thinks he's going to do to it or you know or you know mates with it whatever it is that they're pretending it is and they just want him to go there somewhere there and may even give him an easy way to get there I mean I don't think I'd make it as obvious as a holiday trip but there are some people who wouldn't even think twice about it especially before anything weird happened I wouldn't have thought anything strange about winning a trip but it's it's a little bit much and it might make you think twice and realize something funny is going on but even that is difficult in any case here's what I said In response]]

The psychopath wants you to go to a tropical island. My guess from experience they want you and will show you possibly an easy place to go cuz this will increase their chances and make it easier and more efficient to kill you as quickly as possible or after torturing you depending on the sadistic nature of whoever is doing this to you so do not I would recommend do not leave the country it depends on where you are of course but whatever they want you to do or try to convince you to do and guaranteed not one of them is ever going to tell you the truth don't even think for a second that something is true that you're hearing from those people tell them that they're anonymous you can't identify them you want their ID badge number something and you f****** check who it is and you communication is two directions so anyways all their arguments are b******* you can't identify them you can't use the information so bearing that in mind cuz all too many people believe they're the authorities but bearing this in mind the psychopath wants you to go to probably tropical island like Dominican Republic or somewhere where you could die immediately rather than putting you in prison for life which is also favorable to them setting you up so if you go to Mexico you're going to need money you wouldn't go to Cambodia without money you can't leave the country without money plus all this security we have in North America is not very much compared to safer countries like the United Kingdom or like China because he can't do this kind of thing to somebody in those countries although it's probably much easier in the United Kingdom still compared to China or Russia unfortunately countries like China and Russia gave this technology to the police officers and lower level authorities and so I'm sure they have a similar problem it's just that only the government and their friends are allowed to do it in those countries and here the government and their friends don't do it it would be against the law and they go to jail when they got caught I mean there's quite a few people in the States now that are looking like somebody's guilty especially when it comes to using this technology without the knowledge of the police or the government and the private companies that screwed up with say facial recognition a simple technology well-known and people like Bernie Sanders are yelling hey this stuff's dangerous we don't want the government to have it and in these other countries like the Caribbean ones and I'm just guessing here because who knows who it is telling you it's in a tropical island but if you go somewhere where it's much easier to deep fake a security footage or frame you because there's less security or less access to security it's astounding when these poor countries even catch somebody that kills their wife or husband down there there have been a few in the paper recently but if you go walking around anywhere in the Caribbean you have to be a lot more careful than in North America and if you're talking about the machine as in terms of there is a computer program out there there's several and they run on blockchain which is a decentralized internet is what it's called so in in this case of this person if they were say Anonymous I'm particularly Rich Anonymous kid out there trying to help you and he's not identifying himself or she's not identifying herself which is extremely unlikely and after you read this you're probably going to pretend to be that cuz I can't think of anything else they could possibly convince you they're telling the truth well they might have their server or something that runs in a tropical island or a supercomputer that mind you will be obsolete very soon so they can have a super computer at home and it's way more efficient than shipping one out to middle of nowhere and often those facilities are shut down anyways so you have blockchain and you have stuff like tour so you have encryption privacy and and permians without paying a bill decentralized internet runs forever so there's a few cryptocurrencies you could purchase at link included and that would be like internet computer if you want things more attached to augmented reality there's also decentraland zilka for domains and others I'm assuming not you personally would be able to invest anything cuz I have no more than 5 cents right now literally and I'm homeless but if somebody is reading this reduces this link to purchase those kind of cryptocurrencies or investigate the issue because a permanent computers that run without any single point of failure and after the Creator's death even are are really useful for the enemy and we should be using these enough to have the authority to shut them down rather than let the entire blockchain be run by places which are more permissive to Software Financial software and less regulation so if they're threatening you with the machine that's permanent doesn't cost them anything is automatic it's it's a block chain.

unless you're brought to the hospital and and I have brought theirs been brought there in several jurisdictions so I have over foot tall now damn hospital visits but now that it's done I even had one doctor say don't bring them back here obviously nothing's wrong with him and that was with a court order in a jurisdiction that wasn't just going to pick me up for no reason and I wasn't doing anything wrong just pick me up and bring me the hospital but they did they got a court order and that's when the the one of the doctors at the admitting said that so it was only a few hours wasted but now that I have all of that two of the doctors One hospital I didn't even visit and the other ones doctors told incompetent he never even talked to me and he was just nuts as far as I can tell but he they both the hospital in pendington as well as this idiot in Saskatoon I mean if you realize this is mistake or if he maybe saw a look-alike with my ID for f*** sakes then sure but other than that he's incompetent it's pretty easy to tell as Dr Jackson said several years ago before I was even targeted he said it's very easy for train psychiatrist to tell if you have schizophrenia so if you take the two dozen hospital visits an average of 10 doctors per emergency psych ward who all have to agree with the diagnosis of a doctor that thought you were acting funny enough to hold you for an assessment pass a peer review where the doctor tries to convince a third party you are not and you need a little bit of monitoring then plus simply 2 hours that only a train can do and then for sure they all agree so we've got 24 hospitals times 240 doctors who all agree for five reasons five reasons that I don't have schizophrenia and there are reasons people may hallucinate otherwise stuff that looks like schizophrenia in which case they would have diagnosed for it and I'd be hallucinating and psychotic like poisoning with Mercury brain parasites tumors and other illnesses cause hallucinations even sometimes it appears people with simply a depression and almost every mental illness may be accompanied with specific hallucinations in rare cases but I noticed them and I and I don't know this them so I get a doctor that says she's worried why are the police doing anything and I am too when I'm looking at them I really worry what's going on in their heads I'm telling you because of the pause weapon and misinformation and the large scale of the enemy and their many many mercenaries who are domestic Neighbors and peers and just regular people working at a stupid restaurant making Jack for dough working all day and stinking when they get home very happy to take five bucks to say anything and many people do anything especially when the enemy pretends to be the authorities if they say there's a police people poison you they'll kill you it's strange it's strange very strange for sure considering everybody hates the authorities but once you say you're an authority and if you're wearing a uniform or a lab coat a lab coat and a couple hats that's it they'll kill the person

So now if I call them I get redirected in every jurisdiction to the pack team which is for the mental health people and I mean they don't seem to have a reason to to do anything with me and they don't respond to me they act like I'm crazy or I mute so I'm wondering if the brain technology hasn't just disabled their brain well I'm talking to them I'm not sure exactly what's happening but something's wrong at that point not bringing me to the hospital except if I want to this means that there's nobody to listen to these complaints and I'm not going to fill out an online form that takes forever for these serious crimes that are committed so frequently it's constant I would have to I would never be able to fill them all out in time the instances of criminal harassment v2k I tell them I tell them also the pause weapon which isn't a thing but that's how I would describe a very complicated statement which amounts to a simple button which at close range can pause you or anybody me or anybody can be Frozen with this and we don't look like we're Frozen or paused and we won't remember it afterwards nothing happens except the next moment in our brains it's like the next Second and it could be an hour away if you're not paying attention you don't even notice and if you are paying attention you better find some way to notice because if you're trying to sense it you won't even notice you have to have a trick to even notice so I refer to that I also tell them about the constant pervasive computer hack that I'm sure if they're surveilling it it switches to some other phone they've got something called astroturfing involves two different people and multi layers of men in the middle synthesize voices and deep fake complement this to make it a nightmare especially if you think you can have a simple audio call with anybody you are joking yourself you go find a random Payphone it's already f***** I bet you their phone that you're calling is guaranteed to be f***** if it's important and you will say things to people that you never said I'm sitting around in the in public cuz I'm homeless and a parametric speaker yells something out and like I said there's no way for me to know what the f*** they said

[] the end of my Facebook reply and PS the following []

TI Group: TI receives message, is it information?

Targeted Individuals (TI) receive frequent messages unwanted Communications from anonymous sources otherwise known as criminal harassment.
Harassment is a serious crime that has no process to investigate in North American policing. The criminal science states that if criminal harassment isn't intervened upon by the authorities the stalker will always eventually kill or try to kill the victim this generally lands in two categories of crime that happened right before you die sometimes or maybe a long period of time but they certainly have to get on your property in your car or attack you physically and at this point if there were police there or you kick their ass even though they're reading your mind and know everything about you and have your entire environment at their control and still as this is happening they're using harassment messages to try to control your behavior anyways at that moment if if you win or subjugate them in some way kill them or rest them then they'd be charged with these crimes of trespassing or of assault as well as they give them a restraining order and that's all there is in North America for stalking and this is the crime of criminal harassment it's almost always carried out by assassins rapists serial killers and creepy people that have social disorders which are typically all rapists and pedophiles and perverts voyers for your Rhythm and unauthorized access of the computer are also tools of the same criminals even if they do include other but a minority types of participants like hacking which is usually just the rape is convincing anonymous hackers there is some just cause and same with the gang stalking believing it's the government and the people of the store believing it's the authorities or pretending is the authorities enough so everybody else thinks that is the authorities when they know it's a lie. So harassing the person stalking and making their environment on Pleasant is something people will do in person in combination with your constant v2k from the primary perpetrator who pays for all of this likely on the dark net and that's pretty much anonymous anonymous Ops and other services one can get to through chat rooms and getting to know the people providing these services I need more trust than drug marketplaces so some in some cases private websites hidden services on tour is what they're called are provided and can be busted individually similarly but the authorities aren't going to be looking for them because they don't know they exist and after their identified getting them hacked when there's only a few people using them as pretty difficult often I imagine if I got one it would be shut down and the people that had that one would be excommunicated from that particular operation so it may be impossible to effectively take these down without infiltrating these chat rooms and services. The problem with not having a procedure until the perpetrator usually up till now it's always been usually a solitary stalker who's going to kill the person one way or the other they're going to die and it's not difficult to be prepared for this person and when they come on your property call the authorities and point gun at him they're not reading your mind they don't know you have a baseball bat behind the door and you are ready for this a****** but nowadays considering this is a person who is anonymous a group of anonymous people and as well assassins or mercenaries being paid to stalk someone for God's sake and it's such an easy crime to commit because it's possibly deniable all they have to do is lie to the police simply lie to the police if the police ever ever ask you you're just doing a normal thing as fishy as it looks everybody they talk to Simply lying to them will let you get away with it and collect your $500 a day or whatever number they're paying the people terrorizing you I suspect they do pay more for specific actions or services and I've been told by the people doing it that they have to do the thing first so they have to pay for it themselves it's expensive it costs them a lot of money if you go to Japan they have to buy a plane ticket to Japan to go bother you there or on the way on the plane if they wanted to and if they could afford it they sometimes do travel with me sometimes they travel sometime later sometimes they stay wherever they were so it's very dangerous to not investigate criminal harassment nowadays because on top of that telling a police officer all these people are lying to them is paranoid meaning they cannot believe it or else they're going to look mentally ill because not everybody's going to be lying about some of this serious surely somebody's got to have come forward at some point and the only people coming forward are the victims that aren't totally enslaved in a box or dad most of the people that are dead died from car accidents that are not investigated as murder ever they look like normal car accidents because the person drives continues doing the same thing they were doing they're not even really conscious but they look just fine so I'm going to say nobody ever gets the authorities anybody that has a potential risk is identified by the anonymous admin either through my eyes or through public security footage or they come on site and identify them follow them home have their computer hacked and they make sure there is no way that person will ever get to the authorities or speak to an actual 911 operator or person that's going to give a s*** in the rare cases you might talk to someone that knows something that is even related that the Psychopaths determined to be a threat they will go and attack that person by the time you talk to them next they won't even know who you are they will thank you said something backwards as your identity is very much insecure in our very private Society so this means that criminals and not the government can identify people or pretend to be people for that matter identities in the hands of anybody except for the government and I have more to say on privacy and security and how they're related not mutually exclusive but there is an inverse relation between them and it's important to know that we need tools that give us security by balancing privacy with identity none of these are produced I'm most of the tools such as the machine mentioned below are created by private individuals or private corporations or groups and use for their purposes I don't see the government using any of these things to protect us cryptography to digitally sign and forensically secure security footage activity and web log postings that can be guaranteed to be yours authentic unmodified not deletable but deletable when necessary and accessible to you as well as the security footage or other recordings of you need to protect your identity but you should have access to them not only that if somebody's committing a crime against me I should be able to access it and submit it to somebody who can identify them and stop them long before it gets to them attacking me or killing me and this is possible with encryption cryptography blockchain and the rest of it in a way that the government doesn't have access to things it's not supposed to and that people don't have access to it and it would be very much cheaper if we force the corporations that want to have security footage to provide it and then provide a way for people to access it with a fee so that our lives would be come with a number attached to it about how much is it going to cost me to find these people and that's okay with me right now at least it's possible in that potential future but it's certainly not possible today a police officer can't get the footage now they can anyone else and for you to get a judge's order before it's gone I don't even think they have a requirement to keep it recorded I know that they don't record employees names past a certain time frame they're not required to except for purposes of taxes which is not held for very long and you can't even sue somebody for financial damages past I think 2 years in most cases I mostly just want these people thrown in jail I'm not going to stop until something happens about my dead friend or my life returns to f****** normal and after that I want some money for all the Lost Years and health effects the serious consequences to my health and I'd like to see something done about it so that I know this doesn't happen to anybody else and that would be a dream to get that far cuz I don't think any of us are going to make it and it's maddening absolutely maddening.

It can take a long time but catching a single stalker without advanced technology by waiting until they commit a crime like assault or murder or trespassing on property. With advanced technology like mind reading these blockchain decentralized operations Anonymous Ops chat rooms on the dark net in cryptocurrency Anonymous Payment Systems digital payment systems as well as massive insecurity and a need for more proactive computer security and a lot more money invested into protecting us with advanced technology and detecting these tools and counteracting them and informing authorities if you should be violated with ultrasound sonogenetics parametric speakers and catching them in the act at least having enough right for the government to investigate by invading our life in a way that preserves our privacy as well as catches these people is possible but usually from what I see in the groups even security cameras won't catch these people in one case it was a sheriff strangely enough that dismantled a woman's security camera and she posted it online that would be enough they really screwed up there if they could be identified so possibly not even a sheriff possibly wearing a mask possibly even her security footage was modified so when she hands it in she looks like a criminal trying to lie about the person coming to to terrorize her she'll look like a fraud and anyways catching the person as a targeted individual with any technology that's easily available specifically in my case like I'm homeless I can still get cameras GoPros a cell phones laptops microphones simple technology cameras audio recorders some Spectrum analysis if I have had time or even a couple extra dollars the 2K analysis with tools such as red mine recording tools and filtering takes a lot of time and the validity of your data is in serious question in fact most of the good stuff I have I really wonder if it wasn't just fabricated and it takes more time but more free tools can analyze media such as pictures audio more difficult but pictures and video easily to find edits I simply just warned the authorities that the media is possibly edited so even though I know what occurred if there's something edited here it wasn't me but it's still really hard to catch somebody who is the advantage of v2k signaling them your environment being controlled your password Secrets current current intention tactically you are surveilled and your Communications are intercepted I have a few 911 calls I'm sure they were not the 911 operator do to the person and the inflection in their voice and a couple lies it was obvious this is not a 911 operator because these calls are recorded and they be fired I'm still waiting to hear back on a complaint for that just wondering about it now so you need evidence that does identify them and identify them while they're doing the crime of trespass or assault. It's impossible to do that with passwords and I think maybe even subscription Services might be difficult due to Identity personation among other problems Verkada Corporation offers security camera Services had a fee that also have single sign on and Cloud Learning cameras assuming they haven't been compromised already obviously they are probably as in North American corporation very susceptible to being bought or infiltrated with this kind of money and economic Warfare tactics that are occurring make it pretty doubtful that after setting all that up and it's going to work very well if your existence contains knowledge that will be convincing to people after this is over it's pretty unlikely there won't be enough money to dismantle or retard whatever system you have to protect yourself or to gather evidence against them before they kill you.

Using an agent might help but I need an anonymous agent that was trustworthy and that's as mentioned below impossible so it's further Complicated by the fact that agents and people that might help you even though this thing is very difficult to find help that's useful other than simply comments from other victims that validate your reality help you avoid problems that they've already encountered there's very little help out there for this problem so you pretty much have to have the consequences of this problem to affect you to be helped by people that are helping what they see as some other problem often even telling them what the actual problem is causing all this will reduce the amount of help you get because in most people's minds it's your I refusal of help that's the reason you're having problems to them you're stupid and it's easy to fix this problem and you choose not to that's why family friends don't help because they have a simple cure for you and it's the same simple cure everyone else in the world will tell you and it's b******* and they won't listen past that everything you say for the rest of the time you'll ever know them appears to be just gibberish to them and so if you do find someone to give you help it's rare and you should also be worried if they are an agent for your backup private cryptocurrency phrase or pin code for your bank card or password that it's not just our minds being read it's other people's minds and it's very simple for modern-day mind reader to phonetically piece together sub vocal so passwords are pretty much repeated every time the person goes to enter them in their head they would say them over and over again there's lots of ways to fix that but there can all be compromised eventually after enough time the person messes up the technique to hide the password the mental technique and it's it's gone or the computers are hacked enough that it's it doesn't even matter your mental mnemonic doesn't matter anymore even choosing someone else to enter it for you doesn't work although it's slightly helpful but just imagine with a simple scan of someone's brain and positioning of a a small device close to you specifically to your head or to their head it only takes 20 minutes with a modern-day mind reader to now know 97 or 99 point something percent of the subvocal in any human being. The mind readerit just needs to train on them for about 20 minutes while they're speaking or when you know what their sub vocal is and it'll have it figured out so speaking is the easiest way to do that so if you speak for 20 minutes and it's recorded pretty much everything else you think in your head is going to be in there in any language so presumably everybody is under this
Messages received from these Anonymous sources and their their unwanted messages and their accompanied in my case with serious threats against all my family and constant narcissist fantasy about his disgusting rapes and murders and all the sick things he/they make up. In my case it's ongoing almost 8 years. The imaginary story of him being the authorities and not a serial killing rapist one of the people involved with a murder of a unidentified and missing woman who is coming to see me in 2014 in Penticton BC and even though back then the story was different and he most certainly took a credit for this and talked about it for years it's disgusting what he says about everything and what he pretends is he is really just ridiculous especially day-to-day when things go from up to down him and his agents that he's using to create this environment are out to lunch if they were genuine it's so ridiculous and it reminds me of when I was a child because a narcissist doesn't seem to mind doing this. I don't know if you've tried to carry on a fantasy for 7 years ever but the last time I ever had a fantasy so detached from reality I was probably 9 or 11 or something and imagining some ridiculous movie like life of course successfully and overflowing abundance and extremely unlikely events. Within days or less these fantasies become boring and useless and forgotten. . So this changing BS. it's ridiculous..

So everything every piece of information is always been either disinformation or misinformation and always bad to believe it.

It's best to reverse their claim and resist whatever it is they are trying to get you to act. so if they're claiming that something is true it's definitely false and if there are choice of turning left or turning right and they told you something that makes you want to turn left it's probably the wrong direction to go unless you were already going left then I would continue going left no matter what they said because they're either telling you the truth hoping it stops you because you figured out you're always lying and they might as well tell you the truth cuz you're going there anyways


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