Advice on messages received from the enemy (Part 2/3))

in targetedindividuals •  3 years ago 

This is part two regarding a message another TI says he receives from his purse and that message was


As an information scientist there are a few things that are really unbelievable and every one of them they mention to me hoping I tell people a long time ago and that's why I disbelieve them because they seemed ridiculous and the list of these things still to this day people will think are ridiculous and think I'm crazy for mentioning them and that's another reason those pieces of information turned out to be true as well as the people that told me true information are no longer here they're not around anymore so these are things such as mind reading synthetic telepathy holographic projection gang stalking poisoning Foods which is assault the pause weapon very frequently when I had some stolen or when something look strange they told me somebody came up and did something or what what happened there they'd say they'd say what happened there and then they told me ridiculous things happened but I didn't notice or believe it because that's ridiculous and same with the rest of it it turns out to be true the v2k being undetectable or unknown how someone spoke to you at the distances with parametric speakers as well as well as gang stalking being totally ridiculous cuz it goes from City to city and happens anywhere you go for for kilometers around you about 2 km one city block it's packed with these idiots so just in case you run away and run into some little place you've never been before and breathe the side relief somebody's going to say something that's for sure so you go about 2 km and they're gone and you have to do that without them expecting it but it's sure enough that if I wake up somewhere I should travel to kilometers before I even think of having breakfast but just like moving around constantly is helpful for me it could be difficult to move if you're comfortable even if you're being radiated radiation is also unbelievable to people cameras that see through walls sound like lies and expensive the computer hacking is also unbelievable and all of this stuff is true and at some point they've mentioned all of it before I was sure it was true so in those cases those things they mentioned because it was best for you to look crazy considering that these things do sound crazy especially when they put all together it sounds like mental illness so thinking a pause weapon exists to a psychiatrist that doesn't that isn't up to date really they'd have to be a bit out out of date to not know this is possible but even if it's simple technology they will tell you that sure all that's real but why is someone doing that to you most victims don't know why the pieces about the machine or the decentralized internet or other things that would need to be occurring for this to happen like Nazi Canada or Anonymous Ops simply enough seem rather fancyful and also even though those are real things a psychiatrist is going to have a hard time believing this the very fact you're talking to them about it they're going to be extremely lenient to not think this is mental illness and not worth investigating and it isn't even their job to investigate anyways so I won't get hung up on it and know that they detect these illnesses by observing the person rather than stuff they say and a technical argument has been useless even when I have a very clear reason why the psychopath is doing this to me the statement in that case was even though I witnessed a murder lots of people Witnesses witness murders and they're just killed or the people doing it this fancy way run out of money he claimed he knew targeted individuals that people stopped doing it out of the blue suddenly someone stop paying for it cuz they ran out of money and I really doubt he knows those people that were targeted individuals today I assume they're dead even if I can find them and they didn't know why but it did stop in it nothing bad has happened to them since they're not terminally ill I would double check their identity and think somebody is pretending to be them I would check it right through to the point that their DNA is checked and also be suspect of their DNA being accurate and the same DNA they had before which should be from their parents typically and should align with their siblings and other extended family it should be very we need brain scans to identify people and they need to be cryptographically secure private and usable for this purpose, density personation is the crime of pretending to be somebody but not just pretending they are acting as another person in fact the debt say incur in your name are yours and things like turning themselves into hospitals or speaking to medical records and stuff the government thinks is Totally Secure with a different identity is incredibly easy there have been people that have been arrested and convicted of crimes another person did this is common but it's so much easier to do something that doesn't even require an ID but it would require modern-day targeting however when mentioning that the information in an activity event on your medical record or on your record any of these protected government records is not yours you want more information on that piece of information how did your address change this most certainly his identity First Nation and they're not going to want to show you they'll close everything possible to hide whatever it was in there because whatever they pretended to be you for what was written down into your medical record is most seriously part of a serious crime against your identity so this organization doesn't want you to know what it is because they believe it to be true and this person submitted themselves as you so it doesn't seem like it's a good idea to remove it or try to deny it being entered into their system by one of their colleagues and and it's difficult in Canada to get Freedom of Information information actually it's impossible in Canada in the States you have a very good foyer system involving declassification which pretty much guarantees you'll get a blank page if there's something in a computer somewhere here it requires people to tell them the information voluntarily so like the corrupt rapist cops and pentaton BC well they would answer the phone and tell one of the people handling the request that could take forever that there's nothing about that in their system for example Andy's medical records were put in medical database that was hacked and put online and no doubt after it was put online for sale it received more modifications and further posted online if it's not forensically secure and it's unlikely to be after it's hacked pretty much plain text and a digital signature would be great but also very unlikely cuz it would just help authorities and nobody on there is going to help the authorities they have T-shirts for life they go to Christmas parties they don't want to be uninvited.

The advanced technology like mind reading incidentally invented in the 70s and mind control is what they called it by the 90s in North America Declassified pamphlets or notices inside Department of Defense retrieved from Freedom of Information requests and hosted online by muckrock which the best example of how far it should be working when they do get a reply and is is amazing to see that this term was used by the 90s by agents of the government and it was secret information back then mind control because mind reading is so 1975 or earlier and would have been more exciting back then no doubt but you wouldn't be calling that technology the same thing by the 90s No Doubt but even though I know that and I can explain that every time I mention it but it gets tiresome and sometimes I do have to mention it all the time just to get people to stop on their track of mind to start ignoring everything you are saying because you're crazy it was just as crazy sounding back when this started when I believe that to be a lie from the perpetrators as it is to mention it today it's no less crazy to mention it to anybody today as it was back then and that's disturbing and that's a really dangerous weapon in an information War where information as in the pen is mightier than the sword and information is power and power is everything that mentioning 1970s technology like mind reading is still crazy to most people it starts in anomaly and very dangerous weapon next to this reminds me deep fake was very dangerous before I knew what it was and it's still very dangerous cuz most of the people don't know what it means and it is still dangerous to me because they don't know what it means so another example of information being the more dangerous and valuable thing in the world after deep fake is explain to everybody or they all know it then it's useless and not dangerous at all but that'll never happen so I have to explain the fake all day long sometimes and it sounds especially strange especially if nobody's ever seen any video or talk to you on the phone ever then you sound extremely paranoid even though the science is correct it does sound odd considering this isn't fake news and it's not an election you sound a little bit off the wall but just so you know a typical child that is working with computers could probably whip together this with publicly available code by Google just like a 14-year-old can hack NATO computer system somebody can instruct a child how to make a deep fake synthesized voice of their parents say it's not difficult and it'll get more powerful fast and within two generations these computers will be unbelievably smart imagine today they're as smart as a mosquito a home computer is a mosquito brain and our children will see computers as powerful as 10,000 humans thinking for 10,000 10 billion years that's billion in 29 seconds and that happens so many times before you have another flight of thought before you even process another image before you think any concrete thing at Atomic thought that's happened many times over in my lifetime I should see a computer that she understands the questions I ask it it might even understand me a bit but it'll definitely understand what I'm asking and might even produce replies that I are useful more useful than what I get today which is total lack of understanding of what the question was

In the rare cases of these advanced technology that I now know to be true and they used to try to get me to claim before I actually knew it was true and it was actually being used on top of it not only the technology is real in public science as well because talking about technology that's Advanced and secretive is not useful especially your source of information is completely not useful and is again Anonymous and not worth reading or at least making sure you separate it from information you received from other sources I it took me a long time to prove all of it and I was very much Happy after I had proven that these few things were unbelievable and actually happening I found actual events and listed them for the pause weapon over 10 of them before I was sure it was occurring I even waited for it to happen one more time where I was monitoring it and knew the time or the space around me shifted so in real time waiting for it to her where would probably happen then seeing the effects of it and noting this to be a new evidence of the pause weapon so mine reading is pretty easy you're talking to someone in your head that's pretty easy a mental person will point out they can feel something inside their brain they can have a sensation of it or it's a it's a paranoid feeling or some sort of hallucination head it's a it's easy a 5-year-old can tell the difference probably but you tell that to a doctor and you're definitely probably not they don't understand what it means they're not thinking about a world with this happening for real first they're just assuming that that sounds too crazy to be real and authorities definitely would take care of it before bringing you here I hear that all the time and they don't obviously they don't not even one minute of investigating this problem and if they do they're fed a bunch of b******* that's waiting for them so that they never talk to you again. I spend a lot of time submitting this information to the internet and to the authorities. Another example I know of is I also know synthetic telepathy to be true speakers and and have seen daily for years gang stalking backed up with some particular individuals I've seen so frequently in so many places I can recognize them and I take pictures of these people so that the more Dangerous Ones no doubt will be found and prosecuted in at virtual reality glasses or holographic projection allows people to be watching out your eyes which I now know also to be true and it may actually be holographic projection even and it appears like multiple people in a chain using v2k soliciting response intercept Communications to me also hide my identity with astroturfing making it impossible to speak directly to the people on the other end without serious amounts of miscommunication and rarely seeing them in person once I actually did and that's another long story and was the closest I got to saving that person from whatever this is. Another time I remember it just wanted to note it before I forget is a woman came up to me and gave me a website to go to to get information about what was this was for me and I probably should have gone there as quickly as possible but I didn't and so it must have been useful because it was it was definitely not able to be used or even checked out to see if it's useful but the time I got around to it and a lot of times people are connections or contacts disappear or I find them later and realize that there was something there and I didn't know how quickly I should act on it and I didn't know the miscommunication or chain of identities after turfing that occurred to create the the problems that I saw with communicating with this most likely perp really most likely just a psychopath of lying in many cases I told the person off before cut they cut off commute or before we cut off Communications or stop speaking to each other I was sure they were perp and told him to bug her off and later looking back on it it is definitely AstroTurf Communications it may even be communication meant for someone else that was the biggest problem I had with continuing to communicate with this person she said she was in Killuminati from California and I have had problems with communicating with her as it was very unclear many different things to the point where it may not might not have even been me as the intended recipient if that makes any sense like we she thought we were in the same city I could see that was not true things that she appeared to believe I couldn't tell her we're different and she could communicate her phone number and I could communicate my phone number but I'm glad we never used it as I've experience the synthetic the synthetic voices use on the phone often out frauds and scams to take money by changing Bank details among other crimes committed with synthetic voices that are easy to make easier than deep fake videos are the voices some interesting technology to note I'm not 100% sure how this occurs but I'm sure it's technology is a specific person's name may almost fade from memory or even the definition of a word might be switched with another word. it takes time to destroy the definition and it's much like having the definition on the tip of your tongue or similar but not on the tip of your tongue you know you know the meaning you just not sure what it is at this moment and when you discover it repeating the definition figuring it out and then repeatedly referring to that action they did on that word highlights it and makes it easier to remember but if they spend more time on it without you mentioning it it will disappear again so it's good to note them and list them as much as possible even back at them really annoys them because there's a good reason those words and those names are the ones they chose to dumb down or reduce or reversed I couldn't even remember the definition of "acronym" or "anagram" for a long time.
I've never been particularly fond of my vocabulary and so if I do find the situation I am used to requiring to refresh the definition and for this it is necessary and noted these circumstance and repeat them repeatedly to bring them back to being functional. I know now anagram and acronym as easily as before this started so if I wanted I could tell you the definition as it is not difficult but there were times in the past 7 years I really couldn't figure it out I knew every other word in my head but those two simple ones I learned a long time ago were switched around or non-existent definitions I did know I knew the meaning I just couldn't come up with it at that moment and it took some time sometimes to figure it out other times I gave up but kept trying and eventually repeated them enough I don't think I'll forget again or they'll be switched around again but if I went long enough time and they put more resources to it I may still occasionally even forget it but for the most part I'll have it within a minute and right now it's not a since I've noticed this if I ignored it it would be a big problem because there's a reason they they're doing that even if I don't know what it is I can pretty much guess why they erase the name of an author I had read about this guy in the paper about a bucket written the book The Singularity is near it's written by a guy says he is a futurist and talks about impending advancement of technology to some Maximum he me of Buckminster Fuller but a lot more pertinent today and hopefully more accurate as well and his name is Ray kurzwell. Another person who I forget their name even at this moment is a person I'm sure you'll be able to get the name but it's that comedian that plays in the movie he plays a woman called Mrs Doubtfire I can't even remember his name he died with an illness that I think is caused by a parasite in the brain it causes some very similar effects to mental illness and it's one of the main reasons I'm not going to be eating very much meat anymore in any case I can't remember what his name is he's a fantastic comedian and he's dead at the last one I'd like to mention and I can remember offhand is two different people had their name switched in my head they're both important people to my past they were both ex-girlfriends and when I went to mention one I said the other one and then when I mentioned the other one I mentioned the other one so for a little while they were flipping and I would stop myself and I would stay explicitly that that was weird and that I did mean the other one and they were real well backwards it was kind of funny but corrected as well over time and it was ironic and funny only in the sense that one was really lovely lady and the other was a little bit you know the opposite of lovely they're both still very nice but none of us are with each other for good reason and I'm I'm contented at that however switching their names around is very strange if one's a more like a psychopath and the other is kind of an Angel it is kind of funny sometimes to think you would mention one as the other is ridiculous but I don't do that anymore at all that I've noticed and I rarely talk about them anyways but it is related to the threats from the psychopath he likes to threaten a lot of different people from my past or current people involved in my life so for him it's just an ongoing blah blah b******* with people that hopefully doesn't know but tends to attack people on my Facebook list as well as every person I've ever known or even mentioned or think about sometimes they can interact with them and often they're very different afterwards I'm very concerned about almost everybody I know I'm worried anybody have talked to since it started I'm very worried about if I don't talk to them or I haven't seen them it's not so bad but I suspect if I did go see them very quickly they'd be as bad as the others that I do talk to frequently and eventually after they're affected they don't respond they're unable to communicate with them for whatever reason and it's very strange it's not like you know I told him to f*** off cuz they're pissing me off tell me I should go to a hospital to get this fixed up and they stop talking to me it's like just goes from regular Association as it was when I knew them before this happened to suddenly just doesn't respond one time a girl was responding and then would always disappear four different times she came to see me or I came to see her right at the last minute she even said once she was just at the end of my block turning onto the street see me in a minute and disappeared never saw her didn't hear from her didn't get any responses on any method of communication no way that I could get a hold of her and she didn't ever talk to me again four different times and a period of time between them before she was just back like it was normal like she was there the whole time with no explanation about the missing messages I was in each case just happy to talk to her the person again and figured I would sort out when I saw her in person and the last time she disappeared I haven't heard from her since and same thing doesn't reply on Facebook and next time I'm on there I'll double quadruple check with this one see if she's back again but it's very odd.

Stuff that you forget or that switches around a bit for a while once you've refreshed it frequently you won't forget it again unless they spend more time doing doing that and this is many days without you mentioning or thinking about it so it seems like it it takes a long time like for me with one of these things it would have to be several months now I think of me not thinking about it and that's not happened for a long time because I keep thinking about the stuff that they do as far as definitions and people and meanings and if I forget anything important even if they don't have any specific actions against it I assume that it could be an is part of what they're attacking as it's important and I try to remember it so I am definitely looking forward to seeing it occur again with something as significant as reversing those names or possibly if I find the meaning and significance of that actor's name and the other ones mentioned then I'll have some more evidence to support this as well maybe a clue or an answer in terms of what technology can do this would be great if anybody knows it I am terribly afraid of something past sonogenetics as sonogenetics should be easy to stop and attacked as well as reverse in cases of the pause weapon and auto unpause or at least a alarm going off for f*** sakes but something past this that just uses simple electromagnetic energy that is more efficient than optogenetics that required implants or holes in your head so something like light that goes through your skull and the wall and all the other objects single photon electromagnetic is going to be way more dangerous and long range once this is working we could have a spaceship going to orbit around a planet and tell us every single life form on it and affects them in these tremendously powerful ways monitoring their site and thoughts and altering them or freezing them if necessary.

Considering information is implied to be accurate and true off the face these anonymous messages can't be relied upon from experience what it amounts to is a lie to try to control you it's never the truth so if we look at the statement the machine is on a tropical island there's a couple questions that aren't answered and can't be answered by anonymous person reliably so the machine let's just assume that we all know that this is say the control center of the coordinator for all of the mercenaries groups stalking and anonymous ops and you know the the torture and murder that occurs automatically upon your death money or actions are dulled out as if a corporation or entity is doing it but it's a computer system so that's 'the machine' as mentioned by the perpetrators in this guy's case or This Woman's case I'm not sure at this moment if it's a guy or girl that was talking about the message he received or she received that was the machine is located on a tropical island' and my analysis of it if it was something that my perpetrators told me is that and I'm assuming the definition of the machine in this case is and it's whatever this particular targeted individual believes the machine to be is going to be the meaning that these people are using or that they're going to fabricate the meaning to the person if they if they got it wrong right so that thing is imaginary for the most part but seems to me like if it was used in my case I would think we are talking about decentralized software control system with no single point of failure and what it does is it's coordinating your death

So firstly I'd be optimistic and tell them no it's not real prove it but it's advanced technology and believe it or not a few hours ago somebody called out to somebody else it can't be stopped and this was quite a few hours ago but I was sitting here at the same spot and no doubt it seemed to me like some sort of harassment and I in my head imagine that this whole process can't be stopped is what they're saying like as if they're sorry we can't stop it we just got to finish it off don't worry just sit here and wait till the end as if you're not going to die and as if as if there is something out there that's that's just going to carry through and it's like not a big deal just just like be quiet and bear with it so even in my head I had assumed it was some sort of control system and it's pretty obvious when you talk about the machine in general this is very vague notion but lots of people will be sympathetic with an assumption that you're talking about the machine or the wall from Pink Floyd and it's pretty clear I think even though also vague the machine is an imaginary thing in in his case and what it is or what it does actually is very clear but maybe not I mean it's Pink Floyd so clear as mud depending on who you are I guess and how strong your convictions about the meaning in Pink Floyd's artwork you have so that said we're assuming this machine and it can't be stopped like somebody said today it can't be stopped quite loudly it's all I heard they them say they're probably talking to somebody else and I'm sure that's the excuse it I've prepared because it's pretty easy to to claim that's just a statement that they were talking to someone else in the middle of a larger sentence even and make sense to them not a very complicated crime to pull on the authorities really I'm sure they'll be sweating balls trying to state that simple statement if their ass they probably even laughing because it's ridiculous to think that that's some sort of problem and they'll look at me like I'm nuts and the authorities like they're nuts and nobody will even ask them and I wouldn't even ask them cuz it's so vague and ridiculous and Loosely connected to anything unless it's possible they don't know what's going on and they might help you but almost never is that the case sometimes when they don't know what's going on they do help you and I try to get as much information as possible before they're affected or disappear because as soon as I leave their company or hang up the phone or Communications tool and talk to them another time they if they were helpful they are definitely not any more helpful after that and sometimes just missing never hear from him ever again can't get through on any form of communication and I'm not close enough to them to go see. The rest of the statement in the message sent to this person and organizing it's a message because I like I said plausibly deniable and frequency of repetition of the enemy to you with this statement is very important for you to actually believe this is not statistically normal it's so abnormal that it has to be an attempt by the enemy to get you to believe something and if you don't believe it or don't think about it or pretend just pretend they are just coincidences pretend it's a coincidence passed any sane notion of what a coincidence is pretend even when it's definitely not a coincidence that that is just a crazy coincidence and you will have them repeat that piece of lie over and over again until you can be confident that it is a piece of information it's proof of the harassment and it shows that they're trying to tell you something that the purpose of my article is you must deny it as a reality to avoid the danger in believing it is that you will do something different and he is trying to control or she is trying to control or they are trying to control your behavior so whatever it is they're trying to change in your mind don't let that happen if they want you to turn left you want to turn right probably unless you already going left as I mentioned elsewhere so they're telling you the machine is on a tropical or him the machine is on a tropical island and we all know what Tropical Islands are there on the globe and and depending on if the person trying to kill you believes you will go you're looking for the machine now do they believe you want to find the machine or get away from the machine whatever it is it they believe you want to do regarding that statement is probably a bad idea and since you're not sure I have from experience simply done the opposite of absolutely everything that they appear to want to make you do so literally they'd have to start telling the truth before I started screwing this one up occasionally very rarely especially if you mock them for always lying so I told them that since they're always lying I can always be assured that what they're saying is not true rather than true this means that it's almost like they're telling me the truth all the time but I always lying this will make it easier if you can show that to them that nothing they say is true to you it will frustrate him they'll take more time to answer and it'll be longer pause before they say something to try to change your behavior or Scare or threaten you and almost always you can bet you're safer to reverse it and tell them the opposite is true only a few situations as mentioned will probably come out to be true in the future and they're almost always already in the Facebook groups for targeted individuals so they are all those things that are common amongst almost all of them have these experiences of the effects of the technology those are about the only things it turned out to be true and the enemy was so happy to try to convince me were true before I knew it to be true and I don't recommend necessarily believing it simply on that you should test it and be sure it's true in your case before claiming it because if anybody ever cares or manages to look into it you do want there to be evidence there and you want them to look for the technology that's actually being used rather than one they could use but is more difficult or costly and so simply convincing you something is happening is dangerous if it's not actually being used some of the stuff is coming to the TI's I don't experience very often or I experience it with a bit more or less severity so there's a very big difference and I deny anything they claim to be anything more complex than a simple simple coincidence or a simple action the simplest answer is always the best answer and if it can be done without advanced technology that's how it's done because it's easier and cheaper and look to catching them doing that for example when I mentioned mind reading to people in VR glasses they will tell people sometimes that oh he's he's an idiot it's just a camera we put in his room or he's Whispering he's whispering to himself he's he's muttering the words that's how come we can hear him we can hear him with a microphone it's a microphone and this and things just his illness and when I tell them about the camera and deep fake videos they will say it's it's a computer hack we just hacked his phone that's all we're not it's not a big deal somebody hacked his phone if I mention a computer hack they claim that I'm streaming at voluntarily and I'm a pervert for f*** sakes and I don't stream anything online I don't post anything online that would be identifiable or even anything I do Post have enough views to even be repeated by anybody let alone the same psychopath terrorizing me is kind of ridiculous right so even if it's on Facebook or wherever it is steam it's public it's very few if any zero often people view it on Facebook or any platform I have trouble getting the people that used to care about me in my life to even click up vote on this article for example I mean it's not the greatest article but it would really help if they just clicked it to help me out here because I need I need money and I need views I need them to share it if possible but there's so few views and shares that it's really unlikely that these people make it up these excuses for what I'm saying is true and is an old 50 odd plus old technology year old technology 50 years old.

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