Most of the destructive actions of the new Brain War evokes strong emotional responses such as wanting more authoritarian or more like 90s rules I don't once people understand what is happening with targeted individuals that they will want to continue living without freedom or laws to protect you from the people willing to take it away at the Press of a button. I used to have hope that the authorities would figure this out but after 9 years it's a parent we're in serious trouble even though I'm an information scientist and this is really an information War I have to deal with authorities who are massively ignorant and doctors who are not paranoid enough to believe that there is no resolution from authorities on the matter of targeted individuals especially with those being murdered which I think is probably all of them if you count dementia and other types of brain illnesses such as could be induced by electromagnetic energy and other cyber war weapons I think today people need to start asking the government to do more to protect people but I think it's too late I really believe it's Armageddon at least it has been for my family my sister my mother and dad and auntie who are counting on us or me or whatever is left of us including the already dead ones I really strong believe it's Armageddon so I've stopped trying so hard to convince the government and people to do something about it before it's too late cuz for my family I think it's probably already too late I'm really unimpressed with the Canadian people and in general people in all free countries have not stood up enough against this instead have profited massively profited from killing their neighbor with brain technology they don't care about children they don't care who's getting hurt down the street all they care about is themselves and they should stop doing what they're doing and immediately inform the government such as right the minister of Public Safety and Anonymous email Take 5 minutes and that could solve the problem that's the only thing you can do in a free country and it works especially if you print it on paper mail it but they do listen to Common Canadians