Why does the Tarot work?

in tarot •  7 years ago  (edited)

I'm often asked "Why does the Tarot work?", in this post I'm going to share two of my approaches of answering this challenging question.

eliisian tarot.jpg
^^An Ellisian Tarot spread

The multi-dimensional approach

The universe we live in is made of much more then the 3 dimensions which we are normally able to perceive. We are multi-dimensional beings of some sort as well, casting some kind of a "shadow" upon the 3D, which is represented by our physical bodies.
(For more info about that concept, Click here.)
Therefore, as I see it, the Tarot itself is a multi-dimensional being of some sort, casting a shadow upon the 3D, a shadow which is represented by the cards, and whatever is happening at the reading session.
The Tarot is a very old and wise being, or beings, which have a deep connection to the human race. That's why, I believe, working with the Tarot results in significantly greater effects then working with a normal deck of playing cards.
Also, as I see it, psychedelic plants and compounds of all sorts are some kind of multi-dimensional beings who cast their own shadows into the 3D, which is represented as plants and substances which we consume in order of working with, or even invoking, those beings. "Lucy" for example is such a being, representes in the 3D by the LSD molecule.

The khaotic approach

As explained in the article I linked earlier, there is an Infinite Consciousness "down there", an immense creative force, vast, ever expanding, all containing energy that words cannot even begin to describe. This magnificent and majestic power is called by the ancient Toltec sorcerers the Nagual, by the Chinese - the Tao, by western religions - God or יהוה YHVH in hebrew, by native Americans - the Great Spirit and by the ancient Greeks - Χάος - Kaos or Primordial Chaos, and for a very good reason.
This gigantic dark sea of awareness contains the everythingness and the nothingness simultaneously, therefore, trying to grasp it with our limted senses will always result in a "chaotic" vision, something that can never seem "ordered" to our limited senses, because of it's vastness, and what we do, in order of living, is creating small "reality bubbles" in which we create our own "reality" by filtering some of this chaos, and whatever comes inside, we place in a coherent, somewhat understandable order with which we can deal, leaving little to almost-none place for the chaotic element.
Therefore, in order of "downloading" valuable and "divine" info to our lives we need to create some room for the chaotic element, a thing we do by acts of randomness, like shuffling and spreading cards, using the I-ching or even shuffling the songs on your I-pod. This is why almost any method of divination requires an act of "randomness", it creates room for the chaotic element, it gives platform to the primordial Khaos to be manifested in our well-organized reality-bubbles and express it's priceless messages to us.
That's also exactly why so-called coincidences are so important in many traditions, this is exactly why they are viewed as "messages from the divine", because that's what they are! It's the way for the Nagual or primordial Khaos to speak to us directly, even when we do not initiate the connection ourselves.

Feel free to add your own views and approaches!
It'll be highly appreciated. 😊

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Dkmu group ...

Enjoyed this exploration. Great spread, too!

Awesome! I would love to know what the positions of the cards in this spread indicate. :)

Never actually gave that a thought, to be honest, so you are more than welcome to make something out of it if you like. :)
I like better simpler spreads of 6 cards max, this Ellisian spread I use only in special occasions and refer to it as a whole. :)

That's a nice approach. I might use your method with this spread and ask for the meaning of each position. The cards will tell me the meaning. :D

Let me know! Waiting for updates! :)