100 Follower Reading - New Age Tarot

in tarot •  7 years ago 

Thank you all for 100 followers and counting! ^_^ To celebrate here's a Steemit Tarot Reading! I will be using the horseshoe spread. This is seven cards to review the past, the present, the future, advice, someone outside of the querent/environment, obstacles, and the likely outcome.

100 Follower Reading.jpg

This reading uses the New Age Tarot by Walter Wegmuller.

The question of this special reading is, what is the future of Steemit?

This spread reveals the Three of Cups (Reversed), the Emperor, the Eight of Swords, the Page of Pentacles (Reversed), the Four of Cups, the Wheel of Fortune, and the Three of Wands (Reversed).

The first card represents the past. The Three of Cups (Reversed) is showing us overindulgence in success. There may be individuals selfishly exploiting the situation or getting on each other's nerves.

The second card represents the present. The Emperor is telling us to use the strength and power we've gained to set goals and a new structure for the future. This card also represents a person of authority or strategic thinking.

The third card represents the future. The Eight of Swords warns us to take a look at the environment around us. This will show us that we are not trapped by the circumstances we face. We inhibit ourselves by overthinking or submitting power to the authorities.

The fourth card represents the advice the deck is giving. The Page of Pentacles (Reversed) is showing us disappointing news involving a financial matter. This card also shows us a tenancy to do as little as possible to resolve this issue, in other words, he shows us laziness.

The fifth card represents a person outside of the querent or the querent's environment. The Four of Cups shows us a period of discontent, dissatisfaction, or stagnation. We may feel unfulfilled or self-pity and depression are setting in. This card represents a need to find inspiration and creativity.

The sixth card represents the obstacles the querent faces. The Wheel of Fortune reminds us that our good fortune is the result of luck rather than our own doing. Enjoy the moment of success while it lasts.

The seventh card represents the likely outcome of the situation. The Three of Wands (Reversed) shows you that something is holding you back from success or from moving forward. Maybe your goals were unrealistic, you lacked the skills or commitment, or your efforts may have been misguided. This card tells you to reevaluate and find a new plan.

What is the future of Steemit? This reading is telling us that the Steemit community had a tendency to overindulge and selfishly exploit the success that Steemit has found. The Steemit community needs to set new goals and structure using the influence we have found. Maybe Steemit needs an established leader or needs to think strategically as we move forward. We will need to study the environment we have come across to avoid feeling trapped in it. The future does not look bright if we continue as we have been. To redirect our future we need to avoid being lazy as a community. Steemit requires hard work to maintain. This community may face an individual or an organization who is discontent with Steemit. We may have to face a period lacking in creativity. The Steemit community has to remember that luck has contributed to our success. Let's enjoy what we have while we have it. Steemit unfortunately is at threat of being derailed due to unrealistic goals, lack of commitment, or misguided efforts. This can be avoided if we create a new plan for ourselves.

If you've found today's reading useful then please let me know. Share your experiences and input!

If you'd like to read other readings I've done then please visit the link below to view a Google doc I've put together.

If you'd like your own reading, please email me at [email protected]. Thank you!

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thank you for posting

Thank you! ^_^