Reclaim your authority. You've been letting others tell you what to do and how to do it; it's one thing to take in other's advice or letting them help you for a moment, but it's entirely different to let then control you and manipulate you. Let life happen, but let it happen on your rhythm: make your choices, accept your consequences, and don't let anyone diminish you or break your spirit. Be yourself.
(Deck: The Forty Servants Oracle Deck; Card: The Conductor)
Reclama tu autoridad. Haz estado dejando que otros te digan que hacer y como hacerlo; una cosa es que dejes que te ayuden o escuches sus consejos, y otra completamente diferente es que dejes que te controlen y te manipulen. Deja que la vida pase, pero deja que ocurra a tu ritmo: toma tus decisiones, acepta tus consecuencias, y no dejes que nadie te disminuya ni rompa tu espiritu. Se tú mismo.
(Mazo: El Oráculo de los Cuarenta Servidores; Carta: El Conductor)
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If you like my readings and want to get one for yourself, you can always order one through my Etsy store: just click the link below to get there :3 or, you can leave a comment here or message me and we can set up one~