Gray Wolf

in tarot •  7 years ago  (edited)

I was sitting there, having quiet time and going over recent "stuff" with my tarot cards.

As I was sitting there quietly I began to notice that some of the neighborhood dogs were singing. I could hear them clearly outside through the open window. Howling in song, it was a whole group of them but spaced apart from different households. I live in the mountains of Colorado, west of Denver. It is very rural here. So I'm talking about a number of dogs, howling together across a large area in complimentary song. It was kind of a haunting experience to hear it. They reminded me a lot of coyotes - we get them around here from time to time. The whole experience sort of ... pulled me into the now. Out of my intense psychic meditative focus. I sat there just listening for a few minutes.

I finally took a breath and broke the spell.
So I asked, why were the dogs howling outside?

This is almost spooky... the answer I got.


Yeah, I know. A little bit out of focus. Its fine.

The first card = The Empress reversed. Hopelessness.

The second card = the nine of cups reversed. Overindulgence.

The third card = the four of cups reversed. Apathy.

It seems to me to be a symbolic description for "the state of things."
Were they singing to me of their despair? Those dogs.

What came to mind very clearly was this. A poem written by O. Fred Donaldson, "Earth Prayers." I know it because I have a framed piece of art with an image of a wolf pack, howling together. With the following words. The thing is, this artwork is in storage with a bunch of other favorite stuff I have packed. I haven't seen it in awhile.

Gray Wolf
(Song of Alaska)

We are sending you to that Great God.
Tell Him that we who invented forgiveness do not forgive;
That we, who speak of trust cannot trust;
That we, who invoke faith would not believe.

I write as thought you could read.
But I know you understand.
When you have left the forests and tundras
and no longer leave your sinewy trails within the snows,
Tell Him that you were made on a different day.

Your howls of bewilderment will echo
with the mountain winds.
And your songs will join those of the whales.
Tell Him for me,
"Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do."

I always thought this came from the mind of a Native American. I imagined 'his' frustration and pain, at 'the state of things.' Interceding on behalf of the needful human beings.

Kinda seems like a precursor or some kind of overshadowing, don't you think?

LR 6/30/2018


From Google:
O Fred Donaldson – Original Play, Ultimate Grace. O. Fred Donaldson, Ph.D. is a play specialist internationally recognized for his ongoing research and use of play with children and animals for forty years. He has coined the term “original play” to describe his work.

Wolf Image ... I borrowed that from the old days of my internet forum, FreedomCrowsNest. Before Facebook. I don't know who the credit belongs to (I am not the artist) but as I was strolling through my photo cache this seemed a good opportunity to share it. My gratitude and good wishes send blessings to the original artist, whoever it is.

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