Sunday the 9th of Sept 2018
5 of Swords Photo By PublicDomainPictures
Are you struggling today?
Are wrestling with defending yourself?
If yes, then you are caught up in the narrative of the mind. The mind’s mental machinations have taken hold of you. You are under its spell. Your heart is clouded by the powerful pull of the mind’s lies about you and life. When you look out at the world with your 5 senses they are peppered with your own misconceptions, a singular narrow perspective. That perspective is your own selfish need you expect others to fulfil. The mind declines personal responsibility for your actions with the excuse: he or she made me act or feel. You do not acknowledge that your feelings and actions are your own and solely yours. The other appears to have been to blame but have actually served to catalyze a pre existing belief you have about yourself and life. That belief is a LIE.
This catalyst is powerful it sets in motion a powerful need to defend and blame serving one master : victimization of yourself. The LIE you have about yourself is the very thing you defend! Why? It is better to be something, no matter how horrendous, than to be nothing. “I am” or “being” appears to you as nothing. You need a tag line: I am something, whether good or bad, is the perfection you seek paining you all the while.
As you seek an identity rather than the truth you suffer. Your suffering is an addiction: "if only I can know who I am I will stop suffering". But you cannot as being does not require anything.
To begin breaking the spell take responsibility. Your thoughts will defend your identity. Your habit is to crawl like a slave on your belly to your master, thoughts. You will struggle when taking responsibility between blame-victim consciousness and freedom. The decision is yours and yours alone whether you continue to blame others for your actions and feelings or take responsibility for your experience. You may proclaim"but", make excuses, judge, whine, and complain to no avail or, if your will is strong, you will take responsibility and free yourself from the tyranny of your mind.
The 5 of swords holds the light and dark. You may: not have the will and succumb to darkness and remain under its spell; or have the will and lighten your load till one day you are completely free.
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