Friday the 5th of October 2018
10 of Coins Inverted Photo by Tama66 on Pixabay
At the completion of a cycle the end is not en ough. 10 requires full responsibility for all experiences. Responsibility, then, engenders compassion and gratitude. This is your ingrained morality.
If you doubt then consider: why you want responsibility of others?
The dawning of respect, gratitude, and compassion arise from your own ethic of personal responsibility.
At the same time you cannot escape suffering. If you escape life unscathed consider yourself lucky. Most of us will die, get sick, experience death of loved ones, and infinite suffering in between. No sugar coating it: "life is not fair". Lying about it is irresponsible.
If you find you are lacking today, 10 asks you to review your entire life and take responsibility for anything and everything. The alpha omega of the number 10 will heal the past and transmute the present cycle into the next. It is up to you.
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