Psychic and tarot cards readings for beginners

in tarot •  4 years ago 

Tarot cards are powerful tools of divination, but they also carry a charge that connects directly to you and your energy. Using the cards as talismans can change and lift your daily moods. With a tarot reader’s guidance and an easy-to-use deck, even the beginner can find meaning and support from the Tarot. Here are four cards that will help you when you’re feeling nervous, angry, sad or a little confused!

Charge your cards:
You can forge a more personal and emotional connection with your cards by using them not only for readings, but as a connection to your spiritual guides — the ‘cheerleaders’ in your daily life. Like any esoteric object, tarot cards carry innate power, as well as receiving boosting vibrations from the faith and hope we place into their messages. Over time, and with use, your cards can become charged. They become conduits or talismans to connect to the spiritual guidance tailored to you. They act as a link to the words or energy you need to channel, whenever you need to channel it. I have organised the cards, which can connect you to different guides, by mood. Our own aura and vibration is the truest and most personal initial signal of needing to access a particular message, so let it find which card to connect with for you. Your emotions are a personal sat nav, leading you towards the wisdom or guidance you need in that moment. Pay attention to them.

Let your mood guide you:
Simply choose the mood you feel, and pull out that card from your deck, which will connect you to your tarot spirit guide. Read the card’s message, absorb the wisdom, and keep that card close for the remainder of the day.

Spirit guide tag team:
The immediate message should help in the moment, and the card’s presence will help connect you to your spirit guide linked to that need, bringing you further insights, messages and loving support to help you work through your feelings. Keep the card close to you, like a crystal, and pause to reflect upon its meaning and energy as you go about your day. Imagine that this card is bringing its ancient, powerful wisdom and comfort directly to you, supercharging you with its force. Imagine it is sending an invitation to your spirit guide to bring you more wisdom and power throughout the day. Use your deck as a team of spiritual coaches which can accompany you through tough times.


When I feel… NERVOUS
Temperance represents moderation, balance and harmony; tempering your extremes in order to achieve a ‘new normal’. Balance doesn’t just happen by itself — we need to adjust our position constantly in order to remain on an even keel. Recover your flow, adapt to the forces around you, stay grounded and find a new ‘centre’ in your life where you feel secure and strong. If you’ve been overdoing it in any aspect of your lifestyle, behaviour or opinions, then this card is a signal to rein it back, try to find the ‘middle path’.


When I feel… ANGRY
Strength is not just about brute force; there are many more shades on this emotional palette, such as compassion, resilience, courage, wisdom, confidence and vitality. This card is a reassurance that you do have the required shade waiting for you to use. You are ready to tackle whatever it is in front of you, so have faith in yourself. You must summon the right shade of strength to do whatever is in front of you. Your innate passions are sacred to you, and they make you who you are, even the darker ones. Don’t turn away from what lies beneath. Take a wander into the shadows and make friends with your demons.


When I feel… SAD
You should open yourself up to your heartfelt desires and consciously focus on an emerging ambition or goal. Bring your secret desires out into the open and acknowledge them. The Universe is shifting around you, and now is the time to find a new meaning, inspiration or purpose in your life. The stars are aligning behind and around you, in order to propel you further and faster than you ever thought was possible, but you have to have a purpose or the pathway cannot take form. Believe in yourself, believe in your desires, and be led by your best hopes, not your worst fears.


When I feel… CONFUSED
The Two of Swords is a decisive card which urges you to make a choice, a final choice, and act on it. This has all dragged on for too long, and any continuation of the denials or delays which you’ve lived with will just prolong the agony. Cut through to the heart of the issue and resolve it, here and now. The advice here is to be as objective, logical and emotionally detached as you can. Your feelings are not helping here anymore. Instead, they are hindering you from seeing things clearly and finding a resolution. Put your emotions to one side, and think this through rationally.


The All-Seeing oracle has an Important Reading! about your future dear one… SOMETHING VITAL TO YOUR DAYS, WEEKS AND MONTHS AHEAD!

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