Tarot Reading for October's New Moon

in tarot •  7 years ago 

New Moon Reading for October

Greetings Steemit

Let's look at what sort of energy the new moon is bringing us this month.

The root of the reading is the 9 of Swords.


This card shows fear and anxiety being amped up. This is usually fear over something we can't control. We over think things until our mind is at a fever pitch, and it pretty much sucks.

As we look at the bulk of the reading, it starts with the Queen of Swords.


She is showing more mental activity, and also loneliness and anxiety.
Here, she is contemplating the 9 of Cups reversed.

The reversed 9 shows so many options that there is confusion over what to do, and everything seems just out of reach.

The final card is The World. This is the last card of the tarot, and it shows an ending. Here, the mermaid has been all around the world and rests before she sets off again. The beasts that she has tamed on her travels rest at her feet and serve her as pets.

I think it is important in this case not to pressure ourselves to know exactly what comes next. It's OK to reflect for a bit on how far we have come and what we have learned in our last stage of living.

The overall message is that there is anxiety and confusion over where exactly we are heading, but that's fine. Our path will become clear soon, and for now it's a good idea to reflect.

Blessings to you Steemit, and Happy New Moon:)

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@tarotbyfergus totally felt the new moon energy! sitting with @kommienezuspadt in PA . looking forward to your feed.

Welcome to Steemit, @jennbell!

This card shows fear...

Fitting since it's the month of Halloween. On another note, do you listen to music while doing your reading?

Do you have a preparation or ritual before laying down the cards? Just curious because there are some who prefer to do a spread without any prep.

I think I was listening to Fiona Apple when I did this.

Before doing a reading, I deal the deck into 6 piles, reverse one of the piles, and then shuffle them all.
After every reading I put them all right side up again.

I think I was listening to Fiona Apple

That's an interesting choice of music. Only song I know from her is "Criminal".

Before doing a reading, I deal the deck into 6 piles, reverse one of the piles, and then shuffle them all.

Is there a particular reason for doing so?

I do this to separate the energies of the readings. This is how I make sure the readings don't bleed into each other.