Ides of March 2018

in tarot •  7 years ago  (edited)

This post by @tarotbyfergus on the Ides of March has inspired me to inquire on this topic.

Which energies were present during the Ides of March?

Deviant Moon deck: From left to right:King of Pentacles, 6 of Wands, 7 of Swords.

This can be interpreted in so many ways.

An individual embodying masculine energy is managing financial issues from a position of power. Too much potential energy for me to interpret the 7 of Swords here. My intuition here is trying to take a 'snap shot' of something that is vibrating too fast that it is blurry photo.


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I just did one for tonight and got the 7 of Swords from The Deviant Moon!
The snapshot should become clear in the coming days...

Great post and love the deck you used, I used to have it - a very lunar deck! Which corresponds with the new moon that happened in Pisces (sidereal zodiac) on the 17th. It has been a positive time for me, very busy with starting a 200 hour certification for yoga teacher training. Looking forward to more posts from you :)