Query 10 'What does the querent need to know regarding the news she received today?'

in tarot •  7 years ago  (edited)

What does the querent need to know regarding the news received today?

Deviant Moon deck: From left to right:Justice, 6 of Cups, Ace of Pentacles.

This looks like a readjustment of energetic reciprocity might take place concerning a repeating pattern that pertains to resources.

I can probably ask another question or two regarding this situation to get more clarity on it. I am not sure which questions would be appropriate. I invite the querent to ask a follow up question or two that I can edit in this post if they desire to.

Follow up: I asked the querent if this is the same issue addressed in this post since the 6 of Cups and the Ace of Pentacles popped up again. The Querent confirmed that it is the same issue. I love it when I get synchronistic confirmation like this.


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