Tarot Tuesday 4-3-18 Edition: Readings

in tarot •  7 years ago  (edited)

Image found on Pinterest.

Here are today's readings for Tarot Tuesday (and also an entry for onstellar's contest). These questions come from the comment section of this post:

Question by @Tacostate
"I recently decided to drop a career choice I thought was for good, where do you see me going instead?"

Death, 3 of Cups, Chariot

a) A transition (Death) towards actively engaging with people or a community (3 of Cups) in the context of mentoring or chauffeuring them around (Chariot).
b) A transition (Death) towards actively engaging with a community you emotionally connect with (3 of Cups) that will lead you towards reaching your goals if you properly apply yourself (Chariot).
c) Some combination of the two...?

Lets get more clarification on whats going on... lets see what the Chariot is about here.

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Below the Chariot: Judgement, Strength, Knight of Wands

It looks like the Chariot is more about asserting yourself to reach your goals. Whatever it is you do next, it is suggesting that you do this with focus and determination.

This aspect of the Chariot that is about waking up to your purpose in life, and applying Strength against any adversity by approaching your goals with enthusiasm and energy (Knight of Wands). The kind of enthusiasm where you feel like you are doing what you were born to do.

To sum it all up, the cards are saying to tap into a community that you emotionally bond with to scout for opportunity and cooperation. Also, find your purpose in life (True Will/Higher Will) and apply yourself against all adversity.

Question for @intuitivejakob
"I'd love to see what comes up for me in a general sense, going off your initial read of the energies."

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Tree of Life Hexagram Spread

I changed the question somewhat to 'What are the general external energies influencing Jakob?' I did a hexagram spread patterned on The Tree of Life where the top points to the Supernal Divine trinity energies above the abyss, and then Chesed, Geburah, Hod, Netzach and Yesod in their respective positions (I will likely do a post on this spread in the future.) The information that I am getting might be too personal to publicly talk about (in which case you are welcome to drop me an email); so I will be brief:

Your current challenge concerning the attainment of some material goal or project is an integral part of the challenges your soul has been assigned to deal with for it to properly evolve. To best reach that goal, be mindful of the errors in your soul (not to be meant as an insult! I have errors in my soul as well like most people on Earth) that need to be corrected that might be serving as blockages.

Also, you already seem to have a clue and are making progress anyway (the cooperative nature of how the pentacles cards are enforcing each other, and the energy of the cards themselves.)

Question by @VioletFlame
I'll be having a lot of space open in my life this summer and I am wondering where I should be focusing my energy.

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Looks like you should focus your energy towards having an amazing Summer.

Sustain a Peace of Mind (2 of Swords, 9 of Swords) to embrace the energy of The Sun. Read up on the archetype of the Sun, see where you find yourself, expand on it. This is not the time for self-loathing.

I'll leave you with the following commentary on Tiphareth (which corresponds to the Sun on The Tree of Life):

The sun is, above all things, the symbol of manifesting energy; it is sudden, unaccustomed gushes of solar-spiritual energy that cause the divine inebriation of ecstasy; it is gold, as the basis of money, which is the objective representative of externalized life-force; for verily, money is life and life is money, for without money we can have no fullness of life. Life-force, manifesting on the physical plane as energy and on the mental plane as intelligence and knowledge, cam be transmuted by th4e appropriate alchemy into money, which is a token of the capacity or energy of someone. Money is the symbol of human energy, by means of which we can store up our output of work hour by four, receiving it back as wages at the end of the week, and spending it on necessities or saving it for future use as we think fit. The gold which backs the notes is a symbol of human energy, and is only earned by an expenditure of that energy; though it may be the energy of a father or a husband, transmitted through an heeds, yet nevertheless it is the symbol of some human being's activity in some sphere, even if it be only the sphere of company-promoting or burglary."
-Dion Fortune, The Mystical Qabalah

Thanks for participating everybody.
Newcomers can read my introduction post here.



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Great reading today! I really resonated and connected with: "Tap into a community that you emotionally bond with to scout for opportunity and cooperation. Also, find your purpose in life (True Will/Higher Will) and apply yourself against all adversity."
I think it is applying to my work here on steemit and a huge transition for me at work currently that I am navigating my way through right now.
Thank you for this powerful message! I really appreciate your post and will coming back to your page often.

Thank you. Love your comment. <3

Great reading! Thank you for sharing your awesomeness with us!

Thanks so much for the reading! It REALLY addressed everything I'm thinking about and already putting my mind to and if truth be told, I am looking at Steemit as my new community where I will be sharing from my heart. I deleted my Facebook account two days ago and going full steam ahead. Thanks so much for your insight.

I am so happy to hear you connected with the reading. I look forward to reading your posts.

@zero-infinity, this is a very interesting spread! I would love to go into more detail with you. I was also wondering if there was a Sol card. That didn't show up in the photo but was in the spread on the spread post.

There are things that showed up in those cards that are beyond what I'd explore on this chat, for sure, but I would tell you privately what they meant...are you on discord?

Sorry I forgot to do the Sol card.

You can email me at aleph_tav_heh at protonmail.

I think this is exactly what I needed to hear! I've been working with the Sun archetype and this reinforces that I am on the right track :) Thank you for delivering this message, donating your time, and energy so that I may be reminded of my path.

I am glad you connected with the reading. I look forward to reading any posts on your reflections on the Sun archetype.