Your Soul Whispers...Oct 12

in tarotmessage •  4 years ago 

On October 12, your soul whispers...

This energy speaks to your desire to create something new in your life, something which can take you further than you have been until now, something that can show up tangibly, visibly, concretely in your world. If, today, you feel the smoldering of sadness, or memories, or even grief coming to the surface, it is because this Queen asks you to release any blame, accusations, fault-finding, or resentment that you may be holding against others. This is not discounting what you feel, but signifying to you that to move forward toward a new vision, with a new creation for your life, you can't take the old baggage with you. You're encouraged to keep creating, keep holding your vision high and let it guide you. Let the energy of your inner inspiration, desire, keep you moving forward. As you release, let the growing realization that you are worth whatever it is you dream of guide your day. Letting go of the past: people, accounts, memories, experiences create a clear pathway for you to see your newly forming vision materialize. Acknowledge the feelings and let go. Bring into manifestation something new that will give you the true sustenance and security you desire.


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