πŸ’–Tarot Tuesday 🌟Top of the Morning Tarot πŸŒŸπŸ˜πŸŒŽπŸŒ™πŸ†πŸ’°

in tarottuesday β€’Β  6 years agoΒ 

Today's picks are from My Herbal Deck by Michael Tierra and designed by Candice Canlin.
You can pick card 1, 2 or 3 or any combo....
Today's three card pick represents 1: past 2: present 3: future
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Funny meme to break up your picks... took from someone on discord ?


Card 1: Eight of Cups Gravel Root Eupatorium purpureume

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Gravel Root, in the past position, we see a ship sailing offshore heading away from land and a lovely crescent moon. Cups represent water and the conductivity and electric energies of the mulitiverse. You are on a journey of unexplored lands, a yearning to go where you never have been. Gravel Root as a tonic can aid in urinary stones and can balance most issues with the bladder. If you are having difficulty accepting a situation or a challenge, it might be a good time to accept and move on. Launch from the safety of the shore and move it already. Now, is the time to release any feelings of doubt or lack of confidence. Know, that when you empty your cup of that which no longer serves you, it will be much easier to re-fill those cups with confidence and inspiration for your new journeys.


Card 2: Queen of Wands Red Raspberry Leaf Rubus daeus

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Another Wand card for the morning. Queen of Wands is one of my favorite cards, and such a sweet little cat buddie by her side. She is red as the sweet berries and brings much relief to those female reproductive organs by stimulating circulation. Raspberry leaf can assist with inflammation from fevers, nausea and even motion sickness. As with all leaves, do not boil when making tea, a simple steeping of a handful of dried leaves for 3 minutes in boiled water does the trick. I will add it to my ginger lemon balm tea I make and you can taste a bit of raspberry flavor. My experience with Red Raspberry Leaf is a calming affect from anxiety or stress. If you are a person that gets leg cramps or varicose veins, it can aid with these as well.

This card in the now position, is supporting your ability to attract opportunities to your life. The Queen represents a solid, sensual, warm person that has a strong foundation and the support of the animal world. The Queen and her Cat are affirming your ability to go forth, help others now, through the strength of your love and nurturing capacities.

I believe cats are super healers and you can experience many of our feline steemit friends on caturday (Saturday) If you use the catsofsteemit tag, you will experience so much fluffy fun and cuteness, you perhaps will spontaneous heal from any of the days challenges! You might even get a visit from the most famous steemit kitties @curatorcat and @cuddlekitten!


Card 3: Seven of Wands Wild Ginger Asarum canadense

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In this picture we see a young man holding his wand protecting himself and getting ready for some kinda confrontation. He's got his fence of wands set up and the power of Wild Ginger in the background. The suit Wands in this herbal deck translates to the suit of Swords in most others. Swords can represent the challenges of our inner struggles. While this suit of Wands represents the struggles between the self and the competitive outer world. Choosing this card in the future position today might suggest you are getting ready to confront your outer world. This seems to be congruent with the current political and economic world tensions that have been building. Time to gather your tools and put together a prepared plan to be ready for the unexpected.

Wild Ginger is a bit lighter in taste than the cultivated varieties. It is used for stirring energy and circulation in the body. As a stimulant, it helps with rheumatic complaints and is an amazing digestive aid. This attributes may assist us in sitting strong in our convictions and giving strength to face the next challenge.

What I noticed in this picture today is that the flower doesn't look like our North American variety. Thus, I did some research and found out there is a European Wild Ginger that is true to this pic. All these decades, using this deck I actually just noticed this lol!

We had quite the flip of weather, yesterday was in the 60's and all snow has melted, perfect for all the veggie and herb starts I've been rocking. Thanks so much for dropping by and have a fantastic week!


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