Cards are Up for Tarot Tuesday! Pick one and have some fun by Sunscape

in tarottuesday •  5 years ago 

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Sunscapes Card Reading

Pick a card from the following to receive
timely advice that your spirit/soul guides
would like to share with you.

  • Choose the card that feels right to you, number 1, 2 or number 3.
  • Choose before you scroll down to see what the cards have to say.
  • Enjoy this magical and fun way to see what spirit has to say to you.
  • This is purely for entertainment purposes only.
  • If you are drawn to a second card as well, then that would represent an underlying energetic movement working in your field as well. 

    This weeks reading is from the Card Deck

Trust Your Vibes and
Magical Fairies

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I will be sharing the information on each card
according to his/her interpretations found in the guidebook
that accompanies the deck, along with my own
intuitive thoughts on the card pulled. Enjoy!

Card 1

No. 3 Downtime

To tune in to your intuitive and psychic vibes, it is essential to step away from the hustle and bustle of the world from time to time. As a six-sensory person, start appreciating the importance of refreshing your body, mind, and spirit by scheduling downtime. Time for you to do nothing but relax, hang out, and simply allow the world to go by. It affords you the inner space you need to refuel your psychic engines and gain access to the higher and more subtle vibrations that you may have bypassed by living in such a fast-paced, intense world. Your ego generally doesn't approve of downtime because it's asked to give up control, which it doesn't want to do.

Rather, it wants to run your life through fear and anxiety, keeping things in your head and under control, this is the hallmark of a 5-sensory, unhappy living. Downtime liberates you from this fear-based treadmill and reconnects you to the pace and peace of Universal flow. As my personal spiritual teacher once told me, "Sometimes the most powerful thing you can do is nothing." Now is one of those times.

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An upcoming trip proves to be life-changing in positive ways.

This card shows that you'll soon be traveling to an important destination where you'll learn and grow through new experiences and discoveries. Perhaps you'll visit a spiritual power place, such as Machu Picchu or Stonehenge; or you may go to a location where you'll meet a significant person, or even find your new place of residence. Be open to your heart's inner stirrings about travel, and ask the fairies to help you with the finances and details. Most of all, enjoy yourself on your journey to renew your soul and spirit!

Card 2

No. 31 Pray

Pray. What is prayer? Nothing more than you stating your intentions and desires to your higher self and the Universe to be answered. No matter what your heart's desire is, prayer is the means through which it will be delivered. Prayer is perhaps the best all-around psychic tool to raise your vibration, attract solutions, and relieve you of all psychic dissonance. It's daily food for the soul. As you pray, ask that your spirit ascend to the highest elevation and energetic frequency possible and to align with your Higher Self, your guides, and your spiritual teachers. This is so that your soul may learn and grow quickly and most importantly, peacefully.

Sincere prayers are always heard, always elevate vibration, and are always answered. The key is to hold your prayers in your heart space, feel the request as if it has already been delivered, and release it to the Universe. And, "So It Is."

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You've Got the Power!
Use your abilities to resolve this situation. You can do it!

You drew this card as a reminder that you're more powerful than you realize. Perhaps you've been feeling victimized lately. Well, the fairies want you to know that regardless of your age, size, or education, you've got incredible personal power. Even though the fairies are tiny beings, they channel the force of God and the Universe; and you can also use it to resolve an issue, heal yourself or another, or manifest your material needs. All you have to do is believe.

If you are having trouble doing so, perhaps it is time to look at yourself from a higher perspective. Maybe, you have some undealt issues of blame, anger or hurt that have left scars upon your heart space. This could be a signal for you to take some time in quiet reflection to ask forgiveness of yourself and that of others. It is time to follow your inner guidance to resolve any situations that may come to mind. Release, let go and renew your thoughts accordingly. From Forgiveness Comes Freedom!

Card 3

No. 20 Clear The Path

You can't hear your spirit guides or feel any connection to your Higher Self until you dig yourself out from under the dead energy that comes from holding on to what no longer serves you. Everything has a vibration that either uplifts and aids your soul's growth or bogs you down and interferes. Let go of everything that doesn't lend a positive, uplifting vibration regardless of its material value.

Never mind the rationale that you must keep it just in case you'll need it someday. You won't. Clear it all out; your purse, your wallet, your car, your closet, your garage, your personal phone book, and your desk. You may even want to go through every nook and cranny of your personal space as Higher Energies are trying to come in.

This includes clearing out the clutter in your mind. Which by the way, is the most important. What thoughts, shoulds, must have to, and if I don't do it myself are you hanging onto. These thoughts are taking up your energy, sort of like a vampire, sucking the life force right out of you. It is time for you to let go of the need to control every little thing in your life and the lives of others. Let them have their own way and you take care of your own needs first. This is the message coming through that has been being blocked by the clutter in your mind and space. Can you hear it now? The Universe has had to use a card reading to get through to you today. Strong words to hear, I know, but they are necessary for you to move on.

This is a brand-new day for a brand-new, higher vibration! "You cannot reach for the new until you have let go of what you have been holding onto so tightly."

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Ask for what you want
Let the Universe and other people know what you need.

This card serves as a reminder of the importance of asking for your desires. The Universe is much like a restaurant, n that you need to put in your order before anything can happen. Your current situation calls for action on your part. First, spend time clarifying your desires; then tell the Universe clearly what you want. You can always qualify your request with the prayer, "This, or something better..." so that you won't unwittingly limit yourself. However, you do need to make a clear decision about your desires.

It is time, to be honest with the people in your life. Let them know how you really feel, write them down if you have to and then send it to them. At least this way you can keep any emotional reactions out of the equation. Also, this gives them an opportunity to think over everything that you are sharing from your heart. It is time to have those heart to hearts with those whom you have relationships with. It is time for them to know your personal needs, the boundaries that you want to put in place, as well as, your expectations from them.

Remember that it is beneficial for you to ask for help from others and to accept it when it is offered. But, you must then allow them the personal freedom to do it their way. Even if it goes against your grain so to speak. Just go into it expecting the most positive outcome and then the Universe will deliver it as so. And, "So Be It."

This weeks Spirit Guidance

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I hope you enjoyed this week's card reading. I will continue to post bi-monthly cards on #tarottuesday using various decks to keep it interesting. I look forward to you following me for the current spirit guidance. Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you had fun and found inspiration today.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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Thank you for this, and *whew!

That was close! I picked #2, Pray, which is quite fitting, but #3, Declutter, would have been especially timely and relevant. In denial, attached to stuff I should shuffle off asap. Ah, but I love Card #2 and the message on Prayer...

Ah, I love it when more than one card speaks to someone. That just says that both energies are working in your field at the moment. I am also in a de-cluttering phase.

Haven't you said all three cards often work together for one reader?
I like to think that the instinct, the choosing of ONE card first, weights that card's message a wee bit more heavily. And that I can continue to be in denial about decluttering. But I know, I know, I must, must, must, do "out with the old" and in with very little "new." Because: Declutter. Thank you for this daily tarot and your personal responses!

I have said that for sure. You are so right and your first choice is always the most prominent energy. I am right there with you when it comes to decluttering as sometimes I just can't decide where to start. But, one day it will just be the right timing for me. :-) Have a wonderful day Carol.

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Hello from the Steemit Tarot community!

@steemittarot began as a way to curate all the Tarot Tuesday posts that starting popping up on the site. Now the hope is to connect all readers, people interested in learning about the cards, and other assorted people bearing good juju.

To this end, your post has been resteemed and/or upvoted. To find out more, check out the intro post here.

Thank you very much @steemittarot for your awesome support.

You're very welcome, @sunscape!

Thank you BeautyFull 💕


You are most welcome my dear friend. Sending love to you and your forest. Have a wonderful holiday season full of high vibes. xoxoxo

ooh. the travel, now downtime then possibly Arizona this Jan. tbd.. Thanks for spread!

Oh, how nice for you, enjoy that nice warm weather.