Jungle Muscle Brotherly Love For The Win

in tarzan •  4 years ago 

This screenshot motivational poster is Pro-Fernando, Pro-Init-Init, Pro-Bernardo Carpio, Pro-George of the Jungle, Pro-Basuli, Pro-Tarzan, Pro-Maugli, Pro-Fernando x George x Basuli in the BroT3 sense, Pro-Init-Init x Tarzan in the BroTP sense, Pro-Bernardo x Maugli in the BroTP, and it basically shows my love for Fernando, Init-Init, Bernardo, George, Basuli, Tarzan, and Maugli as a septet of sexy, handsome, muscular, virile jungle brothers who love each other to bits. So, sit back, relax, and soak in Fernando's, Init-Init's, Bernardo's, George's, Basuli's, Tarzan's, and Maugli's virile, handsome, sexy, spectacular, tight, and muscular brand of brotherhood. Furthermore, this is my contribution to this year's Red Ribbon Reviewers' month. Awareness Ribbons - Red

It says a lot when seven wild jungle men with muscles of steel, the combat prowess of a pride of lions, and the fierceness of leopards can also be capable of loving each other to bits as endearing, sweet, and adorable brothers. Whether I like the dynamics of Fernando, Init-Init, and Bernardo as well as George, Basuli, and Tarzan being akin to triplets, with the former being the eldest set and the latter being the younger set, complete with Maugli as the baby of the family or mix up the dynamics, I can never ever go wrong with these seven sexy jungle brothers.

My favorite combos definitely have to be Fernando x George x Basuli, Init-Init x Tarzan, and Bernardo x Maugli because each of them bears something absolutely endearing and supportive in terms of brotherly relationships.

Fernando, George, and Basuli are known as the super muscle trio, considering the size of their muscles and how much they love bodybuilding and weightlifting. These studs love to lift objects over twice their size and they do it with pride and joy. Furthermore, they live with a lot of honor in their hearts.

Init-Init and Tarzan are the opposites-attract duo because they compliment each other really well, with Init-Init's elegance meshing very well with Tarzan's ruggedness. They even enjoy flexing for each other, touching each others' muscles, wrestling with each other, and giving each other the tightest bear-hugs ever.

Bernardo and Maugli are the nature-loving duo because they both love to meditate in the jungle and they also compliment each other very well, with Bernardo being very protective of Maugli by using his sheer strength and magnificent muscles to make sure that he does not get himself hurt.

Overlooking these combos, these muscular jungle brothers care for each other all the same and it will be that way until the end of time.

I hope you all enjoyed this and I will see you in the next submission. Take care, stay safe, and Happy Holidays, everybody.

Fernando from Doodle of Doom belongs to Nelson Caliguia Jr. and Jason Confesor.

Bernardo Carpio and Init-Init from Psicom Philippine Legends belong to Reginald Ting, Jim Jimenez, and Gilbert Monsanto.

George of the Jungle belongs to Jay Ward.

Basuli and Tarzan from The Legend of Tarzan belong to Edgar Rice Burroughs and Disney.

Maugli from The Adventures of Mowgli belong to Rudyard Kipling, Roman Davydov, Leonid Belokurov, and Soyuzmultifilm.
Jungle Muscle Brotherly Love For The Win.jpg

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