[Culinary -02] - Lab Coffee - Diponegoro - a Cozy Place You Should Try

in tasteem •  6 years ago  (edited)


It was a bright morning, when I have to come to Kimia Farma Laboratory - Diponegoro, Bandung, for picking up the result of several medical test that had been carried out by my father due to his illness.

I parked my car in the parking area of this laboratory and then realised that there is something new here.

Pagi itu cerah banget ketika aku melaju perlahan memasuki halaman Laboratorium Kimia Farma yang terletak di Jalan Diponegoro, Bandung. Keperluan pagi itu adalah untuk mengambil hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium si ayah.

Ada yang baru terlihat jelas di depan mata. Atau ini sudah lama ada, tapi akunya aja yang enggak tau? Entahlah.

Yeah, there is a cafe here, next door to the Kimia Farma Laboratory, called Lab Coffee, as shown in the picture below.It seem that this coffee is a new coffee shop as the alternative for the Customer of Kimia Farma.

Kafe ini begitu menarik perhatian, dan pastinya menjadi solusi bagi orang-orang yang bosan menanti di dalam lab. Seperti aku, misalnya.

lab coffee.jpg

It looks great. It will be good to stop by, having a cup of coffee or hot chocolate there while waiting for the result from the laboratory. I can do some online works here, in the cafe.

I went into the lab coffee, and feeling so happy to see the decoration there. It's a small place with minimalist style but cozy.

Tak menunggu lama, aku yang memang sedang butuh tempat untuk membuka laptop karena ada yang harus diutak-atik guna dikirim ke klien, jelas tak membuang kesempatan ini, donk!

Dan di dalamnya? Waah, walau tempatnya kecil namun dekorasinya yang minimalis bikin hati tenang dan nyaman! Lihat, deh!

The wooden chairs set look so pretty, don't they? It will be lovely to sit there and have some talk with friends or colleagues.

Kursi kayu dan paduan mejanya terlihat begitu cantik, ya? Pasti asyik banget deh jika duduk-duduk cantik sambil berbincang dengan teman atau rekan sejawat di sini!

lab coffee interior 1.jpg

Or, willing to have a relax position while you have to work on your laptop? Or just for a chit chat with friends? You are most welcome to have a seat at this corner!

Atau pengen duduk santai sembari bekerja di laptop, atau hanya sekedar ingin berbincang-bincang ringan dengan teman-teman? Boleh banget melipir dan rileks di sini, deh!

lab coffee int 2.jpg

Or, you need a bar mode on seat? Another corner is the one you are looking for. Have a look at the picture below! They are look great, don't they?
lab coffee int 3.jpg

The Menus.

The uniqueness of this cafe is, it doesn't have a hardcopy of the menus, but the menu shown on the gadget as a soft copy version. The waitress will give you the gadget to see the menus when you want to make an order.

Uniknya di kafe ini, kita tidak disodori menu dalam bentuk hardcopy oleh waitressnya, melainkan sebuah menu yang tersimpan di gadget, yang diberikan oleh waitress saat kita akan mengorder minuman atau pun makanan.

Menu Cortado.png

Looks so delicious, ya?

Cold Black.png

The pictures of the menus belong to Lab Coffee, used here by its permission.

Cold Filter.png

First Aid.png

Cream Chese Chocolate.png

Which one I tried? It seems that all the drinks available on the menu are delicious!

Pasti penasaran kan daku coba yang mana? Haha

I tried the one called 2ND Aid. A 25 K rupiahs double shots espresso on the rocks, mixed with vanilla creamy milk. It is for you who love sweet cold drink! It has a good taste! Creamy yummy yeaayy!!

Karena aku adalah penyuka minuman dingin yang manis, maka si akang menyarankan agar aku mencoba minuman yang dinamai dengan 2nd aid. Ini, nih! Rasanya enak, loh! Creamy yummy.

2nd aid.jpg

Is this cafe only serve for drinks? No meals?

Haha. Of course it also has food/meals. But not the heavy one!

Look at this menu!

lab coffee beverage-1.jpg

Hm, not bad lah, ya? I love the sandwitch so much! Also the Sausages! Hey, I love the french fries, too! Lol.

Menu makanannya, walau bukan makanan berat ala Indonesia, tapi cukup menarik lah, ya? Aku tuh suka banget dengan sandwitch-nya, etapi, suka juga dengan sosisnya, deh. Eits, kujuga suka dengan french friesnya, loh! Haha.

Well, hanging out here is really a good option for me. The cafe's atmosphere is calm and comfortable, since it located in the yard of a laboratory. Of course noise are not allowed. Its good for us who need a space to work while having a drink or meal as well!

Menurutku, bersantai di kafe ini sangatlah menyenangkan. Suasananya tenang dan nyaman, jauh dari suara brisik, mungkin karena lokasinya yang terletak sehalaman dengan laboratorium, tentu ketenangan adalah hal utama.

The Price/Harga

According to me, the price for drinks or meals here are affordable.

Harga-harga yang tertera pada daftar menu, menurutku sih cukup terjangkau.

I will happily set this corner as a meeting point as well as a meeting venue, when I have to meet and have a talk with a colleague, or.., if I have to work online and need to stay around Diponegoro street.

Hangout di kafe ini sungguh menyenangkan, dan aku dengan senang hati akan menjadikannya sebagai meeting point atau sebagai tempat hangout sekaligus chitchat dengan teman atau pun kolega. Juga, tempat ini, bagiku cocok banget bagi kita yang suka kerja online.

I recommend this corner for you as well! :)

Aku rekom banget, nih, tempat ini bagi kalian juga, loh!

Screenshot 2018-08-22 00.43.51.png

All the pictures without @alaikaabdullah watermark belong to Lab Coffee, used here by its permission.

The pictures with watermark "@alaikaabdullah" of course, belong to myself. :)

Al, Bandung, 22 August 2018

Restaurant Information

Lab Coffee
Bandung, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia

[Culinary -02] - Lab Coffee - Diponegoro - a Cozy Place You Should Try
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