Tahu Telur - fried tofu egg (炸豆腐蛋)

in tasteem •  6 years ago  (edited)


Hello friends! Today i would like to introduce one of East Javanese authentic food, tahu telur. Actually the main ingredient of it is tofu and also egg which fried together, and usually it is completed with rice cake, beansprout, cucumber and also fried chips. And the authentic one is the sauce which has special shrimp paste as the main ingredient. The paste usually tasted so tasty, delicious, savory and a bit sweet.

The tahu telor stall was located in Dapuraya area, LG floor of Pasaraya Blok M - South Jakarta. At front, we should buy the card to pay the food that we want to eat by cash and it could be rufundable.
The food court
They had many foodstalls here

The dining area



it was large and clean, and also not too crowded

Here was the food stall where tahu telur was sold


How the seller processed it


And here was the tahu telur



The flavor
usually tahu telur has the special paste with shrimp paste as its authentic, but i couldn't taste it here. It was only savory peanut sauce. I was a bit dissapointed about it, cause once i ate here and the tahu telur had been really delicious. It also served with rice cake, beansprout and fried chips but no cucumber.

Tahu telur Kak Rara
Pasaraya Grande
Iskandarsyah Street
South Jakarta
open daily 10 am - 10 pm

Restaurant Information

Tahu Telor Kak Rara
Jl. Iskandarsyah II, RT.3/RW.1, Melawai, Kec. Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12160, Indonesia

Tahu Telur - fried tofu egg (炸豆腐蛋)
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Thank you for entering our <Local Dishes> Contest . Thanks to @devyleona, Tasteem has become a more attractive guide. We upvote your post, wish you the best of luck in winning our Contest!


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Oh my God @delyleona your post about Tahu Telur makes me drooling right now...
makanan favorite High School time while I was still in Malang.

wah kamu sekolah di malang. aku kebetulan lama di surabaya, 12 tahun @gotlius.. sayangnya tahu telur ini kurang enak, kalo di surabaya banyak banget yg enak

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loh sama sama pernah tinggal di East Java toh...
Aku sampe SMA di Malang, habis itu di Batam. Sampe akhirnya ngungsi ke Canada 😂😂
Kurang enak ya? wah kalo di Malang sama Surabaya enak banget, karena memang khas East Java kali ya..😁😆

bener banget yg ini kurang enak. tapi ada jg 1 depot kecil di jakarta yg berasa banget masakan east javanya lo, di ciledug @gotlius :) u should try to eat there

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Oh really? wah nanti pas pulang ke Indo kek nya harus ketemuan sama kamu biar bisa culiner bareng 😆😅

bole2 aja.. km jg msti coba MRT dan LRT jg disini :)

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@gotlius have u ever eaten tahu telur?

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Se ve delicioso

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si. gracias

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Interesting... I've never really tried Tofu before

thanks. you should try it then

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I wonder if there is a recipe for this. It looks so delicious.

thanks :) i think many recipes of this spreaded online, maybe you could try

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I will 👌

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great :)

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