Selamat menikmati tekwan khas palembang

in tasteem •  7 years ago 



Bahan tekwan :

  1. Ikan giling 1kg
  2. Air mineral 350 ml
  3. Garam 1 sendok makan penuh
  4. Gula 1 sendok penuh
  5. Minyak sayur 1 sendok
  6. 2 putih telur
  7. Sagu 650 gram

Bahan Bumbu tekwan :

  1. Bawang putih 150 gram
  2. Bawang merah 5 butir
  3. Kayumanis 1/2 cm
  4. Cengkeh 2 butir
  5. Lada butiran 1 sendok makan datar jgn penuh
  6. Udang cincang 200 gram

Bahan pelengkap :

  1. Sohun 1 bungkus
  2. Daun bawang 2 helai
  3. Daun seledri 5 helai
  4. Jamur kuping 5 keping
  5. Bengkuang 1 buah ukuran sedang
  6. Bawang Goreng secukupnya
  7. Bunga sedap malam 3 helai bunga
  8. Mentimun yang dicacah kasar

CARA MEMASAK Pentolan Tekwan :

  1. Campurkan 1 kg ikan giling dengan 350 ml air mineral
  2. Aduk sampai rata dan kalis
  3. Setelah kalis masukkan 1 sendok minyak dan 1 sendok gula aduk rata
  4. Gula pengganti MSG
  5. Setelah tercampur dengan rata baru dimasukkan dengan garam 1 sendok penuh
  6. Masukkan putih telur 2 butir aduk rata
  7. Campur dengan cermat adonan sampai kalis sebelum dicampur sagu karena kalau sudah tercampur sagu adonan tidak boleh terlalu banyak ditekan-tekan
  8. Campurkan adonan dengan 650 gram sagu secara merata
  9. Bentuk tekwan dengan cara disentil memakai jari secara miring dipinggir baskom atau nampan adonan
  10. Masukkan pentolan tekwan dalam air mendidih yang sebelumnya telah diberi minyak
  11. Bila pentolan tekwan mengambang dan kembung angkat dan sudah siap.

Cara Memasak Bumbu tekwan :

  1. Haluskan bawang putih, bawang merah,lada,pala
  2. Memarkan kayumanis dan cengkeh
  3. Sangrai udang yang telah dicincang dengan api sedang
  4. Tumis bumbu diatas dengan minyak sayur yang sudah panas sampai tercium wangi
  5. Campurkan udang yang telah disangrai kedalam tumisan bumbu sampai rata
  6. Masukkan bumbu yang telah ditumis kedalam 3 liter air mendidih
  7. Campurkan juga jamur kuping,bunga sedap malam,bengkoang yang telah diiris seperti stik
  8. Bila telah mendidih agak lama masukkan pentolan tekwan sekitar 10 menit
  9. Sebelum dimatikan masukkan irisan daun bawang
  10. Sajikan dalam mangkok lengkapi dengan campuran sohun,daun seledri,bawang goreng,timun dan cabai halus serta kecap manis
  11. Selamat menikmati tekwan khas palembang

Layanan konsultasi pempek,tekwan,model,celimpungan dan laksan bisa hubungi saya di 081994970044 FB Kartini Sari

Bahan tekwan :

  1. Minced fish 1kg
  2. Mineral water 350 ml
  3. Salt 1 full tablespoon
  4. Sugar 1 spoon full
  5. Vegetable oil 1 spoon
  6. 2 egg whites
  7. Sago 650 grams

Marinade ingredients tekwan :

  1. Garlic 150 grams
  2. Red onion 5 grains
  3. Cinnamon 1/2 cm
  4. Cloves 2 eggs
  5. Pepper granules 1 tablespoon flat don't full
  6. Chopped shrimp 200 grams

Supplementary materials :

  1. Vermicelli 1 packet
  2. Chives 2 strands
  3. Celery leaves 5 strands
  4. Mushroom 5 pieces
  5. Yam 1 medium size fruit
  6. Fried onions to taste
  7. Flower 3 strands flower
  8. Cucumber chopped coarse

HOW to COOK Frontman Tekwan :

  1. Mix 1 kg minced fish with 350 ml of mineral water
  2. Stir until blended and smooth
  3. After proofing, add in 1 spoon oil and 1 spoon of sugar mix well
  4. Sugar substitutes MSG
  5. Once mixed with the average new put with salt 1 spoon full
  6. Enter the egg whites 2 eggs mix well
  7. Mix carefully to a dough until smooth before mixed sago because when it's mixed with sago batter should not be too much pressed-press
  8. Mix the dough with 650 grams of sago evenly
  9. Form tekwan with how disentil wear fingers are tilting alongside a basin or tray of dough
  10. Enter frontman tekwan in the boiling water which previously has been given the oil
  11. When frontman tekwan floating and bloating of the lift and was ready.

How to Cook Marinade tekwan :

  1. Puree garlic, onion,pepper,nutmeg
  2. Crushed cinnamon and cloves
  3. Roasted shrimp that have been chopped up with medium heat
  4. Saute the above with a vegetable oil that is already hot until it smells good.
  5. Mix the shrimp that have been roasted into the stir-fry seasoning until smooth
  6. Enter the seasoning that has been sauteed into 3 liters of boiling water
  7. Mix well mushroom,flower,yam that has been sliced like sticks
  8. When it has been boiling a bit long enter frontman tekwan about 10 minutes
  9. Before it is turned off enter the sliced leeks
  10. Serve in a bowl complete with a mixture of vermicelli,celery leaves,fried onions,cucumber and chili smooth and sweet soy sauce
  11. Enjoy tekwan khas palembang

LET's Try in the kitchen have heard that one it make family get-togethers and cheerful hehehe.....GOOD LUCK

Restaurant Information


Selamat menikmati tekwan khas palembang
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