in tastem •  5 years ago  (edited)


Dear Steemians,

Hari Sabtu banyak anggota keluarga di rumah, karena banyak yang libur rutinitas mingguan dan suasana mataharipun sedikit mendung, dan hujanpun sudah mulai turun rintik-rintik kecil. Sepertinya tubuh perlu ditambah dengan sedikit makanan yang dapat menghangatkan badan, untuk menjaga tubuh tetap sehat dan hangat pada hari ini.

Hari ini kami mencoba memasak Sop Buntut Resep khas Aceh Warisan Leluhur tempo dulu. Adapun bahan yang perlu dipersiapkan adalah sebagai berikut :

  • 3 kg Buntut Sapi, dipotong-potong
  • 3 buah wartel ukuran sedang
  • 3 buah kentang ukuran besar
  • daun seledri dan daun bawang prey
  • kapu laga, Cengkeh, bunga lawang
    dan kayu manis.

Bumbu Halus :

  • 9 siung bawang putih
  • 15 siung bawang merah
  • 1 ruas Jahe
  • 2 sendok teh merica butir
  • 1 sendik teh jintan
  • garam secukupnya
  • 1 buah jeruk nipis dan asam jawa
  • 3 sendok makan minyak makan
    untuk menumis
    Semua bumbu diatas digiling atau diblender sampai halus.



  • Cuci bersih Tulang dan lumuri
    garam, peras air jeruk nipis dan
    asam jawa. Lalu biarkan selama
    1 Jam.

  • Rebus tulang buntut sapi, lalu
    buang air rebusan pertama,
    kemudian tambahkan air dan rebus
    kembali selama setengah Jam.

  • Masukkan wartel dan kentang,
    kalau sudah masak wartel dan
    kentangnya, tambahkan daun
    bawang dan seledri.

  • Panaskan minyak dalam wajan dan
    tumis kapulaga, cengkeh, bunga
    Lawang, kayu manis sampai harum
    Setelah itu masukkan bumbu halus
    dan tumis sampai harum.

  • Masukkan bumbu tumis tersebut
    kedalam rebusan tulang.

  • Jangan lupa di rasa

  • Siang dihidangkan.

Hai Steemian semua
Kali ini saya ingin membagikan sedikit informasi tentang pengaruh
Bumbu rempah dalam kuliner setiap madakan Aceh, mungkin hal ini sebabkan Aceh tempo dulu yang dipengaruhi oleh pedagang Arab, Gujarat India, Persia, sehingga bumbu masakannya mirip dengan pedagang tersebut.

Hampir setiap bumbu dan rempah
kuliner Aceh ada bumbu dan rempah wajib seperti :

  • Daun Kari atau Koja atau orang
    Aceh menyebutnya daun Teumeurui
  • Cengkeh
  • Asam Sunti
  • Bunga Lawang atau Pekak
  • Kayu Manis
  • Jintan
  • Kapulaga
  • Adas

Selamat menikmati dimusim penghujan seperti sekarang ini.


Dear Steemians,

Saturday many family members at home, because many are on a weekly routine and the sun is a little cloudy, and the rain has begun to fall small. Looks like the body needs to be added with a little food that can warm the body, to keep the body healthy and warm today.

Today we tried to cook Acehnese Sop Buntut Recipe from the ancient Aceh Heritage of the Ancestors. The materials that need to be prepared are as follows:

  • 3 kg oxtail, cut into pieces
  • 3 medium sized pieces
  • 3 large potatoes
  • celery and prey leeks
  • kapu fight, cloves, star anise
    and cinnamon.

Ground spices :

  • 9 cloves of garlic
  • 15 cloves of onion
  • 1 segment of Ginger
  • 2 teaspoons of pepper grains
  • 1 caraway of cumin tea
  • salt to taste
  • 1 lime and tamarind
  • 3 tablespoons of eating oil
    for sauteing
    All the above spices are ground or blended until smooth.


  • Clean wash bones and coat
    salt, squeeze lime juice and
    tamarind. Then leave for 1 hour.

  • Boil oxtail, then poop first stew,
    then add water and boil
    back for half an hour.

  • Put in the wartel and potatoes,
    when you are already making.
    phone shops and the potatoes, add
    the leaves onions and celery.

  • Heat oil in a skillet and
    stir-fried cardamom, cloves, flowers
    Lawang, cinnamon until fragrant
    After that, add the spices
    and saute until fragrant.

  • Enter the saute seasoning
    into bone stew.

  • Don't forget the taste

  • Afternoon served.

Hi Steemian all
This time I want to share a little information about influence
Spices in culinary every moment Aceh, maybe this is because Aceh was influenced by Arab traders, Gujarat India, Persia, so that the spices are similar to those traders.

Almost every seasoning and spice
Aceh culinary there must be spices and herbs such as:

  • Curry leaves or Koja or people
    Aceh calls it the Teumeurui leaf
  • Cloves
  • Sunti Acid
  • Lawang or deaf flowers
  • Cinnamon
  • Cumin
  • Cardamom
  • Fennel

Enjoy the rainy season like now.

Lhokseumawe, February 23, 2020

BY: @almazzhr

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Hmmmmm yummy........😍😍
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