Body Ink is Soul Ink ~ A philosophically stimulated psycho-logic

in tattoo •  8 years ago  (edited)

"From sperm to spirit" as Mother would say.
tattoo eld eye.jpg

The everlasting separatory instinct called conception.
The emergence through the veil of every-nothingness.
'Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number -
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you -
Ye are many - they are few.'
[Percy Bysshe Shelley - The Mask of Anarchy -]

He rose as the WA~
Twas the inner rebellion that prompted his creators to drastically change the boy's environment. These tricksters easily conceived him to board a plane west as he'd prefer anything compared to the New York public school system.

The Gilson Mountain range of Utah was the stage of his Skyline Journey, a wilderness program that once thrived of course before the unfortunate adolescent deaths that led to the program's closing. [;wap2]

The rigorous yet rewarding character building few months of waking with the sun, hiking the days away and sleeping under the stars catalyzed the transformation from - he who was owned by the state, to he who is Watching Antelope.

As the orange orb set over the last desert evening he stood circled with his peers. Surrounded by other adolescent Skyline 'clients' and his creators, the program director held a snubbed sage bundle high above his head with eyes closed and softly sang something beautifully in Ute. The pleasant smell of sage saturated the circle, lingering breezelessly.
"Watching Antelope" he said firmly.

DMT more commonly known as N,N-Dimethyltryptamine is the shortest lasting, most powerful psychedelic experience known to man. The molecule is the centerpiece of this peculiar flesh canvas as one of its residents, the transcendental elf jester is so happy to point out.
The fiery radiance stemming from the Watching Antelope's third eye or pineal gland rightfully pedestals the molecule to center stage. In short, the DMT flash allows one to "pierce beyond the veil of cultural illusion", as the late great Terence Mckenna would stress.

The geometric Egyptian, Giza plateau is a testament to how we are 'species with amnesia' as Graham Hancock has wonderfully put. Please treat yourself to his amazing books Fingerprints of the Gods, and Magicians of the Gods

You will learn so much about the fascinating correlation between the stars and megalithic structures on this planet. The green/yellow galactic swirl houses the constellation Orion which mirrors this pyramidal site at Giza to precision in relation to the great year, a 25,800 year cycle known as the precession of the equinoxes
Behind the Watching Antelope emblem, is a mathematically precise array of fractaling Bismuth crystals, a perfect physical representation of how the DMT trip unfolds behind closed eyelids and evolves into a life of its own. With in this constant unfolding of unity a fork in the road is met where the first bifurcation takes place.

It's tough to explain what it is like to subdivide from one omega point of energy into two complete opposite forms.
Describing a DMT experience in words is difficult. Imagen transforming from the entire ocean into one drop in three minutes.
Rumi — 'You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.'

This ever-dividing energy flows outward toward the sunset and upward into the dark sky flowing into the moon phases, to represent the cycle of the self.

Solipsism - the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.

This is Kittle, keeper of the cosmic sand.
Cats... digital cats... transcendental light creatures performing impossible miracles behind my closed eyes. The felionoids answering my questions with light. Something like a live Escher painting though the vividly colorful kaleidoscopic explosions do their best to astonish and distract.

Shortly after exhaling 50mg of DMT freebase the subject will experience a mergence with what seems to be of the first intelligence. This connection yields a deep understanding of the the self and its relation to the present reality. In essence, it allows you to remain aware of how precious this ephemeral lifespan we have now is, in comparison to the greater picture. Not to mention how special each and everyone of us is.. because we are us. It Is-Us.


I've painted this in the effort to capture what I've just described in the least psychedelic way possible.
The Is-Us ~ 36"x48" Arcylic on Canvas
The Is-Us.jpg

My elbow is packed with black ink which represents the abyss in which I've pulled myself out of. DMT has cured me from sever depression, mental illness and self medicated substance abuse.

I owe my life to the work I've done with this molecule. I owe my soul! which in this piece of art flows from the molecule on and through the portal to its higher self.

I chose Alex Grey's Dying for the apex of my arm because of the many years I spent prowling and networking CoSM, Chapel of the Sacred Mirrors, Alex and Alyson's home in Wappingers Falls New York, a gateway to help discover the kingdom of God within.

Go forth with love and light, and manifest your reality!

Artwork - Matt Emel
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Beautifully written.