Exams, turning 18 and coming out! My 2017 wrapped up

in tattoo •  7 years ago  (edited)

Let’s be honest, 2017 was a pretty shit year, but there were positives, and those are the ones I’m going to focus on today! So without further rambling, here are some of my 2017 achievements, month by month.

January: I dyed my hair bright green, because being normal is boring.


February: I finally got my lip pierced! After wanting to do it for over 3 years.

March: I passed my oral exam in Spanish.

April: I went to Spain with my family, and actually climbed a mountain?!

Put on some sunglasses bc I dunno if they want this picture online :)

May: I had my written Spanish exams, and I managed to get grade 6 (out of 7) on them, go me!

June: I finished my first year of the IB, which is an achievement in itself. Oh, and I also went to Scotland!

July: I spent a glorious time in Spain with some of my dearest friends (Both June and July actually).

Again, dunno if they wanna show their face. Editing on point though

August: I went to a free concert with my bestfriend to see 5 Seconds of Summer, and we ended up on the second row!!

Amazing picture taken by my bestfriend

September: I came out as trans to my closest friends, and it was received very well, (they weren’t surprised, lol).

October: I came out as trans to my brother and parents, and it wasn’t as well received… My brother was okay with it, but my parents still call me she and use my birth name. They probably just need some time, I know I did.

November: I survived what we in the IB call ”Black November”, which means I managed to hand in all my assignments without freaking completely out.

December: First of all, I passed both my oral exams (Norwegian and English), and second of all, I finally got my first tattoo! Oh, and I also turned 18, which means I’m finally legal, wooh!


So those were some of my achievements last year, both big and small, because everything matters :) Let’s make 2018 a better year!!

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Hello sir! Fun photos and interesting life! I wonder, if i had a group that was for supporting women but we also allowed guys, would you br interested to join? Its on discord.

I don't have discord, but I would happily join if allowed yes :)