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in tattoos •  6 years ago  (edited)

My Take On Tats

This May Hurt


Before I go off here I just want to say that I have friends and family who have tattoos, okay? I am not criticizing everyone who has one or more tattoos. My comments will be more about the cultural shift that has lead to their popularity ... and why that bothers me. So, keep things in perspective, stay frosty, and let's proceed cautiously. Oh, and if you want a good laugh, then just Bing "misspelled tattoos."

The whole idea behind tattoos is for others to see it, right? Even if it is in a private place, the intention is that at least that one special person will see it. So, isn't the mere existence of them sort of vain? "Look at me! Aren't I" fill in the blank: sexy, cool, hip, bad ass, deep, etc. It sort of reminds me of a decorated general who has a lot of fancy medals and colors on his uniform. Most tats (not all) also convey some sort of meaning, but honestly, what would the point be in getting a tattoo that no one will ever see?

When I was a kid, I had no idea that, once I grew up, I would find how non impressive most adults are. I know teenagers are pretty dumb, especially these days, but I was always under the misnomer that grown ups, by and large, really had their shit together. It turns out that many grown ass people are just as impulsive, just as bereft of self-awareness, and just as susceptible to fads and trends.

I am old enough to remember when the only people who had tats were either in the navy, savage warriors, criminals, or pirates. I have to admit that when I am at the public pool surrounded by tons of people roughly my age, it is somewhat disconcerting to be the only one there not riddled from head to toe with tats. It seems that either everyone has one or wants to get one. This goes for my mother, my kids, and just about everybody. I honestly do not understand the allure. I sincerely want to know what it is about tats that make them so desired.


I guess I can see getting a little one on the ankle or wrist, but why do so many people cover their bodies with this shit? And it is permanent shit too! Oh, I know tattoo removal is gaining steam, but still. That's another thing, apparently there is a ton of regret out there now and tat removal has become a thing. Didn't these knuckleheads think this through before they did it? Isn't it interesting how fads spread and take hold of us? Monkey see monkey do.


I also believe that this dumb 'cannot judge' movement is also to blame, which says a person can literally do anything they want to themself, and a truly enlightened person will not judge them. I am with Adam Carolla on this one - we definitely need more judging in our society.

Progressives never think things through. My left brain's first question is always, "Where does this stop?" Whether it is global warming (btw what is the optimal temperature? what should it be?), minimum wage (why stop at $15 per hour, why not $50?), or judging ... at some point it becomes a bad idea if not thoroughly thought through. Without judgement things can get out of hand fast. Shame can be a powerful motivator, even with crazy people.

Think about it, no one wants to be regarded as silly looking or lame, right? Do not most people get tats because they think it makes them look cool? Like I said already, the whole idea of painting yourself is for others to see it even if it is in an inconspicuous place - the wearer still wants someone to see it at some point. The problem is escalation. Now there are tongue and eye tattoos.


Regular tats are too common now and are not radical enough to bestow the different label on someone, so now idiots like Catt Gallinger or Nadine Bruna are fucking up their eyesight because rather than do something substantive to be unique they just do stupid shit like this.

Before marking your body, be honest with yourself as to why you want to get one. If you are doing it to impress others, then don't. Be special or unique by getting an advanced degree, writing a book, or accomplishing something remarkable, but dying your hair puke green or painting your skin with permanent marking seems pretty superficial to me. Make the world better somehow, become an upstanding member of society, invent or create something no one has before, or cure something. Do not take the much easier route of simply sitting in a chair and letting someone else, who actually has a skill, paint on you.

I do acknowledge that there are exceptions of course (it ticks me off whenever I have to say that). Some people get a tattoo to cover a scar. Some in the military get them to honor someone or some thing. Some have them because it was put on them involuntarily during WII. I am obviously not referring to them. As a natural non conformist I have never seen the appeal of fads. In fact, I actively avoid them exactly because they are popular. I understand that Homo sapiens are a social species, but I think a healthy dose of individualism does a body good. And remember one other thing ... no one puts a bumper sticker on a Lamborghini.

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You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

I am with Adam Carolla on this one - we definately need more judging in our society.
It should be definitely instead of definately.

thank you!

I just posted one of my best blogs yet, a story about all of my tattoos. Perhaps you would enjoy taking a look.
I will leave the link below for you if you so choose to follow it :


will do, thank you.